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The Inventors Guide

R & D and Commercialization

There are many programs and services to assist companies in developing and adapting new technologies.

British Columbia
British Columbia Programs

Science Council of B.C. This link leaves our Web site
Supports innovation applications of science and technology by providing small to medium enterprises with access to capital to support preliminary development.

Alberta Programs

Agriculture Value-Added Corporation (AVAC Ltd.) This link leaves our Web site
An Alberta-based non-profit corporation that provides financial assistance for feasibility studies and prototype development leading to commercialization of agriculture value-added products and services. AVAC Ltd. invests in companies in exchange for a future royalty. Eligible costs include patents, labor, materials and pre-production costs.

Alberta Agriculture, Food & Rural Development –
Centre for Agri-Industrial Technology (CAIT)
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Can assist with research and collaborative research to help with processing technologies and equipment, standards and regulations, planning a plant, engineering support and more.

Alberta Ingenuity Fund This link leaves our Web site
A competitive program targeted at universities and students that supports research in science and engineering.

Alberta Innovation and Science This link leaves our Web site
Includes leading research and development (R & D) organizations such as Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research, Alberta Oil Sands Technology & Research Authority, Agricultural Research Institute and others.

Alberta Research Council Inc. This link leaves our Web site
Develops and commercializes technology for customers. Performs applied research and development on a contract basis or co-venture to develop new technologies.

Calgary Technologies Inc. & Calgary Innovation Centre This link leaves our Web site
Non-profit organization assists with technology commercialization and incubation; CIC creates partnerships between life sciences innovators and the venture capital community.

CETAC-WEST This link leaves our Web site
A non-profit corporation based in Calgary and Saskatoon that provides services to businesses engaged in the development and commercialization of new environmental technologies.

Edmonton Capital Region Innovation Centre This link leaves our Web site
Assists emerging knowledge-based businesses to access the skills and resources needed to commercialize products.

The InnoCentre This link leaves our Web site
A non-profit company that provides business development assistance in exchange for an equity position in innovative technology companies commercializing new technology.

in Technology, Calgary
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Introduces established and emerging technology companies to a network of counselling, technical, financial and business assistance services.

Saskatchewan Programs

Saskatchewan Research Council Inc. This link leaves our Web site
Develops and commercializes technology for customers. Performs applied research and development on a contract basis or co-venture to develop new technologies.

Manitoba Programs

Canada-Manitoba Business Service Centre This link leaves our Web site
The centre provides links to R & D resources for small businesses.

National Programs

Canada Customs and Revenue Agency - Scientific Research and Experimental Development Program
Thirty-five per cent (35%) refundable tax credits are available for funds spent on R&D. The company must be Canadian. Eligible costs are basic research or experimental development such as engineering, computer programming, etc. Visit the Web site for dates of informational seminars, program guidelines, application forms and more.
http://www.ccra-adrc.gc.ca This link leaves our Web site

Canadian Innovation Centre
Provides idea assessments, technology and software assessments, and market research for a small fee.
http://www.innovationcentre.ca This link leaves our Web site

Industry Canada - Aboriginal Business Canada Innovations Program
For businesses with a majority Aboriginal ownership and are involved in innovation and/or using innovative technology. This program provides up to $75,000 (non-repayable) for businesses to develop new products and processes.
http://abc-eac.ic.gc.ca This link leaves our Web site

Industry Canada - Technology Partnerships Canada
For companies further along in the R & D process and/or those requiring larger sums of money than the Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP). Covers about 30% of costs.
http://tpc.ic.gc.ca This link leaves our Web site
Other useful Industry Canada sites:
http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/epic/internet/inlsg-pdsv.nsf/vwGeneratedInterE/Home This link leaves our Web site

National Research Council
Provides R&D facilities, expertise and technology.
http://www.nrc.ca This link leaves our Web site

National Research Council - Canadian Technology Network
Non-profit, government organization that links technological resources to serve businesses better.
http://ctn.nrc.ca/ This link leaves our Web site

National Research Council - Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)
Consists of twenty-three industrial technology advisors who feed information to companies. Provides funding for small projects and larger, long-term projects that provide a substantial benefit to Canadians. Helpful for companies in the early stages of R & D.
http://www.nrc.ca/irap This link leaves our Web site