Yukon Workers Compensation Health and Safety Board | Commission de la santé et de sécurité au travail du Yukon

Worker Information

Workers' compensation is an employer-funded insurance system that has protected Canadian workers and employers since the early 1900s.

Under the system, workers with work-related injuries or illnesses give up the right to sue employers and co-workers. (There is one exception:  for motor vehicle accidents.) In return, workers receive guaranteed compensation which can cover lost wages, health care and assistance returning to work.

Workers have the right to a safe working environment.  They are also responsible for taking all necessary precautions, using and wearing appropriate safety gear, complying with safety procedures and instructions, reporting hazards and reporting accidents or injuries.

For more information, contact us at worksafe@gov.yk.ca or call (867) 667-5645, or call toll-free at 1-800-661-0443.

Workers' Guide (PDF, 613 KB)