Yukon Workers Compensation Health and Safety Board | Commission de la santé et de sécurité au travail du Yukon

Workplace Safety

Work-related injuries and accidents are preventable.  We all share responsibility for preventing them.  Learn about employers' and supervisors' responsibilities and workers' responsibilities and rights.

Our part in safety is helping you to do your part. We offer services to help with prevention -- including advice, guidance and training.  We provide consultations and inspections at your worksites, pre-project meetings, workshops and courses. 

We also enforce the Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations.

If you have questions about any of these services or about:

  • safety and health regulations,
  • responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act,
  • general safety and health topics, or 
  • reporting an accident or incident,

contact us at: worksafe@gov.yk.ca or at 867 667 5450, toll free 1 800 661 0443, ext. 5450.