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The Commodity Futures Act

Filing Procedures and Minimum Requirements for Registration as a

dot Dealer (Floor Broker)  - Updated August 2004
dot Futures Commission Merchant Updated August 2004
dot Dealer (Merchant) - Updated August 2004
dot Local - Updated August 2004
dot Adviser - Updated September 2005
dot Dealer (Futures Commission Merchant)/Investment Dealer - Updated September 2005

under the Commodity Futures Act.  

The Commodity Futures Act is available at:

Statutory Publications Office
200 Vaughan Street
Winnipeg MB
R3C 1T5

Toll Free in Manitoba: 1.800.321.1203
Phone: 204.945.3101
Fax: 204.945.7172
E-mail: statpub@gov.mb.ca

Please note that the current version of the Act is available on the Statutory Publications Office free electronic site.   See also Commission Rule 2000-11.

Registered Companies and Individuals

Click on the link below to find a list of the companies and individuals registered in Manitoba and the category of their registration.  Last updated November 17, 2006.



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