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In this section you'll find answers to the following questions:

What Policy publications are available and how do I get them?

Who can answer my policy questions?

What are the latest policy updates and clarifications?
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    Policy QuestionsPolicy ConsultationPolicy UpdatesOPMECM

    Get answers to your policy questions, participate in policy consultations and view policy publications on these pages.

    Operational Policy Manual (OPM) and Employer Classification Manual (ECM)
    Our OPM policies and ECM policies are now online, accessible and free. The directory and search functions make navigation easy, while quick links give you related policies for your reference.

    Need more information on the latest word on a policy? Find it here.

    Policy Reports
    Policy Report is the newsletter of our Policy and Research Division. The newsletter describes new and revised policies, and topical policy issues.

    We develop and update policies in accordance with the Act and through consultation with our clients and customers. You'll find information here about consultations for policies and/or policy changes.

    Policy Questions
    Find contacts for answers to your policy questions.
    • Benefits Policy develops policies that deal with issues such as claims entitlement, payment of benefits, health care benefits, and return to work.
    • Revenue Policy deals with who's covered and what classifications (premium rate group) your business is in.
    • Medical and Occupational Disease Policy (MODP) provides scientific, medical, and technical support on issues related to occupational diseases. In addition, the MODP maintains the information system on occupational disease claims for the WSIB.

    Code of Business Ethics
    The WSIB places the highest value on the integrity of the organization and its employees. The core drivers of an ethical organization are people, integrity and commitment. In addition to the Board of Directors, advisors, officers, management, employees, retirees and those on early leave, the WSIB's
    Code of Business Ethics applies to all agents, consultants, independent contractors, business partners and suppliers of the WSIB.

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