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Ressources naturelles Canada
EXTECH IV - Uranium d'Athabasca
.Levés de réflexion sismique à haute résolution (1)
.Géophysique de forage (2)
.Bitumes, hydrocarbures, fluides et diagenèse (3)
.Stratigraphie régionale et détaillée (4)
.Structure du socle régionale et détaillée (5)
.Géophysique aux rayons gamma (6)
.Minéralogie d'argiles (7)
.Co-ordination (8)
.Magnétotellurique (9)
.Levé gravimétrique à haute résolution (10)
.Géochronologie (11)

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 Le développement durable des ressources naturelles
Ressources naturelles Canada > Secteur des sciences de la Terre > Priorités > Le développement durable des ressources naturelles
EXTECH IV: Étude multidisciplinaire d'uranium d'Athabasca
Bulletin 588 de la CGC : Geology and Uranium EXploration TECHnology of the Proterozoic Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan and Alberta

(aussi Saskatchewan Geological Society, Special Publication 17; Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Division, Special Publication 4)

Édité par C.W. Jefferson et G. Delaney, date prévue entre mai et septembre 2006; ~600 p.

Table des matières



  • Unconformity-associated uranium deposits of the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan and Alberta
    C.W. Jefferson, D.J. Thomas, S.S. Gandhi, P. Ramaekers, G. Delaney, D. Brisbin, C. Cutts, P. Portella, et R.A. Olson

Géologie régionale

  • Basement rocks to the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan and Alberta
    C.D. Card, P. Portella, I.R. Annesley, et D. Pan
  • The Wollaston Supergroup, stratigraphy and metallogeny of a Paleoproterozoic Wilson cycle in the Trans-Hudson Orogen, Saskatchewan
    G.M. Yeo et G. Delaney
  • New insights into the geological history of the basement rocks to the western Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan and Alberta
    C.D. Card, R.A. Stern, D. Pan | , et N. Rayner
  • Basement geology in the Alberta portion of the Athabasca Basin: context for the Maybelle River area
    D. Pan | , R.A. Creaser, K. Muehlenbachs, et K. Wheatley
  • Revised geological map and stratigraphy of the Athabasca Group, Saskatchewan and Alberta
    P. Ramaekers, C.W. Jefferson, G.M. Yeo, B. Collier, D.G.F. Long, O. Catuneanu, S. Bernier, B. Kupsch, R. Post, G. Drever, S. McHardy, D. Jiricka, C. Cutts, et K. Wheatley
  • Age, provenance, and regional correlation of the Athabasca Group, Saskatchewan and Alberta, constrained by igneous and detrital zircon geochronology R.H. Rainbird, R.A. Stern, N. Rayner, et C.W. Jefferson
  • Quaternary geology of the eastern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan
    J.E. Campbell

Géologie détaillée

  • Geological and structural features of the Sue C uranium deposit, McClean Lake area, Saskatchewan
    G. Tourigny, D.H. Quirt, N.S.F. Wilson, S. Wilson, G. Breton, et P. Portella
  • Context of the Deilmann orebody, Key Lake mine, Saskatchewan
    S. Harvey et K. Bethune
  • Topographic influences on the sedimentology of the Manitou Falls Formation, eastern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan
    D.G.F. Long
  • Sequence stratigraphy in the western Athabasca Basin of Saskatchewan and Alberta
    B. Collier
  • Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Maybelle River area, western Athabasca Basin, Alberta
    R.T. Post et B.G. Kupsch
  • Environmental significance of oncoids and crypto-microbial laminates from the Late Paleoproterozoic Athabasca Group, Saskatchewan and Alberta
    G.M. Yeo, J.B. Percival, C.W. Jefferson, R. Ickert, et P. Hunt
  • Origin of organic matter in the Proterozoic Athabasca Basin of Saskatchewan and Alberta, and significance to unconformity-associated uranium deposits
    N.S.F. Wilson, L.D. Stasiuk, et M.G. Fowler
  • Depositional age of the Douglas Formation, northern Saskatchewan, determined by Re-Os geochronology
    R.A. Creaser et L.D. Stasiuk
  • Alteration features and geochemical signatures of the Maybelle River uranium zone, Athabasca Basin, Alberta
    B.G. Kupsch et O. Catuneanu

Méthodes géophysiques

  • Seismic methods for uranium exploration: an overview of EXTECH IV seismic studies at the McArthur River mining camp, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan
    D.J. White, Z. Hajnal, B. Roberts, I. Györfi, B. Reilkoff, G. Bellefleur, C. Mueller, S. Woelz, C.J. Mwenifumbo, E. Takács, D.R. Schmitt, D. Brisbin, C.W. Jefferson, R. Koch, B. Powell, et I.R. Annesley
  • Regional seismic signature of the basement and crust beneath the McArthur River mine district, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan
    Z. Hajnal, E. Takács, D.J. White, I. Györfi, B. Powell, et R. Koch
  • High-resolution seismic survey from the McArthur River region: contributions to mapping the complex P2 uranium ore zone, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan
    I. Györfi, Z. Hajnal, D.J. White, E. Takács, B. Reilkoff, I.R. Annesley, B. Powell, et R. Koch
  • Audio-magnetotelluric studies at the McArthur River mining camp and Shea Creek area, northern Saskatchewan
    J.A. Craven, G. McNeice, B. Powell, R. Koch, I.R. Annesley, G. Wood, C.J. Mwenifumbo, M.J. Unsworth, et W. Xiao
  • Magnetic insights into basement geology in the area of McArthur River uranium deposit, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan
    M.D. Thomas et S. McHardy
  • Geological significance of gravity anomalies in the area of McArthur River uranium deposit, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan
    M.D. Thomas et G. Wood

Multidisciplinary integration and interpretation

  • Comparison of lower Athabasca Group stratigraphy among depositional systems, Saskatchewan and Alberta G.M. Yeo, C.W. Jefferson, et P. Ramaekers
  • Sequence stratigraphy, hydrostratigraphy, and mineralizing fluid flow in the Proterozoic Manitou Falls Formation, eastern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan
    E.E. Hiatt et T.K. Kyser
  • Comparison of geophysical, mineralogical, and stratigraphic attributes in drillholes MAC-218 and RL-88, McArthur River uranium camp, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan
    C.J. Mwenifumbo, J.B. Percival, G.R. Bernius, B. Elliott, C.W. Jefferson, K. Wasyliuk, et G. Drever
  • Crandallite-group minerals: host of thorium enrichment in the eastern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan
    C.J. Mwenifumbo et G.R. Bernius
  • Integrated field investigations of airborne radiometric data and drift composition, Nuclear Energy Agency B International Atomic Energy Agency Athabasca test area, Saskatchewan;
    J.E. Campbell, R.A. Klassen, et R.B.K. Shives

CD-ROM à emballage rétrécissable incluant le bulletin

  • Significant unconformity-associated uranium deposits of the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan and Alberta, and selected related deposits of Canada and the world; Commission géologique du Canada, Dossier ouvert 5005, CD-ROM
    S.S. Gandhi
  • Geoscience database, EXTECH IV Athabasca Uranium Multidisciplinary Study, Saskatchewan and Alberta; Open File 5006, CD-ROM.
    W. Slimmon et J. Waters

2002-2003 Activités et Résultats


2006-06-05Avis importants