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EXTECH IV - Uranium d'Athabasca
.Levés de réflexion sismique à haute résolution (1)
.Géophysique de forage (2)
.Bitumes, hydrocarbures, fluides et diagenèse (3)
.Stratigraphie régionale et détaillée (4)
.Structure du socle régionale et détaillée (5)
.Géophysique aux rayons gamma (6)
.Minéralogie d'argiles (7)
.Co-ordination (8)
.Magnétotellurique (9)
.Levé gravimétrique à haute résolution (10)
.Géochronologie (11)

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 Le développement durable des ressources naturelles
Ressources naturelles Canada > Secteur des sciences de la Terre > Priorités > Le développement durable des ressources naturelles
EXTECH IV: Étude multidisciplinaire d'uranium d'Athabasca
Ateliers - discussion 2001

Atelier EXTECH IV (présentations orales) le 25 novembre, 2001, énumées par sous-projet
1a D.J. White et Z. Hajnal;  Sub-Project 1: High Resolution & 3D Seismic Reflection Survey; powerpoint presentation to EXTECH IV partners, distributed internally as part of CD-ROM compilation.
1b Z. Hajnal; Sub-Project 1: Regional Seismic Reflection Survey; Présentation orale aux partenaires d'EXTECH IV.
2 C. J. Mwenifumbo, K.A. Pflug, B.E. Elliot, C.W. Jefferson, R. Koch, J. Robbins et R. Matthews 2001; Multiparamenter borehole geophysical logging at the Shea Creek and McArthur River Projects: New parameters for exploration, stratigraphy and high resolution seismic studies; powerpoint presentation to EXTECH IV partners, distributed internally as part of CD-ROM compilation.
3 L.D. Stasiuk, N.S. Wilson, M.G. Fowler, D. Jiricka, D. Morrison, V. Sopuck, K. Wheatley et G. Zaluski, 2001;  EXTECH IV: Sub-project 3 Status Report on organic-enriched strata, bitumens, pyrobitumens, hydrocarbons and diagenesis in Athabasca Basin, proximal and distal to uranium deposits, powerpoint presentation to EXTECH IV partners;
4a G. Yeo et C.W. Jefferson; Introduction to Sub-Project 4 and 4a: Athabasca Stratigraphy and Sedimentology; Présentation orale aux partenaires d'EXTECH IV.
4b P. Ramaekers; Overview of Athabasca Stratigraphy and Sedimentology; powerpoint presentation to EXTECH IV partners, distributed internally as part of CD-ROM compilation.
4c C.W.Jefferson, J.B. Percival, S. Bernier, C. Cutts, G. Drever, D. Jiricka, D.G.F. Long, S. McHardy, P. Ramaekers et G.M. Yeo; Lithostratigraphy in the Eastern Athabasca Basin - Progress in Year 2; powerpoint presentation to EXTECH IV partners, distributed internally as part of CD-ROM compilation.
4d S. Bernier; Stratigraphy of the Manitou Falls Formation, in the vicinity of the McArthur River Uranium Deposit, Athabasca Basin, using borehole data; powerpoint presentation to EXTECH IV partners, distributed internally as part of CD-ROM compilation.
4e Long, D.G.F., 2001: Architecture of late Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic fluvial strata in the Manitou Falls Formation, in the McClean and Key lakes areas, eastern Athabasca basin, northern Saskatchewan; powerpoint presentation to EXTECH IV partners, distributed internally as part of CD-ROM compilation.
4f B. Collier; Key Lake B.Sc. Study; powerpoint presentation to EXTECH IV partners, distributed internally as part of CD-ROM compilation.
4g G.M. Yeo; Western Athabasca; powerpoint presentation to EXTECH IV partners, distributed internally as part of CD-ROM compilation.
4h B. Collier; Shea Creek M.Sc. Study; powerpoint presentation to EXTECH IV partners, distributed internally as part of CD-ROM compilation.
4i B. Kupsch; Maybelle River M.Sc. Study; powerpoint presentation to EXTECH IV partners, distributed internally as part of CD-ROM compilation.
5a C. Card et D. Pana; Sub-Project 5:  Basement to Western Athabasca Basin; powerpoint presentation to EXTECH IV partners, distributed internally as part of CD-ROM compilation.
5b G. Tourigny; Sub-Project 5a:  Detailed Structural Studies of Athabasca Uranium Deposits; powerpoint presentation to EXTECH IV partners, distributed internally as part of CD-ROM compilation.
6 R. Shives, J. Campbell, M. Fenton; Sub-Project 6 and 6a: Gamma Ray Geophysics & Surficial Geology; Présentation orale aux partenaires d'EXTECH IV.
7 J. Percival; Sub-Project 7: Clay Mineral Studies; powerpoint presentation to EXTECH IV partners, distributed internally as part of CD-ROM compilation.
8 W. Slimmon, Joan Waters et C. W. Jefferson; Sub-Project 8a: GIS Database and Website; Présentation orale aux partenaires d'EXTECH IV.
9 M. Thomas; Sub-Project 10: High Resolution Gravity Surveys; powerpoint presentation to EXTECH IV partners, distributed internally as part of CD-ROM compilation.
11 R. Stern; Sub-Project 11: Geochronology of Uraninite; powerpoint presentation to EXTECH IV partners, distributed internally as part of CD-ROM compilation.

2006-06-05Avis importants