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.EXTECH I: Rusty Lake/Snow Lake, Manitoba
.EXTECH II: Bathurst, N.B.
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Ressources naturelles Canada > Secteur des sciences de la Terre > Priorités > Le développement durable des ressources naturelles
EXTECH: Science et technologie de l'exploration
Economic Geology Monograph 11

Massive Sulphide Deposits of the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, and Northern Maine

Editée par W.D. Goodfellow, S.R. McCutcheon et Jan M. Peter

Disponible en anglais seulement, de la Librairie de la CGC

Table des matières

  • Introduction and History

    • Preface and Introduction
      W.D. Goodfellow, S.R. McCutcheon, and J.F. Slack

    • The Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Canada: history of discovery and evolution of geological models
      S.R. McCutcheon, W. M. Luff, and R.W. Boyle

  • Bedrock Geology, Tectonic Setting and Metamorphism

    • Geology and tectonic history of the Bathurst Mining Camp and its relationship to coeval rocks in southwestern New Brunswick and adjacent Maine - a synthesis (includes a new 1:100,000-scale geology map of the BMC)
      C.R. van Staal, R.A. Wilson, I.R. Fyffe, J.P. Langton, S.R. McCutcheon, N. Rogers, V. McNicoll, and C.E. Ravenhurst

    • Conditions of metamorphism of the main massive sulfide deposits and surrounding host rocks in the Bathurst Mining Camp
      K.L. Currie, C.R. van Staal, J.M. Peter and N. Rogers

    • Lithogeochemistry and paleotectonic setting of the Bald Mountain massive sulfide deposit, northern Maine
      Klaus J. Schulz and R.A. Ayuso

  • Sedimentary Environment and Provenance

    • Provenance and chemical stratigraphy of the sedimentary rocks of the Lower to Middle Ordovician Miramichi, Tetagouche, California Lake and Fournier Groups in northern New Brunswick
      N. Rogers, C.R. van Staal, J.A. Winchester and L.R. Fyffe

    • Ambient marine environment and sediment provenance during formation of massive sulfide deposits of the Bathurst Mining Camp: importance of reduced bottom waters in metal precipitation and sulfide preservation
      W.D. Goodfellow, J.M. Peter, J.A. Winchester, and C.R. van Staal

  • Volcanology, Petrochemistry and Geochronology

    • Volcanology and tectonic setting of the northern Bathurst Mining Camp: Part I - Extension and rifting of the Popelogan Arc
      N. Rogers, C.R. van Staal, V. McNicoll, and R. Theriault

    • Volcanology and tectonic setting of the northern Bathurst Mining Camp: Part II: mafic volcanic constraints on back-arc opening
      N. Rogers and C.R. van Staal

    • U-Pb Geochronology of Ordovician Plutonism, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick
      Vicki J. McNicoll, Joseph B. Whalen, and Richard A. Stern

    • Very deepwater silicic explosive volcanic setting of the Ordovician Bald Mountain massive sulfide deposit, northern Maine
      C.J. Busby, L. Kessel, K.J. Schulz, M.P. Foose and J.F. Slack

  • Massive Sulfide Deposits

    • Geological setting and origin of massive sulfide deposits in the Bathurst Mining Camp - a synthesis
      W.D. Goodfellow and S.R. McCutcheon

    • Geology and genesis of the Caribou deposit, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick
      W.D. Goodfellow

    • Hydrothermal sediments of the Heath Steele Belt, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick 1. mineralogy and mineral chemistry
      J.M. Peter, I.M. Kjarsgaard, and W.D. Goodfellow

    • Hydrothermal sedimentary rocks of the Heath Steele Belt, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick 2. bulk and rare earth element geochemistry and implications for origin
      J.M. Peter, W.D. Goodfellow, and W. Doherty

    • Hydrothermal sediments of the Heath Steele Belt, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick 3. Application of hydrothermal sediment mineralogy and mineral and bulk composition to the exploration for concealed massive sulfide mineralization
      J.M. Peter and W.D. Goodfellow

    • Footwall alteration associated with some massive sulfide deposits in the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick: implications for seafloor hydrothermal mixing processes
      K. Yang, S.D. Scott and W.D. Goodfellow

    • Possible relations of felsic magmas to ore metals in massive sulfide deposits of the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick
      K. Yang and S.D. Scott

    • A tin-tonnage model for the exploration of felsic volcanic-associated massive sulfide deposits: evidence for progressive input of magmatic fluids with increasing contained base metal tonnage
      D.R. Boyle and J.M. Peter

    • The relationship between sulfide banding, sulfide breccias and fluid-assisted sulfide remobilization in the Brunswick No. 12 and Heath Steele orebodies, Bathurst Camp, New Brunswick
      J. de Roo and C.R. van Staal

    • Geologic and structural setting of the Bald Mountain massive sulfide deposit, northern Maine: Cu-Zn-Au-Ag mineralization in a synvolcanic seafloor graben
      M.P. Foose, J.F. Slack, C.J. Busby, K.J. Schulz,.and M.V. Scully

    • Exhalative and subseafloor replacement processes in the formation of the Bald Mountain massive sulfide deposit, northern Maine
      J.F. Slack, M.P. Foose, M.J.K. Flohr, M.V. Scully, and H.E. Belkin

    • Thermal and chemical evolution of ore fluids and massive sulfide mineralization at Bald Mountain, Maine
      N.K. Foley

    • Sulfur isotopic evidence for seafloor mineralizing processes at the Bald Mountain and Mount Chase massive sulfide deposits, northern Maine
      R.R. Seal, II, and G.A. Wandless

    • Pb isotope geochemistry and U-Pb zircon (SHRIMP-RG) ages of the Bald Mountain and Mount Chase massive sulfide deposits, northern Maine: mantle and crustal contributions in the Ordovician
      R.A. Ayuso, J.N. Wooden, N.K. Foley, J.F. Slack, A.K. Sinha and H. Persing

    • Nd-Pb-Sr isotope geochemistry and origin of the Ordovician Bald Mountain and Mount Chase massive sulfide deposits, northern Maine
      R.A. Ayuso and K.J. Schulz

  • Surficial Geology and Geochemistry

    • Quaternary geology of the Bathurst Mining Camp and implications for base metal exploration using drift prospecting
      M. Parkhill and A. Doiron

    • The geochemical and physical properties of till, Bathurst Mining Camp, northern New Brunswick, Canada
      R.A. Klassen

    • Application of lead isotopes to mineral exploration in the Halfmile Lake area, Bathurst, New Brunswick
      A. Hussein, C. Lochner, and K. Bell

    • Preglaicial weathering of massive sulfide deposits in the Bathurst Mining Camp: economic geology, geochemistry, and exploration applications
      D.R. Boyle

    • Processes of metal solution and transport in groundwaters interacting with undisturbed massive sulfide deposits, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick
      M.I. Leybourne and W.D. Goodfellow

    • Interpretation of stream water and sediment geochemistry in the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick: application to mineral exploration
      M.I. Leybourne, D.R. Boyle, and W.D. Goodfellow

    • Conventional and selective leach geochemical exploration methods applied to humus and B-horizon soil overlying the Restigouche VMS deposit, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick
      G.E.M. Hall, M.A. Parkhill, and G.F. Bonham-Carter

  • Geophysics

    • Significance of high resolution magnetic and electromagnetic surveys for exploration and geological investigations, Bathurst Mining Camp
      P. Keating, M.D. Thomas, and F.G. Kiss

    • Gravity signatures of massive sulfide deposits, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Canada
      M.D. Thomas

    • Application of gamma ray spectrometry in the Bathurst Mining Camp, Northeastern New Brunswick
      R.B.K. Shives and K.L. Ford

    • Borehole geophysical characteristics of massive sulfide deposits in the Bathurst Mining Camp
      C.J. Mwenifumbo and B.E. Elliott

    • Electrical anisotrophic characteristics of mineralized and non-mineralized rocks in the Bathurst Mining Camp: implications for airborne conductivity interpretation
      T.J. Katsube, P.B. Keating, S. Connell, M.E. Best, W.D. Goodfellow, and J. Mwenifumbo

  • Mineral Potential and Geographical Information Systems

    • Use of airborne geophysical surveys for constructing mineral potential map
      C.F. Chung

    • VHMS favourability mapping using the kernel method analysis of stream sediment and till geochemical data in the western Bathurst Mining Camp
      D.F. Wright, C.F. Chung, and M.I. Leybourne

    • A digital geologic bedrock model for the Bathurst Mining Camp
      D.F. Wright and L. Chorlton

2006-03-15Avis importants