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Wildland Fire Management

Current Wildfire Bulletin:

Wildfire Bulletin #42 - September 28, 2006 11:00 AM - 2006 Fire Season Winds Down

FireSmart - Protecting Your Home or Property

Most people in the Yukon live in forested areas, and the majority of fires happen in and around communities. Protecting your home or property from the threat of fire is a shared responsibility. As a homeowner, you must assess your situation carefully and take all possible steps toward wildfire protection. Here are steps for protecting your home and property:

Step #1: Create a wildfire safety zone around your home
  • Start with a general yard clean-up. Get rid of branches, needles and underbrush. Move firewood at least 10 metres from your home, uphill.
  • Thin trees within 30 metres of your home to leave three metres between them.
  • If your home is on a slope, extend the safe zone on the downhill side. Fire races uphill.
  • Prune branches within 2.5 metres of the ground. This prevents the spread of fire.
  • Pay closest attention to the 10 metres around your home. Propane and other fuel tanks near the house are potentially dangerous.
  • If you are planning construction or renovations, consider wildfire safe material and techniques. Proper types of roofing or siding and closed in decks and stairways can greatly improve your chances with wildfire.
  • Step# 2: Create a wildfire safety plan for your property
  • Keep a hose and nozzle permanently connected and in one clearly identified place. Test the pressure. Can it reach your roof and exterior walls?
  • If water pressure is uncertain, have a large, full fire safety barrel and 10-litre pail in place.
  • Have an accessible ladder that will let you reach your roof to put out small fires.
  • Buy and have ready a round-point shovel and grubbing tool. These can be used to stop the spread of ground fires.
  • Check your roads and driveways. Can you get out quickly? Is your access wide enough for firefighting equipment or neighbours to get in?
  • Plan. Set a schedule for regular inspection for fire risk. Involve your family. Ensure everyone knows where the tools are kept, who to call, emergency numbers, and how to get off the property safely.
  • Step #3: Create a wildfire safety plan for your community
  • Take the lead. Call your neighbours for a meeting on fire prevention.
  • Develop a signal to warn of fires-whistles or air horns work.
  • Call Fire Management. We have a variety of resource materials with helpful information.
  • Call your local Emergency Measures Organization for information on emergency planning.
  • Together, we can work to minimize the impact of fire on your home.
  • For more information or to get advice for you and your neighbours on how to protect your home and property from wildfire contact the Fire Management Prevention Coordinator at (867) 456-3970.

    For general information, please contact Yukon Wildland Fire Management at (867) 456-3845.

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    Contact Us:

    Department of Community Services
    Yukon Forest Fire Centre
    91790 Alaska Highway
    Whitehorse, Yukon
    General Inquiries:
    Phone: (867) 456-3845
    Toll free (In Yukon):
    1-800-661-0408 ext. 3845
    Yukon Wildfire Update:
    Line 1-800-826-4750
    To report a fire, call:
    Fire Information Officer:
    Phone: (867) 393-7415
    Yukon District Contacts

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