Natural Resources Canada / Ressources naturelles Canada
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Working Groups

Canada is a world leader in fuel-cell technology, committed to offering consumers a clean reliable, convenient energy source. As part of that leadership, in June 2001, the Government of Canada invested $23 million in the Canadian Transportation Fuel Cell Alliance (CTFCA) program. The Program focusses its efforts on showcasing refuelling demonstration projects, evaluating different fuelling routes for light-, medium- and heavy-duty fuel-cell vehicles, monitoring the resulting greenhouse gas emission reductions, and developing the necessary supporting framework for the fuelling infrastructure, including technical codes and standards, training, certification and safety.To successfully manage this ambitious project, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) established a Core Committee, a Project Advisory Committee and five Working Groups. NRCan draws heavily on the vision and energy of about 50 key partners, ranging from industry, municipalities, non-government organizations, federal and provincial governments and universities.

Last Modified: 2006-04-25

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