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Clean Energy

- Clean energy portal - resources and information about clean energy

- Clean Coal Technology Roadmap - identifies technology pathways needed to allow coal to be used as a competitive environmentally clean energy resource for the production of electricity

- CO2 Capture and Storage Technology Roadmap - Mission: identify technologies strategies, processes and integration system pathways needed to allow CO2 to be captured and stored in Canada

- Canadian CO2 Capture and Storage Technology Network - initiatives underway for the implementation of CO2 capture and storage technologies

Energy efficiency

- Energy efficiency in buildings - building technologies and innovations that will help reduce energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas emissions

- Industrial systems optimisation - developing and promoting state of the art methodologies that promote more efficient use of energy in industrial practices

- Intelligent buildings - technologies for the automated operation of a building’s mechanical systems

- Refrigeration - technological solutions to reduce GHG emissions from refrigeration systems and to promote energy efficiency

Oil Sands and Heavy Oil

- Separation technologies - fundamental and applied research to develop and implement leading-edge multiphase separation technologies for the petroleum and environmental industries

- Upgrading - research on the conversion of heavy oil and bitumen to synthetic crude oil

Renewable energy

- Bioenergy - assessing biomass resources in the fields of forestry and agriculture and developing methods to grow fibre for the production of bioenergy

- Canadian Biomass Innovation Network - the goal of the Canadian Biomass Innovation Network is to facilitate collaboration across all levels of government, industry and academia in order to build a vibrant research and development base to support bio-innovation in Canada

- Canadian Renewable Energy Network - dedicated to the development and commercialization of hydro, solar, wind, earth and bioenergy technologies through the provision of information and knowledge

- Photovoltaics - the photovoltaic energy research group’s primary mandate is to help develop and deploy photovoltaic energy technologies in Canada.

- RETScreen - Renewable Energy Project Analysis - a tool to evaluate the energy production, life-cycle costs and greenhouse gas emission reductions for various types of renewable energy technologies

CANMET Energy Technology Centre - develops and delivers knowledge- and technology-based programs for the sustainable production and use of Canada's energy supply

- Publications, CETC-Ottawa

- Publications, CETC-Varennes

Office of Energy Research and Development - manages and funds the Program of Energy Research and Development (PERD) and the Technology and Innovation Research and Development (T&I; R&D;) Initiative.

- Publications

Technology Early Action Measures (TEAM) - supports projects that are designed to develop technologies that mitigate greenhouse gas emissions

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Updated: 2006-09-20

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