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Explosives Certification - testing and certification services to manufacturers and distributors of a wide range of products, including blasting explosives and accessories, ammunition, propellants, fireworks and industrial pyrotechnic and explosive devices

Explosives Regulation - Explosives Regulatory Division is responsible for administering Canada's Explosives Act and Regulations.

Explosives Research - support of the Canada Explosives Act and assurance of safe operations in the Canadian explosives industry


Facilities - know-how, experience and facilities are available to manufacturers, distributors, users and regulators to address special requirements involving manufacturing, handling, packaging, transportation, or a range of explosive materials and devices

Canadian Explosives
Research Laboratory
- CANMET-CERL is the national facility mandated to determine the safety characteristics of all explosives and related materials submitted for authorization under Canada's Explosives Act. The laboratory provides a centre in Canada for the advancement of technology related to the manufacture, storage, transport, and use of explosives

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Updated: 2003-10-23

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