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Forest S&T

Biodiversity - research in this area focuses on defining and measuring the elements of forest biodiversity in terms of genes, species, ecosystems, and landscapes

Biotechnology - research in this area focuses on applications to improve forest regeneration and protection methods, while ensuring that environmental impact considerations are addressed

Canada's Forest Inventory - a National Forest Inventory (NFI) is compiled about every five years. The current version of the NFI is compiled by aggregating provincial management level inventories.

Climate change - research in this area focuses on determining and assessing the sensitivity of Canadian forests to climate change, determining and assessing the contribution of Canadian forests and their management to the carbon cycle, and understanding, predicting, and assessing changes in ecosystem functioning

Entomology - research in this area focuses on studying forest insects and developing biological pesticides and alternative controls


Forest ecosytems - research in this area focuses on defining and measuring sustainable ecosystem productivity

Forest fire research - research in this area focuses on increasing our understanding and ability to manage wildland fire within the context of sustainable development of Canada's forests

Forest pathology - forest pathology is the subset of plant diseases affecting both coniferous and deciduous forest trees. Disease or damage occurs when a biotic or abiotic agent alters a plant such that it grows differently than it would in the absence of the agent

Canadian Forest Service - The CFS undertakes research to focus on emerging issues and to continuously advance the quality and quantity of knowledge concerning Canada's forests

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Updated: 2004-10-25

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