Registry of Bullying Prevention Programs

Be a Buddy, Not a Bully

  • Be a Buddy, Not a Bully is a community-based initiative with the goal of increasing knowledge, skills and resources to address physical and emotional aggression in school communities. It addresses the effects on victims, bullies and bystanders and includes an extensive evaluation process for administrators, parents and students. Support materials include training manual with lesson plans, activities and support materials for Grades K-8; evaluation tools; and school posters and bookmarks. The program is available in English and French.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 63 KB)
  • Contact: Angela Lorusso, 613-591-3686,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades K-8
  • Costing Information: Fee for service basis. Contact the vendor.

Be Aware, Be Safe

  • The Be Aware...Be Safe Sexual Assault and Violence Prevention program is intended to assist youth in making safe interpersonal choices and in dealing with potential victimization. The program focus is on safety and security of youth through participation of educators, support personnel, community agencies and families. A video focuses on sexual assault and depicts a scenario, combined with a personal account from a victim. An Instructional Guide, tied to the curriculum, is designed to enhance the learning opportunity from the video and to expand on related themes of harassment and relationship violence.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 63KB)
  • Contact: Linda Lowery, 905-666-6334,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 9-12
  • Costing Information: $85

Be the Bigger Person

  • Be The Bigger Person: The Thousand Islands Elementary School Anti-Bullying Initiative is a comprehensive, school-based program for elementary schools (K-8). The anti-bullying program is the product of school administrators and staff working closely with students, parents and the community. The key to the program is the Student-Parent Anti-Bullying Handbook. The Handbook sections address the following topics: mission statements; program goals; identification of bullying behaviour; characteristics of bullies and victims; incident reporting forms; a student program survey; student testimonials; student behaviour communication form; examples of student roundtable discussion groups; reading resources (print and website); bibliography and emergency contact information.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 63KB)
  • Contact: Gina Camerano, 1-800-766-8474 x2277,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades K-8
  • Costing Information: please contact the board

Benny The Bullybeastie

  • "Benny The Bullybeastie" is a story in rhyme with an introduction to the concept of bullying and its relationship to the story. The book also provides discussion questions and various follow-up activities for the classroom.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 59 KB)
  • Contact: Roberta C. Dupont, 9 Westfield Crescent, Ottawa, ON K2G 0T6, 613-829-5291,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 1-6
  • Costing Information: Price is $20 per copy, including taxes, shipping and handling.

Beyond the Hurt: RespectED

  • Beyond the Hurt: RespectED is a nationally-recognized violence and abuse prevention program to promote safe, supportive relationships and healthy communities. Beyond the Hurt works with youth organizations, schools, sports and community groups to assist in building community capacity to respond to bullying and harassment through a comprehensive prevention planning model. The aim is to break the cycle of abuse, neglect, harassment and interpersonal violence through prevention education. It is an interactive program that encourages pro-active approaches. Available to children and youth, and to the adults who work with them, it is delivered by certified RespectEd staff and volunteers.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 63 KB)
  • Contact: Brian Smockum, Canadian Red Cross, 5700 Cancross Court, Mississauga ON L5R 3R9, 905-890-1203 ext 321,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 7-12
  • Costing Information: The design and delivery of workshops in the Beyond the Hurt program are designed to meet the unique needs of your school or organization. Please contact Red Cross RespectED for a quote on their services. An example of a 3 hour Beyond the Hurt adult workshop for ten participants including a Beyond the Hurt manual is $500. A full day 6 hour Beyond the Hurt adult workshop for ten participants including manual is $700.
    A Beyond the Hurt Two Day Peer Facilitation Training Workshop for 10 youth and two adults would be $2,400. Including manual, video, resources for program delivery and after workshop trainer support.
    To become a Beyond the Hurt Prevention Educator, costs, including training, materials and mentoring support would be $650 to $1,000

Branching Out

  • The Branching Out Team is comprised of professionals including Play Therapist Interns, Child and Youth Workers, Early Childhood Educators, Custody Youth Workers and Crisis Intervention Specialists. It is able to provide school communities with Climate Assessments and Recommendations, Anger Management Programs, Social Skills Programs, Anti-Bullying Prevention Programs, Virtues Program, Parenting Support Programs and School Staff Professional Development Workshops. Every school community is unique and thus intervention(s) need to be tailored to individual school communities. The cycle of violence affects all members of our communities. A community is defined as being students, staff, parents, volunteers and community partners. Programs can occur during class time, lunch breaks or evenings dependent on community identified needs.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 60 KB)
  • Contact: Theresa Fraser – Manager, 29 Crescent Hill Drive North, Brampton, ON L6S 1C6, 905-799-2947,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades K – 12
  • Costing Information: Cost is $100 - $200 per hour. This cost will be negotiated with the individual board or school dependant on program(s) to be facilitated and number of facilitators required. Additional travel costs may vary depending on school location.

Bullied? NO MORE!!!

  • Bullied? NO MORE!!! takes place within a classroom setting where approximately 30 students participate in an interactive workshop utilizing discussions and activities to enhance their knowledge and awareness of bullying and the psychological effects it can have. The students will be empowered to step in and take appropriate actions when they encounter bullying behaviour. The workshop is approximately 1 hour in length. Services are also available to work with schools on an ongoing basis to establish an incident reporting system and an awareness program with a new focus each month.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 61 KB)
  • Contact: Chris Hinkle, 705-725-1653
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 4-8
  • Costing Information: 1 workshop: $100; 2 workshops, same location, same day: $125; 3 workshops, same location, same day: $150; 4+ workshops, same location: $50 each (may vary depending on number of workshops/day); Ongoing program establishment and facilitation available at negotiated prices.

Bully Busters: A Bullying Prevention Program

  • Bully Busters: A Bullying Prevention Program is a six lesson bullying presentation curriculum accompanied by a 36 inch puppet. Bully Busters was created as a prevention to bullying in its earliest stages. This easy to understand series is designed to take the mystery and fear out of bullying. It offers a friendly helping hand to its victims, and also provides many alternatives to the bullying behaviour itself. The stories alert the young audiences to the danger areas in which bullying can exist and thrive. They offer some practical suggestions on how to avoid these pitfalls.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 61 KB)
  • Contact: Andrea Marshall, 609-206-6318, Better Me Books Inc.,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 1 – 3
  • Costing Information: $219 (US) plus shipping and handling

Bully Smart Series

  • Bully Smart Series has four components with accompanying print curriculum and deals with bullying behaviour students face both in and out of school. Whether the viewer is the individual being bullied or doing the bullying themselves, this program offers a view of a serious problem and offers steps to remedy bullying situations. It is anticipated that skills learned in this series will carry over to an array of circumstances facing youth today and build the assertiveness needed to cope with negative peer pressure, drugs and alcohol, sexual harassment and other compromising situations.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 61 KB)
  • Contact: Brian Simon/Wendy McElroy, 1-800-565-3036,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 1-6
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: The series of 4 parts costs $679 or individual titles can be purchased for $189 each

Bullying: Has This Ever Happened to You?

  • Bullying: Has This Ever Happened To You? is a 112-page illustrated book on bullying that is a colourful and enlightening creation by four children between the ages of seven and twelve. Each of the four stories stand alone in its development of a bullying scenario and each is resolved by a different method. There is an underlying theme seeking peaceful reconciliation.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 59 KB)
  • Contact: Pauline Cormier, Daisy May Publishing, 1015 Byron Baseline Road, London, ON N6K 2C5, 519-204-6702,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 1-6
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: $14.95 + GST. Quantity pricing is available

By Golly, Molly, You're Right!

  • "By Golly, Molly, You're Right!" is a story about a little girl who from the time she was put into daycare until she was in grade 5 was a victim within the school system. Molly was a bright, active, outgoing little girl until she met a woman in daycare who changed her into a shy, withdrawn, fearful little girl who wished to become invisible. It took very little time for the bullies to zero in on Molly's vulnerabilities and encourage others to reject her before they got to know the real Molly. Molly's self esteem was being crushed. Molly realized that if there was to be a change in her situation, it had to come from within. She had to make the change. Molly went on an adventure that filled her with the resolve to stand up for herself and others who were being victimized. Never again would she allow the bullies of this world to treat her in a demeaning manner.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 59 KB)
  • Contact: Roberta C. Dupont, 9 Westfield Crescent, Ottawa, ON K2G 0T6, 613-829-5291,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 4-8
  • Costing Information: Price is $12.95 (U.S. Dollars). Discounted if ordered from the vendor in large quantities.

Community Builders

  • Community Builders works with schools to help students, teachers and parents to understand the roots of bullying, to care about the victim and the perpetrators and to develop skills to intervene in a positive, caring way. Training on anti-bullying and conflict resolution raises awareness of issues such as racism and sexism. Youth Leadership Institutes and Leadership Development workshops provide youth with skills to train their peers and to intervene in bullying situations. It supports a whole school approach to build leadership capacity to empower young people, teachers and parents to be leaders in building safe and inclusive school communities.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 62 KB)
  • Contact: Janis Galway, 416-766-5946,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 4-8
  • Costing Information: Prices range from half day workshops at $300 per classroom to train-the-trainer Youth Leadership Institutes at $2000, Teacher and Parent Workshops at $300 and comprehensive whole school  leadership development initiatives at $3000-$6000. For more information, contact provider.

Cool Heads In The Zone

  • Cool Heads In The Zone is an interactive exploration of bullying in schools that allows students to explore the consequences and outcomes of their actions and choices. This CD-Rom utilizes child actors playing out commonly understood bullying scenes in an interactive fashion. Program resources include paper-based manuals, CDs and other age-relevant materials.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 62 KB)
  • Contact: Stu Auty (Canadian Safe Schools Network), 416-977-1050
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 3 – 7
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: $150 per school provides licence and allows duplication of materials

Cool Kids In The Zone

  • Cool Kids In The Zone is a violence prevention program that helps to teach students key values and strengthens the socialization process vital to their success in school and life. It is an interactive DVD/video (French and English) utilizing animated characters exemplifying respect, honesty, kindness, co-operation and empathy. Program resources include paper-based manuals, CDs and other age-relevant materials.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 62 KB)
  • Contact: Stu Auty (Canadian Safe Schools Network), 416-977-1050
  • Audience recommended by the provider: JK – 3
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: $150 per school provides licence and allows duplication of materials

Creating Communities We Want

  • Creating Communities We Want is a youth peer leadership program that trains middle and secondary school students to identify and address issues such as bullying, harassment, discrimination, racism, violence, alcohol and drug abuse. Peer leaders are trained in violence prevention. It focuses on fundamental change by developing resiliency with students to cope with and respond positively to the challenges they face.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 61 KB)
  • Contact: Sandra Crockard, Alan Richardson, 416-421-4888,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 7-12
  • Costing Information: ranges from $1,500 to $2,500 per year.

Creating Safe and Caring Classrooms

  • Creating Safe and Caring Classrooms is an evidence based, violence prevention program that aims to decrease incidents of bullying and change attitudes towards bullying, while creating respectful relationships. It focuses on creating a school and classroom climate that nurtures the development of respectful, responsible, resilient citizens. The Administrator manual includes practical strategies for school use and a process for involving the wider community in the efforts to eliminate bullying behaviours.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 61 KB)
  • Contact: Corrine Brown, 905-666-6356,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 1-12
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: $40 for the Teachers' Manual and $100 for the Administrator's Manual

Getting Started on Stopping Bullying with Social Education Skills

  • Getting Started on Stopping Bullying with Social Education Skills contains two parts. The first is a set of optional resources for planning a 3-year Social Education Skills program for the school. In the second part, Susan Buchanan travels to schools and spends approximately 1 week in each school (of approximately 300 students). Susan works with the students in their classrooms. The workshops with students are focused on bully stopping plans and Social Education skills. One day during the week, Susan facilitates a workshop for all school. Also, as part of the program, Susan facilitates a workshop for parents and other community members with a focus on how adults can help children and youth deal with bullying situations and the importance of parent monitoring, supporting and implementing Social Education Skills at home.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 60 KB)
  • Contact: Susan or Mark Buchanan, Clarior Consulting Inc. R.R. #2, Bridgetown, NS, B0S 1C0, 902-665-2793,
  • Website:
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 1-12
  • Costing Information: Price for workshops will vary depending on school location, enrolment, etc. Starter resource kit: set of flash cards and 1 poster set - $85. Total resource kit – includes starter kit and all 4 poster sets (64 posters in all) - $240

The Fourth R

  • The Fourth R is a comprehensive, schools-based program that stresses the importance of healthy relationships. It helps youth make safer choices, provides training in relationships skills and promotes positive youth relationships in collaboration with parents, schools and communities. Program goals: reduction of violence; school and community liaisons; leadership and support for students and staff; and education and empowerment. Youth Safe Schools Committees are student-led, teacher-facilitated groups that take part in classroom explorations, connect to community support services, mount media campaigns to educate the student body and provide information and support to those who need it. Primary resource tools are lesson plans.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 62 KB)
  • Contact: Shanna Burns, 519-858-5154
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grade 9
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: 3 binders at $175 total; $275 Curriculum unit; $695 comprehensive kit (video resources incl.); $150 per teacher per day (teacher training)

Healing Circles: Resolving Conflict Creatively Between Victims and Youth Offenders

  • Healing Circles: Resolving Conflict Creatively Between Victims and Youth Offenders presents a model that is adaptable to the needs of distinct communities and has already been used by many diverse groups in North America . This video resource targets students in grade 7 -12, parents, teachers and the broader community. The mock healing circle presented in this video stands for all circle type “conferencing” which offers a creative approach to achieving satisfying justice. This video is of interest to facilitators and community activists who plan to implement this type of process in their own communities. Total running time is 35 minutes.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 63 KB)
  • Contact: John Barclay (Triune), 416-686-0467,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 7-12
  • Costing Information: VHS $125 DVD $153 shipping and handling $28 per shipment multiple copy discount of 35% (ten units or more)
    Preview: pay only the shipping and handling fee ($28)

I Decide

  • Before someone can change their behaviour, they need to understand it. I Decide interactive slide packages teach students about bullying by empathizing with those involved: the victim, the bystander, and the bully. Overview and Points of View packages have been designed with the needs of teenagers in mind in the hopes of stimulating higher engagement and retention levels. By using openness and understanding as cornerstones, it allows students to ask personal questions and share experiences. Students will leave with a clear understanding of the effects of their actions and where they can get help.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 61 KB)
  • Contact: Jeanine Amaral, 416-491-3356, Casreep Communications,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 1 – 12
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: Point of View package – includes 3 PowerPoint presentations (Victim, Bystander, Bully) plus 3 manuals that include a step-by-step breakdown of each presentation - $389.97; Overview Package – includes 2 PowerPoint presentations (Overview, Types of Bullying) plus 2 manuals that include a step-by-step breakdown of each presentation - $259.98; Both packages can be purchased together for $589.95. For further costing info, please contact McIntyre Media Inc. at 800-565-3036.

The Invisible Girl

  • This program has been created by a professional theatre company touring schools throughout Ontario since 1972. High-powered by cool flash animation, The Invisible Girl tackles our society's preoccupation with fashion and popularity, while revealing the devastation of social bullying. A Teacher Resource Guide with curriculum links and pre- and post- show activities is included.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 60 KB)
  • Contact: Donna Vandecoevering, 905-682-8326 ext.22,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 4-8
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: Production range from $550 to $750 per performance based on geographic location

Imagine...A School Without Bullying

  • Imagine...A School Without Bullying: A School Climate Approach to Bullying Prevention provides a framework to create a safe, positive learning environment for children by taking a comprehensive school- wide approach to bullying intervention and prevention. Schools are guided to take a thorough assessment of their school community to identify its strengths and weaknesses and a workplan for their own particular school community. The resource document provides numerous tools for school staff and parents, as well as an entire set of lesson plans for grades JK-8 that is congruent with curriculum expectations.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 63 KB)
  • Contact: Tori Fitton, 519-883-2003 x5337,
    Eliseo Martell, 519-883-2003 x5293,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: JK – 8
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: The manual is available for $15.00 per CD or can be downloaded from Region of Waterloo Public Health website
    Training costs for school boards will be determined by individual boards

Imagine Bully Free Schools

  • Imagine Bully Free Schools is a system-wide framework to assist schools, parents, students, and community partners in ongoing efforts to establish healthy, bully-free learning environments. Support units can be used independently. The program goal is to create the foundation for safe, respectful and caring schools. The resource is web and paper-based with a step-by-step process and action plan with prevention, intervention, post-intervention and support strategies for administrators, teachers, parents, students and the community. Types of bullying are defined and discussed.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 63 KB)
  • Contact: Linda Lowery, 905-666-6334,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: All grades
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: $100 per unit for individual schools

Let's Stop the Bullying: A Resource for School Communities

  • Let’s Stop the Bullying: A Resource for School Communities consists of strategies to enhance current practices already in schools, and further develop a school-wide plan to respond directly to bullying behaviours and situations. The resource includes a series of Kindergarten to Grade 8 lesson plans that provide students with an opportunity to explore their questions about bullying, learn to understand the problem, and begin to reflect upon their own attitudes and behaviours toward peers. Let’s Stop the Bullying can also strengthen a positive school culture by promoting a sense of belonging among students, and by teaching students how and when to seek help from adults and other children.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 63 KB)
  • Contact: Lorna McPherson, Program Coordinator, 416-394-7235,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: K-12 (lessons are K-8 only)
  • Costing Information: $75 each plus 15% postage and handling. Phone Gitta Berg at 416-397-2595 or email for purchasing details.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Kids' Bullying Solutions

  • The No-Nonsense Guide To Kids' Bullying Solutions is an anti-bullying/violence tool for students, parents and educators that provides preventive strategies and solutions including: tips for parents, activities and role playing ideas for educators and clues for the front line professionals that help identify a bully or a bullied child. The primary resource tool is available as an e-book that can be downloaded via the website or can be ordered in CD format.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 63 KB)
  • Contacts: Alexandra Penn, 416-275-1007,; Delfina Moore, 647-444-5751,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: All grades
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: $25 per CD; Teacher Training workshops – 2 hours - $300/session – maximum 30; Kids Workshops – 1.5 hours – $200/session – maximum 2 classes; Parent Workshops – 2 hours - $40/participant or $50/couple – 20 participant minimum/50 participant maximum – includes complimentary CD

Preparing For Adolescence and Social Success (P.A.S.S.)

  • The P.A.S.S. Program is an interactive social skills and character education program for students aged eight to fourteen. It focuses on teaching self-resilience, assertiveness, peer accountability, communication and a strong sense of community. The program can be customized and designed to meet the needs of a classroom, group of classrooms or school and/or complement and reinforce a school board's broader anti-bullying strategic plan. The program is coordinated with the Ontario curriculum, namely in the areas of health, social science, guidance and religion. The animators of the program have extensive experience working with "at-risk" students in social service settings.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 60 KB)
  • Contact: Larry Chapin, Bartimaeus Inc., 392 John St. Suite 300, Burlington, ON L7R 2K4, 905-634-8903,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 1-8
  • Costing Information: Cost is $1800 for 10 1-hour sessions. The cost includes a teacher and parent orientation session.

Put the Brakes On Bullying

  • Put the Brakes on Bullying curriculum document consists of 5 lesson plans for each grade between JK and Grade 8. The units are designed to prevent the development of aggressive bullying behaviour in students by linking curriculum expectations with research on bullying. The units have been aligned with Ontario Curriculum expectations from various subjects. As well, the units reinforce sound teaching/learning and assessment practices.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 61 KB)
  • Contact: Bob McCulloch, 905-727-0022 ext. 2303, Community Alliance for York Region Education,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades JK – 8
  • Costing Information: Each curriculum document (includes all JK-Grade 8 lesson plans): $200; School Board Site License: $2500


  • QUEST-i'm-on is a one-day workshop for grades 6-12. This groundbreaking experience gathers teachers, parents, administrators, counsellors and community members together with the students – successfully addressing the issues of violence, racism, teasing, stereotypes, drugs and alcohol within the context of teen life. Through a series of highly interactive activities and questions, Quest-i'm-on breaks down the barriers that separate us as human beings, by shifting the threatening peer pressure to a positive peer support. This workshop is a tool that helps support the many other bullying prevention programs in existence.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 60 KB)
  • Contact: Jack Langedijk, 33 Erskine Avenue. Apt 404, Toronto, ON M4P 1Y6, 416-488-8017,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 6-12

Quincy Mack

  • Quincy Mack Entertainment is a set of six individual 75 minute workshops designed for elementary schools, K – 8. The content of each individual workshop is re-enforced through grade specific classroom activities which connect to the curriculum. The overall program covers various types of bullying, self-image, the role of the bystander, peer pressure, making positive choices with regard to the internet, music and videos, strategies to combat a variety of bullying scenarios, the personal power that can be gained through reading, creative writing and speech and finally the potential that students have to affect positive change in their world.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 63 KB)
  • Contact: Joe Bergl, 905-475-9223,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades K-8
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: $600 per workshop

Roots of Empathy

  • Roots of Empathy (ROE) is an evidence-based classroom program designed to reduce levels of aggression and violence among schoolchildren while raising social/emotional competence and increasing empathy. All students are positively engaged instead of targeting bullies or aggressive children. The program is delivered by certified ROE instructors. The specialized curriculum, available in English and French, is developmentally appropriate for each of four age ranges (Kindergarten, grades 1–3, 4–6 and 7-8). The ROE curriculum has been correlated with the Ontario elementary school curriculum. The program fosters the development of safe and caring schools.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 62 KB)
  • Contact:
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades K-8
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: Approximate cost: $2,500 per classroom

Safe School Ambassadors

  • The Safe School Ambassadors Program trains student "ambassadors" (Grades 4-12) who intervene with their peers to prevent and stop acts of cruelty and reduce tension. The program takes a broad view of bullying. It engages the socially influential "opinion leaders" from a school's diverse groups and cliques and equips them with non-violent communication and intervention skills to use with their peers. The training and ongoing group meetings empower the students to use the skills at the time of an incident to prevent or stop it. Materials are provided for elementary, middle and secondary grade levels and include videos and training exercises.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 62 KB)
  • Contact: Sally Ember, Ed.D., Outreach Coordinator, 707-823-6159 (tel.), 707-823-3373 (fax),
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 4-12
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: Initial training for one school (2 days; 30-40 students and 6-8 adults): $4,400. Travel expenses for trainer not included in price.

Stand Up! Speak Out!

  • Stand Up! Speak Out! contains a four DVD box set, each with six short, scenario-based episodes for use in grades 6-8 classrooms to reduce rumours and incidents of bullying and harassment, increase student empathy and respect for others and help develop positive behaviour. The program includes the following modules: coping with cliques, handling gossip and rumours; harassment; strategies for prevention and solving conflicts. The Curriculum Kit also includes student worksheets, assessment booklets, role play cards, family booklets and bulletin board materials.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 60 KB)
  • Contact: John Van Iperen, 905-563-8953 or 1-800-665-2461
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 5-8
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: $825 per Kit or purchase any two Kits for $1295

Steps to Respect

  • Steps to Respect promotes a whole-school approach to bullying by addressing factors at the school, staff, peer-group, individual child, and family levels. The program includes two components: a school-wide Implementation Support Kit and Classroom Curriculum Kits. The Support Kit includes everything you need to assess your school’s bullying problem, develop a plan, draft policies, create a respectful school climate, train staff and assess the program post-implementation. The Curriculum Kits contain teacher taught skill lessons that focus on recognizing, refusing, and reporting bullying; being a responsible bystander; and making and keeping friends.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 62 KB)
  • Contact: Callie Rivas,, 1-888-634 4449 ext. 6510
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 3-5 and 4-6
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: Approximate cost: $699 (US) per kit plus 10% shipping charge to Canada

Stop Bullying!

  • Stop Bullying! contains a 4-DVD box set each with six short scenario-based documentary-style episodes for use in the classroom. It is intended to break the cycle of bully/target/bystander behaviour and help students learn assertiveness skills and strategies for dealing with bullying and harassment. The program contains the following modules: teasing; harassment; bullying and gossip; and resolving conflict. The curriculum kit also includes student worksheets, assessment booklets, role play cards, family booklets and bulletin board materials.
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 60 KB)
  • Contact: John Van Iperen, 905-563-8953 or 1-800-665-2461,
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 3-6
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: $825 per Kit or purchase any two Kits for $1295

TV&ME: Helping children to be media and life wise

  • TV&ME is a national program from Concerned Children’s Advertisers that provides tools to help children address issues of challenge as they navigate their way through their growing years. In addition to addressing substance abuse prevention, self esteem, active living and media literacy, TV&ME provides users with a comprehensive bullying program that wraps around the trilogy of television messages on bullying produced by CCA. Aligned to provincial curriculum expectations, TV&ME’s bilingual, research-based lesson plans are supported by a parallel parent/community program providing tips, tools and strategies to help children be media and life wise, and a comprehensive web site at
  • Registry Classification Checklist for this program (PDF, 62 KB)
  • Contact: Miranda Hill,, 416-484-0871 ext. 5
  • Audience recommended by the provider: Grades 1-8
  • Website:
  • Costing Information: The TV&ME program is provided free to educators, parents and community organizations working with children.