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     Business Offices \ Laval - Laurentides - Lanaudière \ Programs Offered

Innovation and testing and experimentation

What CED can do for you:

Small and medium-sized enterprises and organizations that support them

IDEA-SME - Innovation 
Additional financial assistance in the form of repayable or non-repayable contributions to carry out activities prior to innovation and R&D projects and to facilitate the marketing of products and technologies resulting from R&D.


Network of CED advisors
Our advisors provide orientation services to promote technological, organizational and commercial innovation in enterprises.


What CED associates can do for you:

CED ensures that Quebec SMEs have access to other services by the intermediary of a network of collaborators that most of them are financially supported by the Agency. These collaborators are listed in office of principal clients they serve.

Manufacturing enterprises

Canadian Technology Network (CTN)
The CTN provides knowledgeable technology and marketing resources for SMEs through a cross-country network of trained experts (ie, National Research Council of Canada [NRC] and Canada Economic Development advisors).


National Research Council of Canada (NRC) Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)
Supports SMEs in approving and developing new products and procedures. Financial assistance is granted after the project is assessed by an industrial technology advisor.


Network of 21 federal institutes and organizations involved in research and development in Quebec
These institutions share scientific knowledge with SMEs, are involved in enhancing SMEs and advance our knowledge of the world and its inhabitants.


Product Development Institute
Offers SMEs training, expertise transfer services (workshops, seminars and conferences) and coaching and network services. These services are intended to develop, disseminate and implement the best practices in product development in order to increase SME productivity.


Centre spécialisé de technologie physique du Québec (CSTPQ)
The purpose of this organization is to develop advanced technology products and production processes. It offers enterprises consulting services and a computer-integrated manufacturing development laboratory.


National Mass Transit Centre (NMTC)
A research and development and technology transfer network of organizations. Offers industrial research services in mass transportation, technical support and human resources training.

Agri-food technology enterprises

Agriculture and Agri-food Canada Food Research and Development Centre (FRDC)
Supports the research and development efforts of food and beverage processing enterprises. The FRDC specializes in food preservation, processing and quality.


Centre de développement bioalimentaire du Québec (CDBQ)
Offers agri-food consulting services, production space and laboratories to stimulate the technological advancement of bio-food enterprises.


Cintech agroalimentaire
Offers specialized services in applied research, development, transfer and testing and supports the marketing of innovative technology and applications in the agri-food sector.


Institut de biotechnologie vétérinaire et alimentaire (IBVA)
This research centre is run jointly by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, St Hyacinthe, and Agriculture and Agri-food Canada. It offers research and training services and promotes partnerships with industry in order to conduct technology transfer projects.


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Montreal (FMV)
Conducts research in association with the industry to improve the quality of products, including animal products, as well as to monitor animal diseases and pathogens that could infect humans. The FMV develops new vaccines and drugs for animals.

Biotechnology enterprises

Biotechnology Research Institute (BRI)
Works with enterprises to draw up research agreements with shared risk and costs by offering its scientific expertise and by working out licencing agreements to develop products and procedures.

Information technology and multimedia enterprises

Centre for Research on Information Technologies Software Test Centre
Assists enterprises and organizations in improving the quality of their software, minimizing risk and optimizing their investment.

Enterprises in the forestry sector

Research consortium on the commercial boreal forest
Offers services to increase knowledge of forest ecosystems and the competitiveness of enterprises.


Corporation du service de recherche et d’expertise en transformation des produits forestiers de l’Est du Québec (SEREX)
With sustainable development in mind, offers forest product processing enterprises scientific and technical assistance, watch and technology transfer services and customized applied research and training services.


Forintek Canada Corp.
Canada’s national wood products applied research institute. Offers consulting services to SMEs in order to increase productivity, develop new products and procedures and enhance their investment.


Forestry Canada - Natural Resources Canada
Consulting services used mainly by SMEs. Offers research services to governments, educational institutions and the industry (extraction to manufacturing) with a view to developing new technologies.

Mining sector enterprises

Quebec Mining Association Inc (AMQ)
Makes available to its members a variety of resources and services, including a team that specializes in accident prevention and the work environment (techniques, training and information), consulting services on government legislation, regulations and policies and networking activities for industry partners.


The Quebec Mineral Exploration Association
Supports development and the promotion of mineral exploration in Quebec. Offers information on government programs, contacts and general information on the industry.


Research consortium that offers the mineral industry financial leverage and leverage to carry out research and development projects. COREM specializes in treating and processing mineral substances.


Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM)
An advanced technical group of professionals in the mineral and materials industries. Its activities promote networking and the transfer of knowledge among industry members. CIM organizes conferences and makes publications available to its members.


Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology (CANMET)
As an energy diversification research laboratory, CANMET helps Canadian corporations take advantage of new technologies by using energy efficiently and responsibly. It provides research and development services and technological consulting that helps clients find solutions to their technical problems.


Mineral Exploration Research Consortium (CONSOREM)
Identifies new mineral exploration techniques.

Horticulture and plant biotechnology entrepreneurs

Centre de valorisation des plantes - Carrefour industriel et expérimental de Lanaudière (CIEL)
Provides access to offices and laboratories, which can be rented or used as needed, specially designed to carry out research and development projects. A scientific and technical team is on site to offer various contract services, including variety testing, product approval, culture techniques and technology transfer.


Last revised: 2006-05-18 Page Up Important Notices
Date published: 2002-06-13