Alarming Statistics

The table below shows that from 1983-1994 there were 62 farm fatalities involving Saskatchewan youths under the age of twenty. On average, each year one quarter of the accidental death occurring on farms involves children. Statistics also show that ages most at risk are preschool aged children (ages 1-5) and those in their early teens (ages 11-15).

Farm Fatalities Involving Children
in Saskatchewan 1983 - 1994 (n=62)
Ages 1 - 19

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  • Farming is one of the most important businesses in Canada. It affects almost every sector of the economy. Saskatchewan farmers produce 54% of Canada’s grain export. That’s more than any other province.

  • Saskatchewan has more than 63,000 farms.

  • Most farm accidents happen in the yard, not the field.

  • The three pesticide hazard levels are caution, warning, and danger.

  • Toxic chemicals can enter your body three ways, through your nose, mouth and skin.

  • Children should never enter a pen alone because pigs like to eat both plants and meat.


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