Accident Prevention

Pre-School Aged Children - keep them away (physically away) from farm hazards. You can tell a little kid a thousand times not to do something but they aren't’t going to listen. Their curiosity and lack of fear can be a deadly combination and they require constant supervision. Create or designate a safe "play area" for them in the yard and teach them that the rest of the yard is out-of-bounds. These "stay clear" areas are machinery, dugouts, bins, corrals, and the shop. NEVER allow extra riders and always follow the rule... "No seat, No rider".

6-12 Year Olds - must be taught to recognize and identify farm hazards. Continue to teach your kids that the best way to stay safe, is to stay away from hazards. However, as they get older they will want to help with chores and they may start to operate smaller machinery such as lawnmowers. At this age they begin to learn about the consequences of their actions and they must be taught to think ahead to try to prevent accidents. While they may not need to know how to operate machinery yet, teach them how to shut off equipment. Teach them well and supervise them closely. As they grow, parents must remember that physical maturity does not correlate to mental maturity. Sometimes no matter how much they want to help, the best way for them to help is to just stay away.

13-18 Year Olds - readily accept new tasks and are eager to prove themselves. Don’t allow anyone to operate machinery unless thorough training and supervision has been provided. Parents must keep in mind a teenager’s level of maturity, both physical and mental, and their lack of experience. Family members should be encouraged to take first aid and CPR training.

Parents - must supervise their children closely. Remember that kids mirror your every action. Review safety procedures annually with hired help and family members. During busy, high traffic seasons utilize alternate approach ways into the farm yard rather than coming by the house and the kids. Stay alert and learn to manage stress.

Raising happy, healthy kids on farms involves making many tough decisions especially when it comes to machinery or vehicle operation. No matter what you decide as parents, make decisions you and your family can live with - SAFELY.


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