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Forest Planning - Strategic

Yukon and First Nation governments are working jointly to develop forest management plans that will apply to both First Nation and public lands. The territory is divided into 13 forest management units and 14 First Nation traditional territories. The Yukon and First Nation governments are responsible for the final approval and implementation of forest management plans in lands under their jurisdiction.

Three collaborative forest management plans are currently underway in the Champagne & Aishihik, Teslin Tlingit, and Kaska Nation traditional territories.

Teslin Tlingit Traditional Territory Draft Strategic Forest Management PlanTeslin Tlingit Traditional Territory Draft Strategic Forest Management Plan

The Yukon government participated on a forest planning team with Teslin Renewable Resource Council (TRRC) and Teslin Tlingit Council, to produce the draft plan. The Strategic Forest Management plan is currently out for public comment by the TRRC.

Champagne and Aishihik Traditional Territory Strategic Forest Management Plan - ImageChampagne and Aishihik Traditional Territory Strategic Forest Management Plan

The Champagne and Aishihik Renewable Resources Council (ARRC) worked closely with the Yukon government (YTG) and the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) to formulate this strategic forest management plan (January 2005).

Download the following maps:

The Land Status Map (PDF 1.97 MB) identifies those Yukon lands that are protected, interim protected, special management areas, First Nations settlement lands, parks, protected areas, etc.





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