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JRP/NEB Public Hearings

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Yukon Government participation in the Joint Review Panel and National Energy Board hearings for the Mackenzie Gas Project
The Yukon Government has intervener status in the Joint Review Panel (JRP) and National Energy Board (NEB) hearings for the proposed Mackenzie Gas Project (MGP). Below is a summary of the Yukon’s government’s participation, goals and interests in the MGP, and a schedule of the hearing dates . Of particular note is the JRP hearing that will take place in Whitehorse on September 19.

JRP Hearings

The Joint Review Panel hearings for the Mackenzie Gas Project began on February 14, 2006.  The JRP hearings will focus on the environmental and socio-economic aspects of the pipeline project.  The first day was dedicated to opening statements from the proponents, Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd., and 15 interveners including Yukon Government.
Brian Love, Director of the Business Development and Pipeline Branch, presented the opening statement  on behalf of the Yukon Government. Love noted Yukon’s support for the project and outlined the Yukon Government interests to the panel members.  In addition to EMR, the Departments of Economic Development, Highways & Public Works and Education are also represented at this set of hearings, which run until February 22.

Subsequent questioning of  the project proponents by Gordon Nettleton, counsel retained by the Yukon Government, occurred on Feb. 16  and Feb. 23 .
The study area for the MGP is located within the N.W.T. and northern Alberta and does not include Yukon or our communities. However, due to our proximity and easy transportation access to the project area, the Yukon government is participating in order to maximize opportunities for Yukoners in the project and minimize any potential negative impacts.
Yukon Government has four key interests in the Mackenzie Gas Project with regard to the JRP hearings.  They include:
1. employment opportunities for Yukon people
2. training opportunities for Yukon people
3. procurement opportunities for Yukon businesses and consultants; and
4. a transportation contingency plan for the use of Yukon’s highways in the event that a significant alternative to barging on the Mackenzie River is required.
Yukon government’s participation in the hearings will provide recommendations to the Panel on our interests and seek meaningful commitments from the project proponents to achieve these interests. Yukon will participate and present information and recommendations at several future hearing dates, including the September 19th hearing in Whitehorse to advance our interests in the Mackenzie Gas Project.

NEB Hearings

The NEB hearings began January 25 in Inuvik. Yukon government pipeline branch representatives questioned representatives of the proponent (Imperial Oil)  on a variety of issues of concern to Yukon.

Yukon government representatives will next attend NEB hearings in Fort Good Hope, N.W.T. in May 2006.

The goals of the Yukon government in regard to the NEB hearings are to promote the concept of an expandable open access pipeline that offers attractive economies to connect North Yukon natural gas into the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline. This will be achieved through a favorable tolling design and adoption of lateral and extension policies that encourage connection of additional natural gas resources.


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Mackenzie Gas Project Public Hearings
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