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Vice President & Provost's Message

Welcome to the Web site for prospective, new and current faculty at the University of Toronto. On these pages you can find a broad range of resources that will be useful to you in learning about the University and throughout your career here. In addition, the site includes many links to relevant internal and external Web sites.

Since its founding, the University of Toronto has recruited faculty who can contribute to the development of knowledge and scholarship. More from Vivek Goel... 

In Focus

Top 100 Employer logoU of T: Top 100 Employer
The only educational institution on the list

Vice Provosts SiteVice President & Provost Web site


New Faculty and Staff Orientation Sessions
October & January

The Stepping In Series: New Faculty Integration Workshops
November, January and March

The Stepping Forward Series: Career Development for Mid-Career Faculty
September and March

President's 2006 Teaching Award Recipients:
Ken Bartlett, John Percy, Richard Reznick, Keren Rice, Carol Rolheiser. Nominations are now being accepted for 2007 and the deadline is January 12, 2007.