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Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes
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2006-02-20 - #: 8665-C12-200601626 - Avis public 2006-4 - Instance visant à établir le cadre de la liste nationale de numéros de téléphone exclus et à examiner les règles de télémarketing

Calendrier - Avis Public 2006-4


 Dates limites

Avis d'intention de participer 2006-03-06
Avis d'intention de participer à la consultation publique 2006-03-10
Observations des parties 2006-03-27 (révisée)
Consultation publique 2006-05-02 au 2006-05-05
Observations 2006-05-10
Répliques aux observations 2006-06-06 (révisée)
Répliques aux questions supplémentaires 10 jours de la réception

Liste des documents connexes

Section 1 - Documents du Conseil
a) Avis public, Décisions, etc.
b) Liste des parties intéressées
c) Correspondance aux parties

Section 4 - Documents des parties
a) Correspondance au Conseil
b) Observations des parties
c) Observations
d) Répliques aux observations
e) Répliques aux questions supplémentaires

Section 8 - Documents divers
a) Frais
b) Autres

Section 1a) Avis public, Decision, etc.

2006-09-21 - Ordonnance de frais de télécom CRTC 2006-10
Demande d'adjudication de frais présentée par M. Mark Obermeyer au nom de « 97 % des Canadiens » – Instance visant à établir le cadre de la liste nationale de numéros de téléphone exclus et à examiner les règles de télémarketing, Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-4. Référence : 8665-C12-200601626 et 4754-267.

2006-03-13 - Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-4-1 Le Conseil modifie les échéanciers prévus pour soumettre des observations écrites dans le cadre de l'avis Instance visant à établir le cadre de la liste nationale de numéros de téléphone exclus et à examiner les règles de télémarketing , Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-4, 20 février 2006. Référence : 8665-C12-200601626, 8662-C131-200408543, 8662-F20-200409814, 8662-B48-200409228, 8662-A84-200410035.

2006-02-20 - Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-4 Le Conseil amorce une instance publique assortie d'une consultation publique, concernant la création et l'exploitation d'une liste nationale de numéros de téléphone exclus (LNNTE) ainsi que l'établissement et la mise en application des règles concernant la LNNTE et de toute autre règle relative au télémarketing. Référence : 8665-C12-200601626, 8662-C131-200408543, 8662-F20-200409814, 8662-B48-200409228, 8662-A84-200410035.

Section 1c) Correspondance aux parties

2006-09-14 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) - Objet: Demande d'adjudication de frais relativement à l'Avis public 2006-4 intitulé Instance visant à établir le cadre de la liste nationale de numéros de téléphone exclus et à examiner les règles de télémarketing

2006-08-15 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée aux Parties à l’Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-4 - Objet : Rapports du CDCI - Groupe de travail Fonctionnement de la liste nationale de numéros de téléphone exclus (GTFL).

2006-06-12 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée aux parties intéressées à l'AP 2006-4 - Objet :  Répliques et résultats d'enquête déposés par le Public Interest Law Centre (bureau du Manitoba) et la Manitoba Society of Seniors

2006-05-18 - Questions supplémentaires (révisée)
Description: Questions soulevées pendant la consultation publique - 2 au 4 mai 2006

2006-05-18 - Lettre du Conseil
Description:  Lettre adressée aux parties intéressées - Objet: Date révisé pour les répliques aux observations concernant l'avis public 2006-4

2006-05-17 - Lettre du Conseil
Description:  Lettre adressée aux parties intéressées - Objet:  Texte des exposés présentés au Conseil lors de la consultation publique concernant l'Avis public 2006-4

2006-04-07 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée aux parties intéressées à l'avis public 2006-4 - Objet: Organisation et déroulement de l'audience publique avec comparution concernant l'avis public 2006-4

2006-03-17 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Saskatchewan Telecommunications - Objet: Mandat du sous-comité du CDCI sur l'exploitation de la LNNTE

2006-03-06 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Instance visant à établir le cadre de la liste nationale de numéros de téléphone exclus et à examiner les règles de télémarketing - Demande de prorogation du délai concernant le dépôt des observations

Section 4a) Correspondance au Conseil

2006-11-07 - Canadian Newspaper Association (CNA)
Description: The Canadian Newspaper Association is writing in support of the position of the Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) in its letter to the CRTC dated October 24, 2006.
Document: 687526.pdf - 37KO

2006-10-24 - Canadian Marketing Association (CMA)
Description: Thank you very much for your letter dated September 14, 2006. The detail you provide regarding CRTC's historical interpretation of its discretion to award costs to participants in a proceeding is very helpful.
Document: 682529.pdf - 80KO

2008-08-18 - Canadian Marketing Association (CMA)
Description: It has just come to the Canadian Marketing Association's (CMA's) attention that there may have been a formal deadline for application for costs in the above-noted proceeding, even though those proceedings are continuing.  CMA has been actively involved not only in the public proceeding but also as members of the Consortium Formation CISC Subcommittee, the DNCL Operations CISC Subcommittee (the DOWG) and all of the subcommittees to the subcommittees.
Document: 655780.pdf - 71KO

2006-07-18 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: It has come to our attention that we have missed the formal deadline for application for costs in the above-noted proceeding, which we understand was July 16th.
Document: 650170.pdf -  91KO

2006-06-01 - Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership, Northwestel Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications, Télébec, société en commandite and TELUS Communications Company (the Companies)
Description:  Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership, Northwestel Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications, Télébec, société en commandite and TELUS Communications Company (collectively, the Companies) have received the Reply submission of the Consumer Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch) and the Manitoba Society of Seniors (CAC/MSOS), dated 23 May 2006.
Document: 632015.doc - 41KO

2006-05-29 - Alberta Minister of Government Services
Description: I have recently been appointed as Minister of Government Services, responsible for Consumer Services. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the important progress you have made.
Document: 635635.pdf - 45KO

2006-05-25 - Canadian Marketing Association (CMA)
Description: Further to our communication of May 10, 2006 and to clarification provided to us concerning the CRTC submission process, we are withdrawing the submission put forward under the heading "Additional CMA Submission to CRTC Regarding 2006-4"
Document: 630532.pdf - 73KO

2006-05-19 - The Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (MRIA)
Description: Oral presentation to the May 2 - 5, 2006 Consultation for Public Notice 2006-4
Document:  631214.pdf - 30 KO


2006-05-19 - Canadian Association of Direct Response Insurers (CADRI) Description: Oral presentation to the May 2 - 5, 2006 Consultation for Public Notice 2006-4
Document:  631203.doc - 80KO


2006-05-17 - The People of Canada
Description: Oral presentation to the May 2 - 5, 2006 Consultation for Public Notice 2006-4
Document: - 44KO


2006-05-17 - Primerica
Description: Oral presentation to the May 2 - 5, 2006 Consultation for Public Notice 2006-4
Document: 631195.doc - 69KO

2006-05-17 - Canadian Bankers Association
Description: Oral presentation to the May 2 - 5, 2006 Consultation for Public Notice 2006-4
Document:  631183.doc- 90KO

2006-05-17 - Canadian Jewish Congress

Description: Oral presentation to the May 2 - 5, 2006 Consultation for Public Notice 2006-4
Document: 631173.doc - 49KO

2006-05-17 - Advocis

Description: Oral presentation to the May 2 - 5, 2006 Consultation for Public Notice 2006-4
Document: 631160.doc - 40KO

2006-05-03 - Bell Canada
Description: The purpose of this letter is to inform Commission staff of developments in the DCWG that will likely affect the timelines for the implementation of the DNCL consortium, set out in Public Notice 2006-4.
Document: 622822.doc - 65KO

2006-04-12 - Public Interest Law Centre
Description: Further to our telephone conversation and my voice mail message to you, this letter is to thank you for your encouragement of CAC/MSOS's participation at the public consultation. My clients and I certainly appreciate your willingness to accommodate us to the extent possible.
Document: 618414.pdf - 75KO

2006-04-06 - Investment Dealers of Canada (IDA)
Description: This is in response to the Commission's letter of March 29, 2006 advising that the IDA will not be scheduled to participate in the public consultation to be held on May 2 to 5, 2006.
Document: 611774.pdf - 94KO

2006-03-13 - Aliant Telecom inc., Bell Canada, Northerntel, MTS, Northwestel, SaskTel, Télébec and Telus (the companies)
Description: At paragraph 34 - 39 in Telecom Public Notice 2006-4, the Commission acknowledges that there are a number of technical and operational issues that need to be addressed in the development and implementation of a national Do not call list in Canada.
Document: 608209.pdf - 112KO

2006-03-07 - Mouvement des caisses Desjardins
Description: Compte tenu des enjeux et de l'ampleur du mandat du Conseil, nous estimons qu'il serait à l'avantage de tous les intéressés d'obtenir l'autorisation de remettre leurs commentaires au plus tard le 7 avril 2006
Document: 600478.pdf - 54KO

2006-03-07 - Canadian Marketing Association
Description: The Canadian Marketing Association is in receipt of letters from PIAC, Rogers and the Public Interest Law Centre to the Commission, requesting an extension for interested parties to file comments on the above-noted proceeding from March 20, 2006 to April 3, 2006.
Document: 599673.pdf - 87KO

2006-03-07 - Canadian Bankers Association
Description: Further to the letters you have receivedfrom the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, the Public Interest Law Centre and Rogers Communiations Inc., the Canadian Bankers Association hereby registers its interest in participating inthe consultations and in supporting the other parties' request for an extension for interest parties to file comments in the above-noted proceeding from March 2, 2006 to April 3, 2006.
Document: 599139.pdf - 185KO

2006-03-07 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS Allstream is in receipt of the Commission's letter dated 6 March 2006 regarding a letter dated 2 March 2006 from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) requesting an extension of time for interested parties to file comments in the above-named proceeding to 2 April 2006.
Document: 599129.pdf - 46KO

2006-03-07 - TELUS Communications Company (TCC)
Description: TELUS is in receipt of correspondence dated March 2, 2006, as revised March 6, 2006, from the Public Interest Advocacy Association (PIAC) representing the Consumers' Association of Canada and L'Union des consommateurs (the Consumer Groups) seeking to extend the deadline for initial comments in the above-referenced proceeding from March 20, 2006 to April 3, 2006.
Document: 599119.pdf - 16KO

2006-03-07 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumers' Association of Canada
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) as counsel for the Consumers’ Association of Canada is writing with regard to its previous application for an extension of time for filing comments on any matter within the scope of this proceeding to Monday, April 3, 2006
Document: 599106.doc - 123KO

2006-03-06 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Rogers is in receipt of PIAC's letter to the Commission, dated March 2, 2006, requesting an extension for interested parties to file comments in the above-noted proceeding from march 20, 2006 to April 3, 2006.
Document: 598635.pdf - 42KO

2006-03-03 - Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership, Northwestel Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications and Télébec, société en commandité (the Companies)
Description: The following is submitted on behalf of Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership, Northwestel Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications and Télébec, société en commandité (collectively, the Companies).
Document: 598082.doc - 50KO

2006-03-02 - Public Interest Law Centre
Description:  We have received a copy of Mr. Lawford's letter regarding the Public Interet Advocacy Centre's request for an extension of time to file comments to April 3, 2006.
Document: 598472.pdf - 63KO

2006-03-02 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: PIAC is therefore writing to seek an extension of time for filing comments on any matter within the scope of this proceeding to Monday, April 3, 2006.
Document: 597706.doc - 125KO

Section 4b) Observations des parties

2006-05-17 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre for the Consumers' Association of Canada
Description: The Canadian Newspaper Association (CNA) submits these reply comments to the Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to ensure the public record is clear on where the Canadian newspaper industry stands in terms of the Do-Not-Call-List (DNCL).
Document: 626315.pdf - 38KO

2006-05-17 - Canadian Jewish Congress
Description: Attached please find an electronic version of the oral submission of Canadian Jewish Congress in regard to Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-04.
Document: 626055.doc - 47KO

2006-05-12 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) as counsel for the Consumers’ Association of Canada (CAC) is writing with regard to the “second submission” of the Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) dated May 10, 2006. Public Notice 2006-4 clearly provides a process for parties to the proceedings. The CMA is a party and fully participated in this process, receiving all submissions.
Document: 624741.doc - 125KO

2006-05-11 - Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC)
Description: The purpose of this letter is to provide you with the views of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) relative to the CRTC’s public consultations on the creation and operation of a national do not call list (DNCL), as well as the establishment and enforcement of national DNCL rules and other rules related to telemarketing.
Document: 624755.doc - 42KO

2006-05-10 - MBNA Canada Inc.
Description: In consideration of Bill C-37, an Act to amend the Telecommunications Act.
Document: 625999.pdf - 148KO

2006-05-10 - General Motors Canada Limited
Description: Comments from General Motors Canada Limited regarding Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-4 on the establishment of a national do not call list framework and to review the telemarketing rules
Document: 624775.pdf - 227KO

2006-05-10 - Canadian Marketing Association (CMA)
Description: Based on a greater understanding of new information, particularly as a result of (CISC) committee activity surrounding the Public Notice process, the CMA welcomes the opportunity to provide the CRTC with this second submission on Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-4.
Document: 624762.pdf - 111KO

2006-05-10 - Direct Energy
Description: Direct Energy welcomes the opportunity to provide the CRTC with this submission on the above noted notice
Document: 624747.pdf - 34KO

2006-05-10 - Canadian Jewish Congress/Congrès Juif canadien
Description: Canadian Jewish Congress, on its behalf as well as on behalf of the Jewish Federations in Canada , very much appreciated the opportunity to appear before the CRTC regarding Telecom Public Notice 2006-4.   Pursuant to our exchange with Commissioners, we are pleased now to provide you with additional insights into the issues we raised concerning exempt status for groups associated with registered charities and the exemption in respect of call display.
Document: 624716.doc - 557KO

2006-05-10 - Coalition of Fundraising Service Providers
Description: Attached please find comments of the Coalition of Fundraising Service Providers in response to Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-4 and filed pursuant to paragraph 56 of PN 2006-4.
Document: 624721.pdf - 369KO

2006-03-27 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-4, 20 February 2006, as revised by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-4-1, 13 March 2006 (collectively referred to as PN 06-4), Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. (Primus) hereby files its comments on a number of the issues raised in section II of PN 06-4.
Document: 607323.doc - 88KO

2006-03-27 - TBayTel
Description: On February 20, 2006, the Commission initiated this proceeding to consider the requirements for the creation and operation of a National Do Not Call List (DNCL). This process will also deal with the establishment and enforcement of national DNCL rules and any other rules related to telemarketing
Document: 607338.doc - 715KO

2006-03-27 - Union des consommateurs
Description: L’Union des consommateurs dépose le présent document afin de soumettre des observations dans le cadre de l’avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-4.
Document: 607332.doc - 136KO

2006-03-27 - Public Interest Institute (Institute)
Description: The Public Interest Institute (Institute) is an organization established to ensure that there is public interest representation in matters affecting Canadian consumers. Among other things, it represents the interests of Canadians by conducting research, creating public awareness and participating in public proceedings.
Document: 607327.doc - 53KO

2006-03-28 -The (People of Canada
Description: This submission is on behalf of the 97% of Canadians who fild all forms of telemarketing anoying, and want it stopped, immediately and permanently.
Document: 607343.pdf - 19KO

2006-03-27 - Primerica Financial Services (Canada) Ltd.
Description: Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the CRTC proceedings on the development and operation of a national Do Not Call List (DNCL) in Canada.
Document: 607309.doc - 45KO

2006-03-27 - ContactNB
Description: On behalf of ContactNB, the provincial association representing the interests of the customer contact centre industry in New Brunswick, I am pleased to submit preliminary comments for consideration in the above-noted proceeding which will determine rules for the national Do Not Call list authorized by Bill C-37.
Document: 607317.doc - 66KO

2006-03-27 - NuComm International (NuComm)
Description: NuComm International (NuComm) is pleased to have the opportunity to participate in these important proceedings. NuComm is Canada’s largest privately held contact centre organization with over 3,000 employees in 10 offices nation-wide.
Document: 607102.doc - 39KO

2006-03-27 - The British Columbia Public Interest Advocacy Centre
Description: We are counsel in this proceeding for British Columbia Old Age Pensioners' Organization, Active Support Against Poverty, BC Coalition of People with Disabilities, Council of Senior Citizens' Organizations of BC, End Legislated Poverty, federated anti-poverty groups of BC, and Tenants’ Rights Action Coalition, collectively referenced for convenience as “BCOAPO et al.” We write to provide the submissions of BCOAPO et al. regarding the national Do Not Call List Framework and the Telemarketing Rules.
Document: 607238.doc - 81KO

2006-03-27 - Credit Union Central of Canada (Canadian Central)
Description: On behalf of Credit Central of Canada (Canadian Central), I am pleased to submit comments for consideration in the above-referenced proceeding, which determine rules for the national Do not call list as outlined in Bill C-37.
Document: 607236.pdf - 523KO

2006-03-27 - Infolink Technologies Ltd. (Infolink)
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission in the above-noted Public Notice 2006-4, as amended in public notice 2006-4-1, Infolink is pleased to submit its initial comments in the proceeding to establish a national do not call list framework.
Document: 607223.pdf - 1,203KO

2006-03-27 - Infolink Technologies Ltd. (Infollink)
Description: Infolink notes that the Commission has determined that certain issues it has identified in relation to operation of the National do not call list, as referred to in section I(b) of PN 2006-4, are best resolved in the DCNL Operations CISC Subcommittee.
Document: 607200.pdf - 347KO

2006-03-27 - Association of Fundraising Professionals
Description: Please find attached the comments of the Association of Fundraising Professionals regarding PN CRTC 2006-4.
Document: 607144­.zip - 70KO

2006-03-27 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Rogers Communications is filing these comments in accordance with the procedures established by the Commission in Telecom Pbulic Notice 2006-4.
Document: 607136.pdf - 68KO

2006-03-27 - Investment Dealers Association of Canada (IDA)
Description: These comments and recommendations are provided by the Investment Dealers Association of Canada (IDA) in response to Telecom Public Notice 2006-4.
Document: 607117.pdf - 67KO

2006-03-27 - Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Allstream Inc., NorthernTel, Limited Partnership, Northwestel Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications, Télébec, Société en commandite, and TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) (the Companies)
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 7 of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-4-1, Proceeding to establish a national do not call list framework and to review the telemarketing rules (PN 2006-4), the following comments are provided by Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Allstream Inc., NorthernTel, Limited Partnership, Northwestel Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications, Télébec, Société en commandite, and TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) (collectively, the Companies).
Document: 606927.doc - 448KO

2006-03-27 - Canadian Marketing Association (CMA)
Description: The CMA welcomes the opportunity to provide the CRTC with this submission on Telecom Public Notice 2006-4.
Document: 606961.pdf - 189KO

2006-03-27 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for the Consumers' Association of Canada
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) as counsel for the Consumers’ Association of Canada is pleased to enclose the following comments on this proceeding.
Document: - 113KO

2006-03-27 - Mouvement des caisses Desjardins
Description: Vous trouverez ci-joint le mémoire du Mouvement des caisses Desjardins concernant le sujet cité en rubrique.
Document: 606956.pdf - 54KO

2006-03-27 - Public Interest Law Centre on behalf of Consumers Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch) and Manitoba Society of Seniors (CAC/MSOS)
Description: The following comments are submitted on behalf of Consumers Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch) and Manitoba Society of Seniors (CAC/MSOS) for consideration by the DNCL Operations SICS Subcommittee.
Document: 606951.pdf - 144KO

2006-03-27 - Canadian Bankers Association (CBA)
Description: In response to the Commission's invitation to provide comments with respect to issues raised in Telecom Public Notice 2006-4, I am pleased to attach the banking industry's views.
Document: - 117KO

2006-03-27 - Independent Financial Brokers (IFB)
Description: Independent Financial Brokers of Canada (IFB) is pleased to submit our comments for consideration in the above-referenced proceeding, which will determine the rules for the National Do Not Call list (DNCL) authorized by Bill C-37.
Document: 606610.doc - 93KO

2006-03-27 - Meloche Monnex Inc.
Description: TD Meloche Monnex, the third-largest provider of home and auto insurance in Canada, operates through direct-response distribution methods, providing value and convenience to a rapidly growing clientele.
Document: 606605.doc - 77KO

2006-03-27 - Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc.
Description: Attached is a copy of a submission of the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association regarding Telecom Public Notice 2006-4 Proceeding to establish a national do not call list framework and to review the telemarketing rules.
Document: - 134KO

2006-03-27 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description: Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw, or, the Company) is pleased to offer the following comments for Commission consideration in the context of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-4 (PN 2006-4).
Document: 606600.doc - 55KO

2006-03-27 - Xit Télécom inc.
Description: Conformement aux procedures du Conseil a l'Appel Public 2006-4 et telles que modifiees dans la lettre du Conseil datee du 6 mars 2006, Xit telecom inc., en son nom ainsi qu'au nom de Telecommunications Xittel inc., et de 9141-9077 Quebec inc. (Xit telecom) vous fait part de ses commentaires.
Document: 606932.doc - 19KO

2006-03-27 - Canadian Association of Direct Response Insurers (CADRI)
Description: On behalf of the Canadian Association of Direct Response Insurers (CADRI), I am pleased to submit comments for consideration in the above-referenced proceeding, which will determine rules for the national Do Not Call list authorized by Bill C-37.
Documen: 606598.doc - 80KO

2006-03-27 - Public Interest Law Centre (PILC)
Description: The following comments are submitted on behalf of the Consumers Association of Canada (Manitoba Society of Seniors CAC/MSOS for consideration by the Commission.
Document: 606819.pdf - 149KO

2006-03-27 - Canadian Association of Financial Institutions in Insurance (CAFII)
Description: I am writing on behalf of the CAFII with regard to Public CRTC 2006-4.
Document: 606684.pdf - 167KO

2006-03-24 - Advocis
Description: Advocis appreciates the opportunity to provide its comments to the CRTC on CRTC Public Notice 2006-4, the establishment of a national do not call list (DNCL) framework.
Document: 606817.pdf - 97KO

2006-03-25 - Darren, Gahan
Description: These comments are in SUPPORT OF THE NATIONAL DO NOT CALL LIST. Marketing, Direct Marketing, and Telemarketing and or any other form of Marketing (Hereafter called Marketer) need to have strict regulations. This is especially necessary when the Marketers use ways and means that are paid for by the public.
Document: 606759.doc - 6KO

2006-03-24 - Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (MRIA)
Description: The MRIA - the voice of the market and survey research industry in Canada - is pleased to submit these comments to the CRTC in response to the above-noted Public Notice.
Document: 606726.pdf - 34KO

2006-03-24 - Canadian Newspaper Association (CNA)
Description: The attached comments have been filed by the CNA in response to the process initiated by the Commission on February 20, 2006, as noted above.
Document: - 57KO

2006-03-22 - Canadian Jewish Congress
Description: Attached please find the submission of the Canadian Jewish Congress in reference to Public Notice 2006-4
Document: 607680.doc - 53KO

2006-03-22 - Direct Marketing Association (DMA)
Description: The Direct Marketing Association, Inc. Of the United States (DMA) submits the following comments with respect especially to paragraphs 47 and 48 of the Telecom Public Notice 2006-4.
Document: 606708.pdf - 393KO

2006-03-17 - RESP Dealers Association of Canada
Description: The following comments are submitted on behalf of the RESP Dealers Association of Canada (RESPDAC) in response to the above-noted public notice.
Document: 606674.pdf - 37KO

Section 4c) Observations

Observations reçu électroniquement

Section 4d) Répliques aux observations

2006-06-06 - The British Columbia Public Interest Advocacy Centre

Description: We write to provide brief reply submissions regarding the national Do Not Call List Framework and the Telemarketing Rules.
Document: 634707.pdf - 63KO

2006-06-06 - Canadian Bankers Association
Description: Attached are the reply comments of the Canadian Bankers Association re Telecom Public Notice 2006-4 on the establishment of the National Do Not Call List.
Document: 634706.pdf - 95KO

2006-06-06 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Rogers Communications Inc. (“RCI”) is filing these reply comments in accordance with the procedures established by the Commission in Proceeding to establish a national do not call list framework and to review the telemarketing rules, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-4, 20 February 2006 (Public Notice 2006-4).
Document: 634702.pdf - 82KO

2006-06-06 - Primerica
Description: In their comments and replies to comments, a number of stakeholders have proposed various measures intended to lend clarity to the interpretation of exemptions and the scope of the national Do Not Call List (DNCL).
Document: 634701.doc - 38KO

2006-06-06 - Canadian Marketing Association (CMA)
Description: The Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) has been pleased to be involved in all aspects of the proceedings related to the CRTC Public Notice CRTC 2006-4.
Document: 634700.pdf - 216KO

2006-06-06 - Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Allstream Inc., NorthernTel, Limited Partnership, Northwestel Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications, Télébec, société en commandite, and TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) (the Companies)
Description:  Pursuant to paragraph 60 of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-4, the following reply comments are provided by Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Allstream Inc., NorthernTel, Limited Partnership, Northwestel Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications, Télébec, société en commandite, and TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) (collectively, the Companies). Document: 633101.doc - 363KO

2006-06-05 - The People of Canada

Description: Thank you for the opportunity to reply to the undertakings received from the other parties after the public consultation.
Document: 636394.pdf - 110KO

2006-06-02 - Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc.

Description: In their comments and replies to comments, a number of stakeholders have proposed various measures intended to lend clarity to the interpretation of exemptions and the scope of the national Do Not Call List (DNCL).
Document: 634697.pdf - 22KO

2006-06-02 - Public Interest Law Centre
Description: This letter is in response to the Companies' letter to you of June 1,2006 objecting to the content of the reply comments filed by CAC/MSOS.
CAC/MSOS wishes to respond to the allegations made by the Companies in its letter and also to explain its reasons for including the survey results in that Reply. Document: 634693.pdf - 95KO

2006-05-23 - Advocis
Description: We reiterate our support of the Government’s efforts to alleviate telemarketing irritations for Canadians while recognizing the need to continue to foster a competitive environment for businesses in Canada.
Document: 629118.pdf - 71KO

2006-05-23 - Consumers Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch) and Manitoba Society of Seniors (CAC/MSOS)
Description: The CAC/MSOS are pleased to be able to provide the Commission with its reply comments.
Document: 628876.pdf - 99KO

2006-05-23 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumers' Association of Canada
Descrition: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) as counsel for the Consumers’ Association of Canada is pleased to enclose the following final reply comments on this proceeding.
Document: - 123KO

2006-05-23 - Association of Fundraising Professionals
Description: Attached please find a copy of the Reply Comments of the Association of Fundraising Professionals together with the Part VII Application to Review and Vary (which forms part of the Reply Comments).
Document: - 2608KO

Section 4e) Répliques aux questions supplémentaires

2006-06-22 - Advocis
Description: At our May 2, 2006 appearance regarding the establishment of a national do not call list (DNCL) framework, Advocis was asked to provide the Commission with further details on: cost estimates, a member poll and disciplinary procedures.
Document: 637819.pdf - 70KO

2006-06-02 - The Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (MRIA)
Description: The Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (MRIA) is pleased to respond to Commissioner Barbara Cram’s request for additional information, made at the May 3 public consultation event for Public Notice 2006-4.
Document: - 155KO

2006-06-01 - Canadian Marketing Association
Description: The Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) is pleased to provide CRTC  with the following responses to the Undertakings received May 2, 2006 pursuant to Telecom Public Notice 2006-4.
Document: 631233.pfd - 173KO

2006-05-24 - L'union des consommateurs
Description: L’Union des consommateurs dépose le présent document afin de soumettre des réponses aux questions du Conseil faisant suite à l’audience publique relative à l’avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-4.
Document: 630456.doc - 847KO

2006-05-24 - RESP Dealers Association of Canada
Description: At the CRTC public consultation session respecting the Do Not Call List (Wednesday May 3rd) our organization put forth the position that people who have specifically requested contact from an organization should be able to be contacted even though they may have registered on the DNCL. The committee asked me to provide a sample of one our lead generation pieces for their review in consideration of this point. When you and spoke afterwards about this you suggested that to satisfy the undertaking I email you an example.
Document: 629415.pdf - 188KO

2006-05-19 - Canadian Bankers Association
Description: At the May 2 - 5, 2006 public consultations with respect to Telecom Public notice CRTC 2006-4, the Commission provided various parties, including the Canadian Bankers Association, with Undertakings to provide information on five topics.
Document: 629234.pdf - 92KO

2006-05-19 - Primerica

Description: Attached are the responses of Primerica to six undertakings received from the CRTC during the public hearings for PN 2006-4 that were held on May 2-4, 2006.
Document: - 125KO

2006-05-18 - Advocis
Description: At our May 2 appearance regarding the establishment of a national do not call list (DNCL) framework, Advocis was asked to provide the Commission with further details on three matters. Following is information on the items requested.
Document: - 149KO

2006-05-17 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre for the Consumers' Association of Canada
Description: We are counsel to the Consumer Groups (Consumers' Association of Canada, National Anti-Poverty Organization, L'Union des consommateurs) in the above-noted proceeding. We are pleased to enclose the answers to undertakings given at the oral hearing in this matter, held on May 2-4, 2006.
Document: (révisée)- 107KO

2006-05-16 - Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA)

Description: Attached are the responses of the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association to four undertakings received from the CRTC during the public hearings for PN 2006-4 that were held on May 2-4, 2006.
Document: - 40KO

2006-05-16 - ContactNB
Description: Once again, we would like to thank the CRTC for including our Association in the public hearings for the subject notice. We are in receipt of several questions posed of the Association in response to our submission, and hereby offer the following response.
Document: 626045.doc - 61KO

2006-05-15 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) submits its responses to the interrogatories given to it at the conclusion of its appearance at the public consultation on Wednesday, May 3, 2006.
Document: - 142KO

2006-05-15 - Bell Canada (The Companies)
Description: Pursuant to the public consultation phase of the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-4, the attached responses to undertakings are provided by Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS.
Document: - 92KO

Section 8a) Frais

2006-09-25 - TELUS Communications Company
TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) is in receipt of an application for costs from the British Columbia Public Interest Advocacy Centre (BCPIAC) dated 17 July 2006 and received 15 September 2006. Pursuant to Section 44 of the CRTC Telecommunication Rules of Procedure (“the Rules”). TELUS herein provides its response to BCPIAC’s application for costs.
Document: 670966.pdf - 24KO

2006-09-21 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Bell Canada, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership, Northwestel Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) and Télébec, société en commandite (the Companies)
Description: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership, Northwestel Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications and T é lébec, sociét é en commandite (collectively, the Companies) , are in receipt of an application for costs from the BC Public Interest Advocacy Centre (BCOAPO et al) dated 17 July 2006 and received 15 September 2006 .   The Companies do not object to the applicant's entitlement to costs or to the amount claimed.
Document: 669888.doc - 32KO

2006-09-18 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Rogers is in receipt of a request for an award of costs from the British Columbia Public Interest Advocacy Centre (BCPIAC), for $4,736.50 for participation by these parties in Proceeding to establish a national do not call list framework and to review the telemarketing rules, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-4, 20 February 2006 (Public Notice 2006-4).
Document: 669860.pdf - 52KO

2006-09-15 - The British Columbia Public Interest Advocacy Centre
Description: Further to Bell Canada's letter of September 12, 2006 regarding our application for costs on behalf of BCOAPO et al., we are serving all interested parties with our application of July 17, 2006.
Document: - 47KO

2006-09-12 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) , has become aware of an application for costs from the British Columbia Public Interest Advocacy Centre on behalf of the BC Old Age Pensioners' Organization et al (BCOAPO et al) dated 17 July 2006.
Document: 666885.doc - 77KO

2006-08-14 - Telus Communications Inc.
Description: Telus Communications Inc. (TELUS) is in receipt of applications for costs from the Consumer Association of Canada (CAC) dated and received 1 August 2006.
Document: 653846.pdf - 22KO

2006-08-08 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description: In the context of PN 2006-4, costs applications have been submitted by the Consumers Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch) and the Manitoba Society of Seniors (CAC/MSOS), L'Union des Consommateurs, and the Public Interest Advocacy Centre on behalf of the Consumers Association of Canada.
Document: 652161.doc - 57KO

2006-08-04 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Bell Canada, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership, Northwestel Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) and Télébec, société en commandite (the Companies)
Description:  The Companies are in receipt of an application for costs from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre on behalf of the Consumers Association of Canada (CAC) dated 1 August 2006 .   The Companies do not object to the applicant's entitlement to costs.   The Companies do not object to the amount claimed, with the exception that the GST amount should be $357.42, not $714.84.
Document: 651511.doc - 32KO

2006-07-17 - BC Public Interest Advocacy Centre for BC Old Age Pensioners' Organization et al
Description:  The BC Public Interest Advocacy Centre applies on behalf of the BC Old Age Pensioners' Organization et al. for costs in these proceedings.
Document: 650165.pdf - 418KO

2006-08-03 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Desccription:  Rogers is in receipt of the Public Interest Advocacy Centre's (PIAC) request for award of costs, dated August 1, 2006, in the amount of $12,937.22 for participation by this partis as counsel for the Consumers' Association of Canada (CAC in Telecom Public Notice 2006-4, 20 February 2006.
Document: 651014.pdf - 52KO

2006-08-01 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumers' Association of Canada (CAC)
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), as counsel for the Consumers’ Association of Canada (CAC) in the above-noted hearing, respectfull submits the attached the costs claim.
Document: 650134.doc - 130KO

2006-07-26 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS is in receipt of applications for costs from L'Union des Consommateurs dated 26 June 2006 and received 17 July 2006 and the Consumers Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch) and the Manitoba Society for Seniors (CACMSOS) dated 17 July 2006 and received 19 July 2006.
Document: 648219.pdf - 23KO

2006-07-25 - Bell Aliant, Bell Canada, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership, Northwestel Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel), Télébec, société en commandite (the Companies)
Description: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant), Bell Canada, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership, Northwestel Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications and Télébec, société en commandite (collectively, the Companies) , are in receipt of an application for costs from the Public Interest Law Centre on behalf of the Consumers Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch) and the Manitoba Society of Seniors (CAC/MSOS) dated 17 July 2006 .
Document: 647923.doc - 30KO

2006-07-24 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description:  Rogers is in receipt of requests for an award of costs from the Consumer Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch) and the Manitoba Society of Seniors (CAC/MSOS), for $11,592 and L'Union des consommateurs, for $9.523.60, for participation by these parties in Telecom Public Notice 2006-4, 20 February 2006.
Document: 647180.pdf - 53KO

2006-07-17 - Public Interest Law Centre for Consumers Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch) and Manitoba Society of Seniors (CAC/MSOS)
Description: On behalf of Consumers Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch) and Manitoba Society of Seniors (CAC/MSOS), I am writing to apply for an award of costs with respect to the above noted proceeding.
Document: 645276.doc - 99KO

2006-07-17 - Bell Aliant, Bell Canada, NorthernTel, Limited Patnership, Northwestel Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications and Télébec, société en commandite (the Companies)
Description: The Companies are in receipt of an application for costs from Union des consommateur, dated 26 June 2006 and received on 4 July 2006. The Companies do not object to the applicant's entitlement to costs or the amount claimed.
Document: 645254.doc - 34KO

2006-06-26 - L' Union des consommateurs
Description: Conformément à l'article 44 des Règles de procédure du CRTC en matière de télécommunications et à l'avis public CRTC 2002-5, l'Union des consommateurs demande l'adjudication de ses frais pour sa participation à l'avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-4.
Document: 642966.pdf - 380KO

2006-05-30 - Telus Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS") is in receipt of an application for costs from Mr. Mark Obermeyer, dated 10 May 2006 and received 18 May 2006. TELUS herein provides its response to Mr. Obermeyer's application for costs.
Document:  630663.pdf - 27KO

2005-05-30 - Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership, Northwestel Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications and Télébec, sociét é en commandite (collectively, the Companies)
Description: The Companies do not object to the amount claimed; the Companies do object to Mr. Obermeyer's eligibility to receive costs.
Document: 630371.doc - 272KO

2006-05-30 - The People of Canada
Description: Revised costs application, resubmitted per a new request from Susan Gardiner to use a certain form.
Document: 500KO

2006-05-10 - The People of Canada
Description: Pursuant to Section 44 of the RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE CANADIAN RADIO-TELEVISION AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, we have tallied up the actual out-of-pocket costs of our delegate's attendance at the May 2-5, 2006 public consultation for PN 2006-4, and now apply to have these costs re-imbursed.
Document: - 910KO

Section 8b) Autres

Aucun documents

Mise à jour : 2006-11-08

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