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Province of Manitoba » Water Stewardship » Licensing, Regulation and Policies » Licensing » Water Control Works

Licensing, Regulation and Policies

Water Control Works (drainage and dams)


The Water Control Infrastructure Program is divided into five sub-program areas:

  1. Provincial Water Resources Projects - managing water control infrastructure including construction, monitoring, maintenance, refurbishment, investigations and feasibility studies.
  2. Drainage and Litigation - providing land drainage services including investigation and resolution of concerns/complaints as well as drainage project licensing.
  3. Data Management - maintaining a database of provincial infrastructure details including maps, drawings, field survey books, microfiche, photographs, and feasibility study reports.
  4. Diking Commissioner - inspecting the diking system within the City of Winnipeg and preparing an annual report to the Minister.
  5. 1997 Flood Proofing Program- administering the Red River Valley Flood Proofing Program for communities and individuals--homes, farms and businesses.
  6. Branch Budget - Prepare annual Branch budget for maintenance and capital works including monitoring of project expenditures in all program areas.


Rural municipalities, local planning authorities such as planning districts and conservation district boards, the flood/drought affected public, agricultural producers, engineering consultants, contractors, the Departments of Agriculture and Highways and other branches of Conservation. Clients needs include the maintenance of the provincial drainage system, operational water control and conveyance infrastructure and prompt access to services, products and databases.


  1. To build, maintain and refurbish infrastructure such as waterways, bridges and crossings
  2. To review and license proposed land drainage systems under the Water Rights Act
  3. To ensure the effective operation of land drainage and flood control systems
  4. To investigate and resolve drainage issues/concerns
  5. To provide infrastructure data, plans and related information as requested for structural and non-structural (planning) investigations related to water resources
  6. To flood proof the maximum number of valley buildings or structures in the most effective and economic manner to a geodetic elevation equal to the 1997 flood level plus two feet of freeboard


  • Building, monitoring, maintaining and refurbishing floodways, dams, dikes, bridges, culvert crossings and an extensive system of waterways, drainage channels and drainage structures
  • Assessing damage to infrastructure, repair methods and negotiating insurance settlements
  • Investigating proposals that could affect the integrity of water infrastructure and preparing authorization permits outlining terms to ensure continued safe and effective operating of physical works
  • Land drainage licensing and drainage services including: investigation of compliance and resolution of complaints; coordinating and supervising contracts for upgrade and/or rehabilitation of drainage systems
  • Loaning or reproducing survey information, drainage and topographic maps, engineering drawings, as-built plans, historical photography and feasibility reports
  • Providing assistance for owners to flood proof homes, farm buildings and businesses
  • Providing data and information for legal questions concerning drainage issues
  • Developing feasibility and facilitating planning and construction of community diking systems
  • Prepare, award and administer contracts for engineering services and construction of physical works

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