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Labour & Immigration Minister Nancy Allan pic

Nancy Allan
Minister responsible for the Status of Women

Welcome to the Web pages of Manitoba Status of Women. The department consists of two arms that represent the interests of women in Manitoba.

The Manitoba Women's Advisory Council is an independent, arms-length advisory organization appointed by the Minister responsible for the Status of Women. The Council advises government on issues concerning the status of women throughout Manitoba. The MWAC Web site provides information about the council's goals and activities, upcoming events, an on-line version of the Parenting On Your Own resource book and links to other women's organizations' Web sites.

The Manitoba Women's Directorate works to ensure that women's concerns are integrated in Government policy development and decision-making. This Web site gives an overview of the directorate including its vision, mission and goals as well as information on programs and services available to women.

As Minister responsible for the Status of Women, my goal is to work with women throughout the province, addressing your needs and ensuring that your voices are heard. Most issues addressing women are multi-faceted and benefit from feedback and consultation with Manitoba women's groups. I invite you to explore these Web pages and discover the many aspects of the directorate and council. We welcome your questions, comments or suggestions.

Minister's Biography

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