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Manitoba Home Care Program


Your Guide to the Manitoba Home Care Program

The Manitoba Home Care Program is a community-based program that provides home support to individuals, regardless of age, who require health services or assistance with activities of daily living.  Home care works with individuals and provides assistance to help them stay in their homes for as long as is safely possible.

 A professional assessment of your individual needs, existing supports and community resources will determine your eligibility for the Manitoba Home Care Program and the type and amount of services you may receive.

The Manitoba Home Care Program is responsible for ensuring the provision of reliable and safe assessed service in the home, education setting or workplace.

To be eligible for the Manitoba Home Care Program an individual must:

  be a Manitoba resident, registered with Manitoba Health

  require health services or assistance with activities of daily living

  require service to stay in their home for as long as possible; and

  require more assistance than that available from existing supports and community resources



Residents of Manitoba may access home care for an assessment of eligibility for home care services.  Anyone may refer an individual to the Manitoba Home Care Program for assessment of his or her eligibility.  This can be done by contacting your Regional Health Authority office.

Assessments are done by case co-ordinators who are health-care professionals. The case co-ordinator assigned to you will meet with you and your family to discuss you care needs and how best to meet these needs.  This assessment will determine:

   whether you are eligible for the program;

   how to help you and you family organize the help available to you;

   how to access community resources available to you;

   what services you may require from home care;

   when assessed services are required in an educational setting or in the workplace;


   whether your need for care is best met in another care setting.


Care Planning and Coordination

Before you receive home care services, a case co-ordinator will assess your situation with you and you family or your designated representative.  Together, you will decide on you care plan.  Your care plan will take into consideration how your existing supports can help you and identify community resources available to you.

This mutually agreed-upon care plan, of which you will receive a copy, will be signed by you and the case co-ordinator.  It is the goal of the Manitoba Home Care Program to ensure that you receive services according to the care plan.

Self-management of your services as described in your care plan may be an option.  If you are interested in managing your care plan and arranging your own services, ask your case co-ordinator for more information.



Some of the services you may require are:

Personal Care Assistance

Direct service workers may help you with mobility, such as walking or getting into a wheelchairs, and with your personal care, such as bathing, using a toilet or getting dressed.

Home Support

Direct service workers may come to your home to help you with activities such as meals, light housekeeping and laundry.

Health Care

Nurses may provide health teaching, counselling and nursing care.  Physiotherapists may teach you special exercises, and occupational therapists may assist you with planning your activities of daily living.

Family Relief

A direct service worker may be arranged to provide short periods of in-home relief for your family care-giver.

Respite Care

Respite care may be arranged to provide longer periods of relief for your family care-giver.  during this time, you will be admitted to a hospital or personal care home.  There is a fee for this service.

Supplies and Equipment

Some supplies and equipment needed for your care may be available through home care.

Adult Day programs

These day programs enable you to meet other people and enjoy recreational activities away from your home.  There is a fee for this service.

Volunteer Services

Volunteers may be available to help you with other activities that support your care plan.


Personal Care Home Placement

A personal care home may be the appropriate care setting when:

   you can no longer remain safely at home even with home care services; and
   the services you need can be provided more effectively and economically in a personal care home.


The application form for personal care home admission is provided by your case co-ordinator and is signed by you.  the form includes medical, nursing and other information about you.  Once completed, the application is reviewed to decide whether you are eligible for admission to a personal care home.

If you and your family have any questions or concerns about your application or about the decision regarding your eligibility for personal care home admission, please contact your case co-ordinator.

You and your family may wish to visit several home before deciding which one(s) you would choose.  You may be asked to identify more than one personal care home that would be acceptable to you.


There may be a waiting period before you are admitted to the personal care home.  during this time, home care services may be provided to you as necessary.

If you require admission immediately or are in hospital awaiting placement, you may be asked to accept placement in a different care facility until you can be admitted to the personal care home of your choice.

Roles and Responsibilities

You, your case co-ordinator and your direct service workers function as a co-operative team.  Each is responsible for understanding the role they play in the development and delivery of your care plan.

Clients and families who participate in their health care planning and understand the service benefit most from the program.

Manitoba Home Care Program has a responsibility to:

   Work with you to develop an individualized care plan specific to your needs

   Arrange services as specified in you care plan

   Provide flexible service, responsive to your needs and supportive to your family care-giver

   Communicate promptly with you regarding schedule changes and replacement services

   Treat you with courtesy and respect

   Arrange for safe care

You have a responsibility to:

   Participate in the development of your care plan

   Inform your case co-ordinator when you will not be available to receive the scheduled services

   Inform your case co-ordinator of changes in your health or home situation that affect your care plan and services

   Participate in planning for replacement services as required, including a backup plan

   Treat staff with courtesy and respect

   Provide a safe working environment for workers

Questions and Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about your assessment, care plan or services, talk to your case co-ordinator or the supervisor.

If your case co-ordinator or the supervisor is unable to answer your questions or concerns, contact your Regional Health Authority Office.

If you disagree with the final decision regarding your eligibility for home care, or your level of service, you may contact the Appeal Panel for Home Care.

It is important to the Manitoba Home Care Program that you be satisfied with your service.


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