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Statutory Publications

About Us


Today's Statutory Publications continues a tradition which began in 1870, by providing government and the public with information on the proceedings and laws of the government of the day. As the population of Manitoba has grown, so has the government and the laws enacted by the elected officials. Correspondingly, Statutory Publications has enlarged its operations to keep pace with this growing body of material and the increased demand for information.

Our clients include government, lawyers, corporations, universities, school divisions, health care institutions, unions and the general public.

What does Statutory Publications do?

Statutory Publications makes information available through the publication and distribution of statutes, regulations and other Legislative material, the Manitoba Gazette, the CCSM (Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes of Manitoba), Special Sets and Re-enacted Regulations.

We provide support to provincial government departments in the production and delivery of Statutes and Regulations and act as a central distribution centre for Legislative and select government publications. Our office is located in the Lower Level of the Archives Building, 200 Vaughan Street.

Statutory Publications works in conjunction with the offices of the Legislative Assembly, Legislative Counsel, and the Legislative Library to produce and distribute the Manitoba Gazette and the Statutes of Manitoba.

We also provide a subscription service to our clients for the Manitoba Gazette, Bills, Votes and Proceedings, CCSM, and Special Sets - a compilation of certain Acts and Regulations.

Manitoba Gazette

The Manitoba Gazette is published on a weekly basis and consists of two parts. Part One is comprised of proclamations, official and other notices, and advertisements which are required, or provided for, by provincial statute or regulation, to be published in the Manitoba Gazette.

Part Two contains the regulations that are required to be published under the Regulations Act. An Index to Regulations is published quarterly.

Votes and Proceedings

This publication, also available by subscription, details the minutes of the House proceedings and contains a report of the progress of legislation.

Committee Transcript

This publication is a transcript of committee deliberations. It is not available by subscription but can be purchased on request.

The Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes of Manitoba (CCSM)

The CCSM is a set of 22 binders of most of the Public Acts of Manitoba. An updating service is available from Statutory Publications by subscription. Some Public Acts, Private Acts and Municipal Acts are not included in the CCSM.

Legislative Counsel provides the updating, in both official languages, for the CCSM, Statutory Publications arranges for the publication and distribution.

Special Sets

Statutory Publications has taken the initiative of producing and marketing Special Sets, which are a compilation of Acts and Regulations that pertain to a particular subject. The Special Sets available are: Corporations, Courts, Family Law, Government Administration, Health, Highway Traffic, Insurance, Labour Management, Liquor Control, Municipal, Provincial Court, Schools, Securities and Social Development.


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