BC Utilities Commision Home
Frequently Asked Questions

Documents of Note

Proceeding Filing Deadlines
Updated: February 5, 2008 as of 10:03 am

Document Filing Protocols~Applicant
Updated: May 16, 2005

Document Filing Protocols~Intervenor
Updated: May 16, 2005

New User's Guide
Updated: April 16, 2004

Frequently Asked Questions

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1 . What process should I follow to make a complaint against a utility?

The commission has a complaint review process. You should have made every effort to first resolve the complaint with the utility before contacting the Commission. To file a complaint with the Commission, please refer to the Complaint Handling procedures Complaint.aspx .

2 . Who should I contact regarding a gas leak?

You should contact your local utility's emergency line. Phone numbers are listed in the White pages of your telephone directory. If you need assistance locating a utility’s emergency line, please contact your Telus operator.

3 . Who should I contact regarding a power outage?

Contact your local utility. Utility phone numbers are listed in the White pages of your telephone directory. If you need assistance locating a utility's emergency line, please contact your Telus operator.

4 . How do I register as an Intervenor or Interested Party?

To register as an active or non-active Intervenor, write to the Commission Secretary and provide the following information: RegisterIndex.aspx
Your name
Name of Organization (if applicable)
Mailing Address
Delivery Address
Telephone Number
Facsimile Number
Email Address (if applicable)
Name of Organization you are representing
Include a description of the scope and nature of your interest in the application.

An active Intervernor is a participant who intends to fully participate in the review process. Active Intervenors will receive copies of the Application, all correspondence and filed documentation.

A non-active Intervenor is a participant who does not intend to fully participate in the review process, but wishes to receive all filed documentation with the option of making a submission in regard to any issues that may arise.

To register as an Interested Party write to the Commission Secretary and provide the following information: RegisterIndex.aspx
Your name
Name of Organization (if applicable)
Mailing Address
Telephone Number
Email Address (if applicable)

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