BC Utilities Commision Home
Proceeding Filing Deadlines

Documents of Note

Proceeding Filing Deadlines
Updated: February 5, 2008 as of 10:03 am

Document Filing Protocols~Applicant
Updated: May 16, 2005

Document Filing Protocols~Intervenor
Updated: May 16, 2005

New User's Guide
Updated: April 16, 2004

Proceeding Filing Deadlines

Page 1 of 1
Due DateUtilities & ProceedingRegulatory ItemOrder/Letter
2007/03/22 x PNGNE_2007 Revenue Requirements ~ COMPLETED
Pacific Northern Gas (N.E.) Ltd. - 2007 Revenue Requirements Application ~ Project No. 3698444

Lead Staff: Doug Chong Panel: L.A. Zaozirny; L.A. O'Hara Counsel: Consultants:

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor Final SubmissionsG-3-07
2007/03/29 x PNGNE_2007 Revenue Requirements ~ COMPLETED
Pacific Northern Gas (N.E.) Ltd. - 2007 Revenue Requirements Application ~ Project No. 3698444

Lead Staff: Doug Chong Panel: L.A. Zaozirny; L.A. O'Hara Counsel: Consultants:

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

PNG(NE) Reply SubmissionsG-3-07
2007/12/13 x UNOCAL - Disposition of Aitken Creek Gas Storage - COMPLETED
Unocal Canada Limited ~ Disposition of Interest in the Aitken Creek Storage Facility to Aitken Creek Gas Storage ULC ~ Aitken Creek Gas Storage ULC Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Application and Application for an Exemption Order in respect of its Ownership and Operation of the Aitken Creek Storage Facility ~ Project No. 3698487 ~ Written Hearing

Panel: R. Hobbs Lead Staff: B. Williston Counsel: TBA

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Applicants submit written Reply Comments to the CommissionG-143-07; L-97-07
2008/01/24 BCTC Thermal Upgrade Project
BCTC ~ An Application for Approval to Incur Capital Expenditures to Construct the 5L51 and 5L52 Thermal Upgrade Project ~ Project No. 3698491

Panel: R. Hobbs, L. O'Hara Lead Staff: B. Williston Staff: J. Fraser, P. Nakoneshny, D. Flintoff

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Commission Information Requests to BCTCG-163-07
2008/01/29 ICBC Regional Claims Allocation Review Process
ICBC Regional Claims Allocation Review Process ~ Project No. 3698495

Panel: L. Kelsey, K. Anderson, P. Vivian Lead Staff: D. Chong Staff: B. Grant,

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

ICBC Response to Information RequestsG-2-08
2008/01/30 TGI Ft Nelson - 2008 Schedule of Rates & RSAM
TGI ~ Application for Approval to amend its Schedule of Rates (Ft. Nelson Service Area) ~ Project No. 3698489

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: D. Flintoff Staff: T. Roberts, B. Williston, P. Nakoneshny, B. Brownell, J. Fraser

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

TGI Ft. Nelson Response to BCUC & Intervenor IR No. 1G-158-07
2008/01/31 BCTC Thermal Upgrade Project
BCTC ~ An Application for Approval to Incur Capital Expenditures to Construct the 5L51 and 5L52 Thermal Upgrade Project ~ Project No. 3698491

Panel: R. Hobbs, L. O'Hara Lead Staff: B. Williston Staff: J. Fraser, P. Nakoneshny, D. Flintoff

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor Information RequestsG-163-07
2008/02/01 FortisBC CPCN for the Okanagan Transmission Reinforcement Project
FortisBC ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Okanagan Transmission Reinforcement Project (“OTR Project’) ~ Project No. 3698488

Panel: K. Anderson, N. Nicholls Lead Staff: B. Williston Staff: D. Chong, D. Flintoff, T. Roberts, R. Stubbings

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Registration of Intervenors & Interested PartiesG-160-07
2008/02/01 BC Hydro - Standing Offer Program
BCH ~ An Application for Approval of the Standing Offer Program ~ Project No. 3698490 ~

Panel: A. Pullman Lead Staff: TBA Staff: J. Fraser, P. Nakoneshny, D. Flintoff, B. Williston

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Responses to Commission & Intervenor IRs by BCHG-169-07
2008/02/01 Dockside Green Energy CPCN for District Energy System
Dockside Green Energy LLP ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Application for the District Energy System ~ Project No. 3698496 ~ Written Public

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: R. Brownell Staff: B. Williston

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor Information Requests No. 1G-8-08
2008/02/04 BCTC - Interior Lower Mainland CPCN
British Columbia Transmission Corporation ~ Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission Project ~ Project No. 3698486

Panel: R. Hobbs, N. Nicholls, T. Pullman Consultant: E. Switlishoff Lead Staff: TBA Counsel: TBA

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenors & Others Submissions re: First Nations - Duty to ConsultRHH-B-4
2008/02/05 FortisBC Inc. - AMI - CPCN
FortisBC Inc. ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ~ Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project ~ Project No. 3698493 ~ Written Public Hearing

Panel: R. Hobbs Lead Staff: D. Flintoff Staff: B. Williston, T. Berry, R. Stubbings

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor Information Requests No. 1G-1-08
2008/02/06 BC Hydro - Reconsideration Distribution Extension Allowances
BC Hydro Application for Reconsideration of the 2007 Rate Design Decision and Order No. G-10-08 regarding the Distribution Extension Allowances ~ 3698455 ~ Written Public Hrg

Panel: Pullman, O'Hara, Milbourne Lead Staff: E. Cheng

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

BC Hydro to file Written Submission on Reconsideration MeritsG-18-08
2008/02/07 BCTC Transmission System Capital Plan F2009-F2018
BCTC ~ Application for Approval of a Transmission System Capital Plan F2009 to F2018 ~ Project No. 3698492

Panel: R. Hobbs, L. O'Hara Lead Staff: E. Switlishoff Staff: G. Isherwood, B. Williston, S. Mah

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor Information Requests to BCTCG-173-07
2008/02/08 BCTC - Interior Lower Mainland CPCN
British Columbia Transmission Corporation ~ Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission Project ~ Project No. 3698486

Panel: R. Hobbs, N. Nicholls, T. Pullman Consultant: E. Switlishoff Lead Staff: TBA Counsel: TBA

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Commission & Intervenor Information Requests No. 2G-137-07; G-172-07
2008/02/08 FortisBC Inc. - AMI - CPCN
FortisBC Inc. ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ~ Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project ~ Project No. 3698493 ~ Written Public Hearing

Panel: R. Hobbs Lead Staff: D. Flintoff Staff: B. Williston, T. Berry, R. Stubbings

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Registration of Intervenors and Interested PartiesG-1-08
2008/02/08 Dockside Green Energy CPCN for District Energy System
Dockside Green Energy LLP ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Application for the District Energy System ~ Project No. 3698496 ~ Written Public

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: R. Brownell Staff: B. Williston

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Response to Intervenor Information Requests No. 1G-8-08
2008/02/13 BCTC - Interior Lower Mainland CPCN
British Columbia Transmission Corporation ~ Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission Project ~ Project No. 3698486

Panel: R. Hobbs, N. Nicholls, T. Pullman Consultant: E. Switlishoff Lead Staff: TBA Counsel: TBA

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

BCTC & BC Hydro - Reply Submissions - First Nations Duty to ConsultTranscript Volume 1, Pg 86-88; A-5
2008/02/13 Plateau Pipe Line Ltd - 2007 Western System Tolls
Plateau Pipe Line Ltd. ~ Application for the Approval of 2007 and 2008 Western System Tolls ~ Project No# 3698481 ~ TBD

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: S. Sue Staff: TBD Counsel: TBD

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Plateau Resp to BCUC IR No. 2 and Intervenor IR 1P-8-07; P-1-08
2008/02/13 TGI Ft Nelson - 2008 Schedule of Rates & RSAM
TGI ~ Application for Approval to amend its Schedule of Rates (Ft. Nelson Service Area) ~ Project No. 3698489

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: D. Flintoff Staff: T. Roberts, B. Williston, P. Nakoneshny, B. Brownell, J. Fraser

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

BCUC & Intervenor IR #2, if necessaryG-158-07
2008/02/13 BC Hydro - Standing Offer Program
BCH ~ An Application for Approval of the Standing Offer Program ~ Project No. 3698490 ~

Panel: A. Pullman Lead Staff: TBA Staff: J. Fraser, P. Nakoneshny, D. Flintoff, B. Williston

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

SOP Application Workshop commencing at 9:00 amG-169-07
2008/02/13 BC Hydro - Standing Offer Program
BCH ~ An Application for Approval of the Standing Offer Program ~ Project No. 3698490 ~

Panel: A. Pullman Lead Staff: TBA Staff: J. Fraser, P. Nakoneshny, D. Flintoff, B. Williston

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Negotiated Settlement ProcessG-169-07
2008/02/13 BC Hydro - Reconsideration Distribution Extension Allowances
BC Hydro Application for Reconsideration of the 2007 Rate Design Decision and Order No. G-10-08 regarding the Distribution Extension Allowances ~ 3698455 ~ Written Public Hrg

Panel: Pullman, O'Hara, Milbourne Lead Staff: E. Cheng

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenors to file Written Responses to BCH SubmissionG-18-08
2008/02/14 BCTC Thermal Upgrade Project
BCTC ~ An Application for Approval to Incur Capital Expenditures to Construct the 5L51 and 5L52 Thermal Upgrade Project ~ Project No. 3698491

Panel: R. Hobbs, L. O'Hara Lead Staff: B. Williston Staff: J. Fraser, P. Nakoneshny, D. Flintoff

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

BCTC Responses to Information RequestsG-163-07
2008/02/14 BCTC Transmission System Capital Plan F2009-F2018
BCTC ~ Application for Approval of a Transmission System Capital Plan F2009 to F2018 ~ Project No. 3698492

Panel: R. Hobbs, L. O'Hara Lead Staff: E. Switlishoff Staff: G. Isherwood, B. Williston, S. Mah

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Participant Assistance/Cost Award BudgetsG-173-07
2008/02/14 FortisBC Inc. - AMI - CPCN
FortisBC Inc. ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ~ Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project ~ Project No. 3698493 ~ Written Public Hearing

Panel: R. Hobbs Lead Staff: D. Flintoff Staff: B. Williston, T. Berry, R. Stubbings

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor Participant Assistance BudgetsG-1-08
2008/02/14 BC Hydro - Reconsideration Distribution Extension Allowances
BC Hydro Application for Reconsideration of the 2007 Rate Design Decision and Order No. G-10-08 regarding the Distribution Extension Allowances ~ 3698455 ~ Written Public Hrg

Panel: Pullman, O'Hara, Milbourne Lead Staff: E. Cheng

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

BC Hydro to file Reply SubmissionG-18-08
2008/02/15 BCTC Thermal Upgrade Project
BCTC ~ An Application for Approval to Incur Capital Expenditures to Construct the 5L51 and 5L52 Thermal Upgrade Project ~ Project No. 3698491

Panel: R. Hobbs, L. O'Hara Lead Staff: B. Williston Staff: J. Fraser, P. Nakoneshny, D. Flintoff

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor Participant Assistance BudgetsG-163-07
2008/02/15 Dockside Green Energy CPCN for District Energy System
Dockside Green Energy LLP ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Application for the District Energy System ~ Project No. 3698496 ~ Written Public

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: R. Brownell Staff: B. Williston

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Commission & Intervenor Information Requests No. 2G-8-08
2008/02/18 FortisBC CPCN for the Okanagan Transmission Reinforcement Project
FortisBC ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Okanagan Transmission Reinforcement Project (“OTR Project’) ~ Project No. 3698488

Panel: K. Anderson, N. Nicholls Lead Staff: B. Williston Staff: D. Chong, D. Flintoff, T. Roberts, R. Stubbings

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

FortisBC response to Information Request No. 1G-160-07
2008/02/20 Plateau Pipe Line Ltd - 2007 Western System Tolls
Plateau Pipe Line Ltd. ~ Application for the Approval of 2007 and 2008 Western System Tolls ~ Project No# 3698481 ~ TBD

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: S. Sue Staff: TBD Counsel: TBD

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor Information Request No. 2P-8-07; P-1-08
2008/02/20 ICBC Regional Claims Allocation Review Process
ICBC Regional Claims Allocation Review Process ~ Project No. 3698495

Panel: L. Kelsey, K. Anderson, P. Vivian Lead Staff: D. Chong Staff: B. Grant,

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Workshop commencing at 9:00 amG-2-08; L-2-08
2008/02/20 ICBC Regional Claims Allocation Review Process
ICBC Regional Claims Allocation Review Process ~ Project No. 3698495

Panel: L. Kelsey, K. Anderson, P. Vivian Lead Staff: D. Chong Staff: B. Grant,

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Negotiated Settlement ProcessG-2-08; L-2-08
2008/02/25 BCTC - Interior Lower Mainland CPCN
British Columbia Transmission Corporation ~ Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission Project ~ Project No. 3698486

Panel: R. Hobbs, N. Nicholls, T. Pullman Consultant: E. Switlishoff Lead Staff: TBA Counsel: TBA

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Oral Phase of Argument re: First Nations - Duty to ConsultRHH-B-4
2008/02/25 BCTC Transmission System Capital Plan F2009-F2018
BCTC ~ Application for Approval of a Transmission System Capital Plan F2009 to F2018 ~ Project No. 3698492

Panel: R. Hobbs, L. O'Hara Lead Staff: E. Switlishoff Staff: G. Isherwood, B. Williston, S. Mah

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

BCTC Responses to Information RequestsG-173-07
2008/02/26 FortisBC Inc. - AMI - CPCN
FortisBC Inc. ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ~ Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project ~ Project No. 3698493 ~ Written Public Hearing

Panel: R. Hobbs Lead Staff: D. Flintoff Staff: B. Williston, T. Berry, R. Stubbings

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

FortisBC Responses to Information Requests No. 1G-1-08
2008/02/27 Plateau Pipe Line Ltd - 2007 Western System Tolls
Plateau Pipe Line Ltd. ~ Application for the Approval of 2007 and 2008 Western System Tolls ~ Project No# 3698481 ~ TBD

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: S. Sue Staff: TBD Counsel: TBD

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Plateau Response to Intervenor IR No. 2P-8-07; P-1-08
2008/02/27 TGI Ft Nelson - 2008 Schedule of Rates & RSAM
TGI ~ Application for Approval to amend its Schedule of Rates (Ft. Nelson Service Area) ~ Project No. 3698489

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: D. Flintoff Staff: T. Roberts, B. Williston, P. Nakoneshny, B. Brownell, J. Fraser

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

TGI Ft. Nelson Response to BCUC & Intervenor IR No. 2G-158-07
2008/02/27 FortisBC CPCN for the Okanagan Transmission Reinforcement Project
FortisBC ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Okanagan Transmission Reinforcement Project (“OTR Project’) ~ Project No. 3698488

Panel: K. Anderson, N. Nicholls Lead Staff: B. Williston Staff: D. Chong, D. Flintoff, T. Roberts, R. Stubbings

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Procedural ConferenceG-160-07
2008/02/27 Dockside Green Energy CPCN for District Energy System
Dockside Green Energy LLP ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Application for the District Energy System ~ Project No. 3698496 ~ Written Public

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: R. Brownell Staff: B. Williston

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Response to Information Requests No. 2G-8-08
2008/02/29 BCTC Thermal Upgrade Project
BCTC ~ An Application for Approval to Incur Capital Expenditures to Construct the 5L51 and 5L52 Thermal Upgrade Project ~ Project No. 3698491

Panel: R. Hobbs, L. O'Hara Lead Staff: B. Williston Staff: J. Fraser, P. Nakoneshny, D. Flintoff

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

BCTC Final Written SubmissionG-163-07
2008/03/04 Dockside Green Energy CPCN for District Energy System
Dockside Green Energy LLP ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Application for the District Energy System ~ Project No. 3698496 ~ Written Public

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: R. Brownell Staff: B. Williston

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

DGE Final SubmissionG-8-08
2008/03/05 Plateau Pipe Line Ltd - 2007 Western System Tolls
Plateau Pipe Line Ltd. ~ Application for the Approval of 2007 and 2008 Western System Tolls ~ Project No# 3698481 ~ TBD

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: S. Sue Staff: TBD Counsel: TBD

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor EvidenceP-8-07; P-1-08
2008/03/05 TGI Ft Nelson - 2008 Schedule of Rates & RSAM
TGI ~ Application for Approval to amend its Schedule of Rates (Ft. Nelson Service Area) ~ Project No. 3698489

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: D. Flintoff Staff: T. Roberts, B. Williston, P. Nakoneshny, B. Brownell, J. Fraser

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Assuming A Written Hrg - Intervenor CommentsG-158-07
2008/03/05 FortisBC Inc. - AMI - CPCN
FortisBC Inc. ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ~ Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project ~ Project No. 3698493 ~ Written Public Hearing

Panel: R. Hobbs Lead Staff: D. Flintoff Staff: B. Williston, T. Berry, R. Stubbings

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Commission and Intervenor Information Requests No. 2G-1-08
2008/03/06 BCTC - Interior Lower Mainland CPCN
British Columbia Transmission Corporation ~ Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission Project ~ Project No. 3698486

Panel: R. Hobbs, N. Nicholls, T. Pullman Consultant: E. Switlishoff Lead Staff: TBA Counsel: TBA

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

BCTC Responses to Information Requests No. 2G-137-07; G-172-07
2008/03/06 BCTC Transmission System Capital Plan F2009-F2018
BCTC ~ Application for Approval of a Transmission System Capital Plan F2009 to F2018 ~ Project No. 3698492

Panel: R. Hobbs, L. O'Hara Lead Staff: E. Switlishoff Staff: G. Isherwood, B. Williston, S. Mah

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

BCTC Final SubmissionG-173-07
2008/03/07 BCTC Thermal Upgrade Project
BCTC ~ An Application for Approval to Incur Capital Expenditures to Construct the 5L51 and 5L52 Thermal Upgrade Project ~ Project No. 3698491

Panel: R. Hobbs, L. O'Hara Lead Staff: B. Williston Staff: J. Fraser, P. Nakoneshny, D. Flintoff

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor Final Written SubmissionsG-163-07
2008/03/12 Plateau Pipe Line Ltd - 2007 Western System Tolls
Plateau Pipe Line Ltd. ~ Application for the Approval of 2007 and 2008 Western System Tolls ~ Project No# 3698481 ~ TBD

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: S. Sue Staff: TBD Counsel: TBD

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Plateau Information Request on Intervenor EvidenceP-8-07; P-1-08
2008/03/12 Plateau Pipe Line Ltd - 2007 Western System Tolls
Plateau Pipe Line Ltd. ~ Application for the Approval of 2007 and 2008 Western System Tolls ~ Project No# 3698481 ~ TBD

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: S. Sue Staff: TBD Counsel: TBD

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Commission Information Request on Intervenor EvidenceP-8-07; P-1-08
2008/03/12 TGI Ft Nelson - 2008 Schedule of Rates & RSAM
TGI ~ Application for Approval to amend its Schedule of Rates (Ft. Nelson Service Area) ~ Project No. 3698489

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: D. Flintoff Staff: T. Roberts, B. Williston, P. Nakoneshny, B. Brownell, J. Fraser

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Assuming A Written Hrg - TGI Ft. Nelson Reply CommentsG-158-07
2008/03/13 BCTC Transmission System Capital Plan F2009-F2018
BCTC ~ Application for Approval of a Transmission System Capital Plan F2009 to F2018 ~ Project No. 3698492

Panel: R. Hobbs, L. O'Hara Lead Staff: E. Switlishoff Staff: G. Isherwood, B. Williston, S. Mah

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor Final SubmissionsG-173-07
2008/03/13 Dockside Green Energy CPCN for District Energy System
Dockside Green Energy LLP ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Application for the District Energy System ~ Project No. 3698496 ~ Written Public

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: R. Brownell Staff: B. Williston

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor Final SubmissionG-8-08
2008/03/14 BCTC - Interior Lower Mainland CPCN
British Columbia Transmission Corporation ~ Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission Project ~ Project No. 3698486

Panel: R. Hobbs, N. Nicholls, T. Pullman Consultant: E. Switlishoff Lead Staff: TBA Counsel: TBA

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor EvidenceG-172-07
2008/03/14 BCTC - Interior Lower Mainland CPCN
British Columbia Transmission Corporation ~ Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission Project ~ Project No. 3698486

Panel: R. Hobbs, N. Nicholls, T. Pullman Consultant: E. Switlishoff Lead Staff: TBA Counsel: TBA

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Community Input Session - MERRITTA-5; G-172-07
2008/03/14 BCTC Thermal Upgrade Project
BCTC ~ An Application for Approval to Incur Capital Expenditures to Construct the 5L51 and 5L52 Thermal Upgrade Project ~ Project No. 3698491

Panel: R. Hobbs, L. O'Hara Lead Staff: B. Williston Staff: J. Fraser, P. Nakoneshny, D. Flintoff

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

BCTC Reply Written SubmissionG-163-07
2008/03/15 BCTC - Interior Lower Mainland CPCN
British Columbia Transmission Corporation ~ Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission Project ~ Project No. 3698486

Panel: R. Hobbs, N. Nicholls, T. Pullman Consultant: E. Switlishoff Lead Staff: TBA Counsel: TBA

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Community Input Session - HARRISON HOT SPRINGSA-5; G-172-07
2008/03/19 Plateau Pipe Line Ltd - 2007 Western System Tolls
Plateau Pipe Line Ltd. ~ Application for the Approval of 2007 and 2008 Western System Tolls ~ Project No# 3698481 ~ TBD

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: S. Sue Staff: TBD Counsel: TBD

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor Response to Plateau Information RequestP-8-07; P-1-08
2008/03/19 Plateau Pipe Line Ltd - 2007 Western System Tolls
Plateau Pipe Line Ltd. ~ Application for the Approval of 2007 and 2008 Western System Tolls ~ Project No# 3698481 ~ TBD

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: S. Sue Staff: TBD Counsel: TBD

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor Response to Commission Information RequestP-8-07; P-1-08
2008/03/19 FortisBC Inc. - AMI - CPCN
FortisBC Inc. ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ~ Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project ~ Project No. 3698493 ~ Written Public Hearing

Panel: R. Hobbs Lead Staff: D. Flintoff Staff: B. Williston, T. Berry, R. Stubbings

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

FortisBC Responses to Information Requests No. 2G-1-08
2008/03/20 BCTC - Interior Lower Mainland CPCN
British Columbia Transmission Corporation ~ Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission Project ~ Project No. 3698486

Panel: R. Hobbs, N. Nicholls, T. Pullman Consultant: E. Switlishoff Lead Staff: TBA Counsel: TBA

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Information Requests to IntervenorsG-172-07
2008/03/20 Dockside Green Energy CPCN for District Energy System
Dockside Green Energy LLP ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Application for the District Energy System ~ Project No. 3698496 ~ Written Public

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: R. Brownell Staff: B. Williston

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

DGE Reply SubmissionG-8-08
2008/03/24 Plateau Pipe Line Ltd - 2007 Western System Tolls
Plateau Pipe Line Ltd. ~ Application for the Approval of 2007 and 2008 Western System Tolls ~ Project No# 3698481 ~ TBD

Panel: L. Kelsey, P. Vivian Lead Staff: S. Sue Staff: TBD Counsel: TBD

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Submissions on the Requirement for an Oral Hearing & dates for ArgumentP-8-07; P-1-08
2008/03/25 BCTC - Interior Lower Mainland CPCN
British Columbia Transmission Corporation ~ Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission Project ~ Project No. 3698486

Panel: R. Hobbs, N. Nicholls, T. Pullman Consultant: E. Switlishoff Lead Staff: TBA Counsel: TBA

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Procedural Conference No. 2G-172-07
2008/03/26 FortisBC Inc. - AMI - CPCN
FortisBC Inc. ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ~ Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project ~ Project No. 3698493 ~ Written Public Hearing

Panel: R. Hobbs Lead Staff: D. Flintoff Staff: B. Williston, T. Berry, R. Stubbings

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

FortisBC Final SubmissionG-1-08
2008/03/28 BCTC Transmission System Capital Plan F2009-F2018
BCTC ~ Application for Approval of a Transmission System Capital Plan F2009 to F2018 ~ Project No. 3698492

Panel: R. Hobbs, L. O'Hara Lead Staff: E. Switlishoff Staff: G. Isherwood, B. Williston, S. Mah

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

BCTC Reply SubmissionG-173-07
2008/03/29 BCTC - Interior Lower Mainland CPCN
British Columbia Transmission Corporation ~ Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission Project ~ Project No. 3698486

Panel: R. Hobbs, N. Nicholls, T. Pullman Consultant: E. Switlishoff Lead Staff: TBA Counsel: TBA

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Community Input Session - COQUITLAMA-5; G-172-07
2008/03/31 BCTC - Interior Lower Mainland CPCN
British Columbia Transmission Corporation ~ Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission Project ~ Project No. 3698486

Panel: R. Hobbs, N. Nicholls, T. Pullman Consultant: E. Switlishoff Lead Staff: TBA Counsel: TBA

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor Responses to Information RequestsG-172-07
2008/04/04 FortisBC Inc. - AMI - CPCN
FortisBC Inc. ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ~ Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project ~ Project No. 3698493 ~ Written Public Hearing

Panel: R. Hobbs Lead Staff: D. Flintoff Staff: B. Williston, T. Berry, R. Stubbings

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Intervenor Final SubmissionG-1-08
2008/04/11 FortisBC Inc. - AMI - CPCN
FortisBC Inc. ~ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ~ Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project ~ Project No. 3698493 ~ Written Public Hearing

Panel: R. Hobbs Lead Staff: D. Flintoff Staff: B. Williston, T. Berry, R. Stubbings

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

FortisBC Reply SubmissionG-1-08
2008/04/14 BCTC - Interior Lower Mainland CPCN
British Columbia Transmission Corporation ~ Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Interior to Lower Mainland Transmission Project ~ Project No. 3698486

Panel: R. Hobbs, N. Nicholls, T. Pullman Consultant: E. Switlishoff Lead Staff: TBA Counsel: TBA

Hearing Location:
Date & Time: @
Location: , ,

Oral Public HearingA-5; G-172-07
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