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Homepage Splash image Karan Singh, Dylan Jones, and Jennifer Berdahl speak on the next generation of Creative suggestions, global pollution and workplace harassment.

President's Message

This website gives you an overview of the university’s three campuses and articulates many of the reasons. . . more


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Gears Up

Can campuses reach this year’s goal?

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November Events

Peace Week:  An extraordinary week of activities for creating a sustainable culture of peace; Nov 5-11

Remembrance Day observances at the U of T  In honour of fallen students, faculty and staff, Nov 10, Soldiers' Tower, 10:30am; UTM South Building, 10:50am; UTSC Meeting Place, 10:45am

Kids Day at Hart House: Water for the World and Music for the Soul: A Journey into the Life and Culture of Africa, Hart House Arbor Room, Nov 11, 3-5pm

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