Alphabetical list: F

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Family income, by family type   (3 tables)
Family units, excluding employer-sponsored registered pension plans, by income group and by net worth quintile
Family units, excluding employer-sponsored registered pension plans, by net worth group and age
Family units, including employer-sponsored registered pension plans, by income group and by net worth quintile
Family units, including employer-sponsored registered pension plans, by net worth group and age
Farm cash receipts   (3 tables)
Farm cash receipts (quarterly)
Farm census family by size, by province (2001 Censuses of Agriculture and Population)   (11 tables)
Farm operators by education, by province (2001 Censuses of Agriculture and Population)   (11 tables)
Farm operators by farm type, by province (2001 Census of Agriculture)   (11 tables)
Farm operators by sex and age, by province (2001 Census of Agriculture)   (11 tables)
Farm population, by province (2001 Censuses of Agriculture and Population)   (11 tables)
Federal general elections, by electors, ballots cast and voter participation   (3 tables)
Federal general government revenue and expenditures   (2 tables)
Federal general government, financial assets and liabilities
Federal government employment, wages and salaries, by census metropolitan area   (2 tables)
Federal government net financial debt
Federal government revenue and expenditures   (2 tables)
Field and specialty crops   (2 tables)
Film and video distribution and videocassette wholesaling industry
Financial and employment information about periodical publishing, by category   (2 tables)
Financial and employment information about periodical publishing, by region   (3 tables)
Financial statistics for enterprises (quarterly)
Food and other selected items, average retail prices   (2 tables)
Food and other selected items, average retail prices (monthly)   (2 tables)
Food services and drinking places — Drinking places (alcoholic beverages), by province and Northwest Territories   (12 tables)
Food services and drinking places — Full-service restaurants, by province and territory   (14 tables)
Food services and drinking places — Limited-service eating places, by province and territory   (14 tables)
Food services and drinking places — Special food services, by province and Northwest Territories   (12 tables)
For-hire trucking, operating statistics   (2 tables)
Forest area, inventoried and productive, by type, by province and territory
Forest fires and forest land burned, by province and territory   (2 tables)
Forest land harvested and clearcut, by province and territory
Frequency of language of work, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)   (25 tables)
Frequency of language of work, by province and territory (2001 Census)   (14 tables)
Full-time and part-time employment by sex and age group
Funeral services, by province   (11 tables)
Fur production, by province and territory   (14 tables)

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