Alphabetical list: P

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N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z   
Pension savings of Canadians
People employed, by educational attainment
People who quit smoking, by province   (2 tables)
Per capita consumption of major food groups   (5 tables)
Percent distribution of farms with gross receipts of $2, 500 or more, by farm type, by province (1981-2001 Censuses of Agriculture)   (11 tables)
Percentage of smokers in the population, by province   (2 tables)
Performing arts by discipline, selected province or territory   (13 tables)
Personal care services, by province   (11 tables)
Personal expenditure on medical care and health services
Persons charged by type of offence   (3 tables)
Persons charged by type of offence, by province and territory   (14 tables)
Persons in low income after tax, by number   (4 tables)
Persons in low income after tax, by prevalence in percent   (4 tables)
Persons in low income before tax, by number   (4 tables)
Persons in low income before tax, by prevalence in percent   (4 tables)
Persons registered under the Indian Act, by province and territory (2001 Census)
Persons with arthritis or rheumatism by age and sex   (2 tables)
Persons with arthritis or rheumatism by sex, by province and territory   (2 tables)
Persons with asthma by age and sex   (2 tables)
Persons with asthma by sex, by province   (2 tables)
Persons with diabetes by age and sex   (2 tables)
Persons with diabetes by sex, by province   (2 tables)
Physical activity, by age group and sex, household population aged 12 and over
Pig inventories, by province (quarterly)   (11 tables)
Police officers, by province and territory   (3 tables)
Police personnel
Population 15 years and over by highest degree, certificate or diploma (1986-2001 Censuses)
Population 15 years and over by highest degree, certificate or diploma, by province and territory (2001 Census)   (4 tables)
Population 15 years and over by highest level of schooling (1981-2001 Censuses)
Population 15 years and over by highest level of schooling, by province and territory (2001 Census)   (4 tables)
Population 15 years and over by hours spent doing unpaid housework, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)   (5 tables)
Population 15 years and over by hours spent doing unpaid housework, by province and territory (2001 Census)   (4 tables)
Population 15 years and over by hours spent looking after children, without pay, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)   (5 tables)
Population 15 years and over by hours spent looking after children, without pay, by province and territory (2001 Census)   (4 tables)
Population 15 years and over by hours spent providing unpaid care or assistance to seniors, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)   (5 tables)
Population 15 years and over by hours spent providing unpaid care or assistance to seniors, by province and territory (2001 Census)   (4 tables)
Population 15 years and over by school attendance, by province and territory (1991-2001 Censuses)   (4 tables)
Population 5 years and over by mobility status, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)   (5 tables)
Population 5 years and over by mobility status, by province and territory (2001 Census)   (4 tables)
Population and growth components (1851-2001 Censuses)
Population by Aboriginal group, by census metropolitan area (2001 Census)
Population by Aboriginal group, by province and territory (2001 Census)
Population by home language, by province and territory and by census metropolitan area (2001 Census)
Population by knowledge of official language, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)
Population by knowledge of official language, by province and territory (2001 Census)
Population by marital status and sex
Population by marital status and sex, by province and territory   (4 tables)
Population by mother tongue, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)   (5 tables)
Population by mother tongue, by province and territory (2001 Census)   (4 tables)
Population by religion, by province and territory (2001 Census)   (4 tables)
Population by selected ethnic origins, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)   (25 tables)
Population by selected ethnic origins, by province and territory (2001 Census)   (14 tables)
Population by sex and age group
Population by sex and age group, by province and territory   (12 tables)
Population by year, by province and territory   (4 tables)
Population density, births and deaths for selected countries
Population in collective dwellings, by province and territory (2001 Census)   (2 tables)
Population in private households, showing living arrangements, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)   (5 tables)
Population in private households, showing living arrangements, by province and territory (2001 Census)   (4 tables)
Population of census metropolitan areas (2001 Census boundaries)   (3 tables)
Population reporting an Aboriginal identity, by age group, by census metropolitan areas (2001 Census)   (5 tables)
Population reporting an Aboriginal identity, by age group, by province and territory (2001 Census)   (4 tables)
Population reporting an Aboriginal identity, by mother tongue, by province and territory (2001 Census)   (4 tables)
Population urban and rural, by province and territory   (14 tables)
Pregnancy outcomes by age group   (4 tables)
Pregnancy outcomes by province or territory of residence   (4 tables)
Principal heights by range or region
Principal lakes, elevation and area, by provinces and territories
Principal rivers and their tributaries
Private and public capital expenditures
Private households by structural type of dwelling, by census metropolitan area (2001 Census)   (5 tables)
Private households by structural type of dwelling, by province and territory (2001 Census)   (4 tables)
Private pension assets of family units, by selected characteristics   (3 tables)
Producer price index, goods — Industrial product price indexes   (2 tables)
Producer price index, goods — Industrial product price indexes (monthly)
Producer price index, goods — Raw material price indexes   (2 tables)
Producer price index, goods — Raw materials price indexes (monthly)
Producer price index, services   (6 tables)
Production and value of leading minerals
Production of building materials   (3 tables)
Production of eggs, by province   (11 tables)
Production of milk and cream, by province   (11 tables)
Production of poultry, by province   (11 tables)
Productivity and related measures, business sector   (2 tables)
Productivity and related measures, by business sector (quarterly)   (3 tables)
Profile of book publishing and exclusive agency, for English language firms
Profile of book publishing and exclusive agency, for French language firms
Profile of Canadian periodicals
Profile of Canadian periodicals by language
Profile of heritage institutions (excluding nature parks)
Projected population by age group according to three projection scenarios for 2006, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026 and 2031, at July 1   (3 tables)
Projected population by age group and sex according to a medium growth scenario for 2006, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026 and 2031, at July   (3 tables)
Proportion of foreign-born population, by census metropolitan area (1991 to 2001 Censuses)
Proportion of foreign-born population, by province and territory (1991 to 2001 Censuses)
Proportion of labour force and paid workers covered by a registered pension plan (RPP)
Provincial and territorial general government revenue and expenditures, by province and territory   (3 tables)
Provincial and territorial general government revenue and expenditures, Canada   (2 tables)
Provincial and territorial general governments, financial assets and liabilities
Provincial and territorial general governments, financial assets and liabilities, by province and territory   (4 tables)
Provincial non-autonomous pension plans revenue and expenditures
Public sector employment, wages and salaries   (2 tables)
Public sector employment, wages and salaries, by province and territory   (8 tables)

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