Alphabetical list: R

A   B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M   
N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z   
Radio and television industries, financial and operating statistics   (4 tables)
Radio listening time by format and age group
Rail transportation, employment and compensation for employees
Rail transportation, length of track operated for freight and passenger transportation, by province and territory   (2 tables)
Rail transportation, railway carloadings by commodity group   (2 tables)
Railway carriers, operating statistics   (2 tables)
Raw materials price index   (5 tables)
Real estate rental and leasing and property management, by province and territory   (14 tables)
Real gross domestic product, expenditure-based
Real gross domestic product, expenditure-based (quarterly)
Real gross domestic product, expenditure-based, by province and territory
Reasons for part-time work by sex and age group   (3 tables)
Reconciliation of federal government revenue and expenditures from public accounts to Statistics Canada's Financial Management System
Reconciliation of provincial and territorial government revenue and expenditures from budgetary documents to Statistics Canada's Financial Management   (13 tables)
Regular use households accessing the Internet from any location, by type of Internet shopper
Research and development performed by the business enterprise sector   (7 tables)
Residential mortgage credit
Residential telephone service   (2 tables)
Retail non-store industries, commodity sales, by industries
Retail non-store industries, operating statistics, by province and territory   (14 tables)
Retail store sales by selected commodity
Retail store sales by selected commodity (quarterly)
Retail trade, by industry
Retail trade, by industry (monthly)   (2 tables)
Retail trade, by province and territory
Retail trade, by province and territory (monthly)   (2 tables)
Retail trade, operating statistics, by province and territory   (14 tables)
Retirement savings through RRSPs and RPPs

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