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Business leads

SourceCan opportunity matching

Opportunity advice

Next steps online

Reference service

Joint sales presentation

Letter of support

Market access

International prime contractor solution

GSA Schedules submission service

DoD Prime contractor solution

NASA prime contractor solution

Export contracting

Proposal preparation

Contract negotiation

Contract management


SourceCAN opportunity matching


Identify sales opportunities tailored specifically to you—via CCC’s Opportunity Matching Service on SourceCAN
Let us know what your company sells and we’ll identify interested buyers through our free, automated matching service. Instead of wading through irrelevant prospects, you’ll receive—by email, every day—only those leads that are relevant to your business.

Explore new business opportunities on SourceCAN
Register now!


Opportunity advice

  Let us be your guide—and help you navigate your way through the often complex world of government markets
If you’ve decided to respond to a bid opportunity, we can help you understand the procurement process, obtain bid documents and identify ways to enhance your bid response, all at no cost to you.

Reference service

  We’ll give you our word(s)
If you need a reference with real persuasive power, call on CCC. In a letter specific to your export project, we’ll let your prospective buyer know that you've worked with us—and we’ll call attention to any successful past projects of yours in which we’ve played a role. We’ll also use the letter as an opportunity to suggest the option of a government-to-government procurement arrangement, which could streamline the process and bring down costs for you and your customer alike.

Joint sales presentation

  We are your champion
If you’re exploring potential projects with international customers, call in the expertise of our international contracting specialists. We’ll stand side-by-side with your business-development team and back up your offering with the explicit support of the Government of Canada.

Letter of Support

  Gain a decisive advantage—put the Government of Canada behind your offer and open doors to new business
What would it mean if you could offer your prospective buyer a Government guarantee of contract performance? In fact, it could be the decisive factor. So bring us aboard; we’ll stand behind your performance with the full weight of the Government of Canada.


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