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GSA Schedules submission service

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Opportunity advice

Do you need help navigating through a complex government market to make a sale? If you have an opportunity to bid, we may be able to give you free assistance.

If you have questions about government markets, count on us for the answers. We provide two FREE business solutions that can deliver much-needed clarification before you pursue your export opportunity.

  • Understanding how to do business with governments - Access online help whenever you need it—24/7—and determine what you need to do to prepare to sell to a government customer at Next Steps online.

  • Specific advice on your bid opportunity - If you have specific question about your bid opportunity you can get advice by phone from Ron Linton at 1-866-435-0005 toll free.

What to expect

Once you contact us and identify a bid opportunity you’d like to pursue, CCC reviews the solicitation with you, helping you come to a clear understanding of the requirement. An initial evaluation by CCC may provide some intelligence on whether the tender is truly open or there seems to be a favoured supplier. Our staff will track down the bid documents you need to submit your offer and ensure that all security clearances and registrations are completed to allow your company to submit a valid offer.

What we need from you

All we need is information about the bid opportunity, such as the bid identification number. 

This service is offered free of charge to Canadian exporters.

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