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About CCC

The Corporation

As Canada's export contracting agency, CCC links buyers and Canadian exporters together through contracts built on the best possible terms and conditions. CCC is a crown corporation, mandated to facilitate international trade, in particular in government markets. Since it was established in 1946, CCC has provided assistance to thousands of companies from across Canada, helping them win more than $30 billion in contracts with foreign governments and private sector buyers.

CCC offers a wide range of services to facilitate transactions between Canadian exporters and international buyers.

  • For exporters, CCC offers services ranging from pre-contract advice, contract management and post-contract support to an all-inclusive prime contracting service.
  • Foreign buyers who acquire Canadian goods and services through CCC receive a contract performance guarantee backed by the Government of Canada and a single, dependable point of contact throughout the procurement process.

By selling through CCC, Canadian companies gain access to U.S. military and aerospace markets under the Canada-U.S. Defense Production Sharing Agreement (DPSA). CCC has a GSA Schedules Program to help open doors to U.S. civilian procurement.

CCC and SourceCAN

CCC is a partner in SourceCAN, a public/private sector project to develop an international eCommerce platform; CCC's role involves matching Canadian suppliers with international business opportunities.

CCC understands that eCommerce will be a key component of business evolution both in the private and public sectors, making the SourceCAN e-marketplace and this Web site important initiatives for responding to the needs of Canadian exporters.

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