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© 2006

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Natural Capital:
A Critical Foundation of Our Economy

Improving the information base on natural capital

Summary: The NRTEE's 2003 report on national environment and sustainable development indicators proposed three major sets of recommendations to ensure that the information base for decision making on fiscal and other policy accounts more fully for natural, human and social capital:

  • Statistics Canada should publish annually the six indicators of natural and human capital identified by the NRTEE, and the Minister of Finance should incorporate them in the federal budget statement in order to provide Canadians with a better context for understanding the overall state and potential of our economy.
  • Statistics Canada should expand Canada's System of National Accounts to include information on all types of capital, including natural capital, and the interactions among the various types of capital.
  • The Government of Canada, through Environment Canada's Canadian Information System for the Environment (CISE), should improve the data structures and information systems relating to environmental data.

To begin the process of implementing these measures, this budget submission sets out three recommendations:

Recommendation 1: That Statistics Canada, Environment Canada and Natural Resources Canada be provided with $5 million a year to continuously improve and regularly report the recommended indicators of natural and human capital.

Recommendation 2: That Statistics Canada be provided with $20 million a year to begin the process of collecting and integrating the data needed to expand Canada’s System of National Accounts so that it includes all types of natural, human and, eventually, social capital.

Recommendation 3: That Environment Canada be provided with $20 million a year to enable CISE to become fully operational.

(Details and Table of Recommended Measures)

Helping rural and Aboriginal communities
protect natural capital

National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
2004 Greening of the Budget Submission
Complete document -- Adobe PDF version
Investing in Canada's Natural Capital
[Summary] - [Details and Table of Recommended Measures]
Improving the Information Based on Natural Capital
[Summary] - [Details and Table of Recommended Measures]
Helping Rural and Aboriginal Communities
Protect Natural Capital

[Summary] - [Details and Table of Recommended Measures]
Protecting Natural Capital in Urban Communities
[Summary] - [Details and Table of Recommended Measures]