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Natural Capital:
A Critical Foundation of Our Economy

Helping rural and Aboriginal communities protect natural capital


This set of recommendations focuses on the provision of incentives and information to help rural and Aboriginal communities to steward the natural capital that forms both an important basis of their livelihood and an irreplaceable part of Canada’s national heritage.

The recommendations stem from two reports issued over the past two years by the NRTEE: Securing Canada’s Natural Capital: A Vision for Nature Conservation in the 21st Century (released in June 2003) and Aboriginal Communities and Non-Renewable Resource Development (released in June 2001). This year’s budget submission focuses on measures that both reports argued are necessary to maintain natural capital in rural areas:

  • creating incentives for stewardship of natural capital by all members of society, including agricultural, rural and Aboriginal communities and resource industries;
  • strategically investing in enhancing the capacity of Aboriginal communities to share the economic benefits from resource development and manage their natural capital sustainably; and
  • accelerating conservation planning in areas where unique opportunities exist to plan in advance of major industrial development, most particularly the Mackenzie Valley in the Northwest Territories.

Recommendation 4: That the Ecogifts Program be enhanced to further encourage private landowners to conserve ecologically sensitive lands.
This would entail:

  • removing the remaining capital gains tax from gifts of ecologically sensitive lands and easements; and
  • extending provisions of the Ecogifts Program to include donations of ecologically significant lands held by corporations or individuals as inventory of their business.

Recommendation 5: That Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Finance Canada, in partnership with provincial governments as appropriate, introduce a suite of specific incentives for landowners through Environmental Farm Plans or their equivalents, including:

  • accelerated capital cost allowance claims on conservation equipment, such as flushing bars, fencing, and watering and manure management facilities; and
  • cost sharing for capital improvements and equipment related to conservation objectives.

Recommendation 6: That $5 million be provided to Canadian Heritage and partners such as the Tourism Industry Association of Canada and community representatives to develop a national sustainable tourism strategy to enhance the economic benefits associated with protected areas for local communities.

Recommendation 7: That a $15-million Large Projects Consultation Fund be created to facilitate participation by Aboriginal governments and organizations in consultations for large non-renewable resource development projects in the three northern territories. This funding should be made available before intervenor funding is provided under any relevant environmental assessment or regulatory process.

Recommendation 8: That $25.8 million be allocated over six years to continue implementing the Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management Framework under development by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and Environment Canada. After five years, funding requirements should be reassessed.

Recommendation 9: That the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board be provided with a five-year funding commitment of at least $2.2 million per year.

(Details and Table of Recommended Measures)

Protecting Natural Capital in Urban Communities

National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
2004 Greening of the Budget Submission
Complete document -- Adobe PDF version
Investing in Canada's Natural Capital
[Summary] - [Details and Table of Recommended Measures]
Improving the Information Based on Natural Capital
[Summary] - [Details and Table of Recommended Measures]
Helping Rural and Aboriginal Communities
Protect Natural Capital

[Summary] - [Details and Table of Recommended Measures]
Protecting Natural Capital in Urban Communities
[Summary] - [Details and Table of Recommended Measures]