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    Waitlist Frequently Asked Questions

    What is a waitlist?

    Waitlists are maintained by facilities and individual physicians to keep track of people who are waiting for medical care such as surgery, or diagnostic tests. 

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    How is wait time measured?

    Wait time is the time between when you and the physician who will be performing the procedure, determine a procedure is necessary, and when it is actually carried out.

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    Who goes on a waitlist?

    People who need non-urgent surgery or diagnostic testing are entered on waitlists. 


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    What influences wait time?
    Wait times vary from one procedure to another, one specialist to another, and one facility to another. You should talk to your physician to understand why wait times differ among surgeons. The waitlist may be affected by a number of things. Some examples are:
    • How busy surgeons are in your community.
    • Newer surgeons might have shorter waiting lists while they build their practice.
    • Some specialists only perform certain procedures or work part-time.
    • Some procedures require specialized staff and facilities.

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    How does the registry work?

    The registry shows the wait times for surgeries and diagnostic tests performed by specific surgeons and health professionals in Alberta facilities.
    • The first step is to select a service category, such as hip replacement, from the list provided on the Home Page. If you don't know which service category is appropriate, you can also review definitions for these service categories before selecting one.
    • Alternatively, if you are interested in the wait time information of a specific physician, you have the option of searching for that physician.
    • If you selected a service category, you will then be shown overall wait times for the province. If you want more detailed information, you have the option to ask for detailed information organized by health region, facility, and physician.
    • If you choose to view more detailed information, you will then be shown a page with a map of the province and a set of selection criteria for filtering and sorting detailed waitlist information for that service category. You can choose to search for physicians or facilities. You can filter by level of care (Day Patient, In Patient) or health region, or both. You can sort your filtered information by health region, wait times, persons waiting, or persons served.
    • From the table provided, you have the option to click on any physician or facility shown in your table to get more detailed information. For physicians, you will be shown the service categories practiced by that physician and the facilities (s)he practices at, and wait time information for each service category and facility. For facilities, you will be shown facility-level wait time information and a list of all physicians practicing that service at that facility.
    • If you would like definitions for the various terms used on the Registry (eg. 'Persons Served'), use your mouse to move your cursor over the term and, in many cases, a definition will present itself on your screen. These 'mouse-over' definitions are available in any tables where terms are used describing service categories, calculations, and levels of care.
    • Finally, if you wish to obtain more information about physicians, cancer services in Alberta, or your local health region, links to external websites have been provided on the left pane of the Registry that will take you to the appropriate websites (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, Alberta Cancer Board, Alberta's Health Regions).
    Note: Service category is often the specialty of the physician providing the services. MRI, CT and Cancer Services are provided by the staff of health facilities so do not have an associated physician specialty.

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    Where does the information in the Waitlist Registry come from?

    The information in the Alberta Waitlist Registry is compiled by Alberta Health and Wellness from data submitted by the province's urban and rural hospitals and diagnostic clinics.

    These facilities collect information from the physicians and other health care providers who perform the procedures included in the registry.

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    Why can't I find the facility I'm looking for?

    Only facilities providing a minimum of three months wait time information are included in the registry. This level of information is needed to make sure the wait times shown in the registry are accurate.

    Facilities not currently in the registry will be added as soon as they submit the necessary information.

    All regions are expected to come online during 2004.

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    How is data accuracy determined?

    The accepted standard for accuracy requires that at least three months of wait time information be used when calculating how long 90 per cent of people may have to wait before receiving a particular procedure at a specific facility.

    Each facility uses the same reporting process so that registry information is consistent across the province.

    The wait time information submitted by hospitals to the registry comes directly from physicians.

    Physicians are responsible for ensuring the information they provide is accurate.

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    How do wait times in the registry differ from previous reporting?

    Wait times may be reported using various measures such as mean or median wait times and each report may select a different measure of wait time. The registry shows median wait times - the time 50 per cent of people waited over a previous three month period.

    The registry also shows two other wait times - the time 25 per cent of people waited over a previous three month period and and the time 75 per cent of people waited over a previous three month period.

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    What does a "-" mean?

    When a "-" is displayed, wait time data is currently unavailable. Wait time data is unavailable when there is no data over the past 90 days, which is used to calculate the wait times.

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    If you have questions about this Web site:

    For information about the data collection process or government policy with respect to waitlists, please click on this link:

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