Welcome to the home page of the Environmental Appeals Board. The Environmental Appeals Board is an independent board that gives Albertans an opportunity to appeal decisions made by Alberta Environment under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act and the Water Act. These decisions may include development approvals, water licences, reclamation certificates, and enforcement orders. The Board places a high value on its mediation program and encourages participants to use mediation as the primary way to resolve matters that come before the Board. Board mediations promote open and collaborative discussions between the participants and encourages individuals to come up with their own solutions. Mediation can help with increasing communication, developing a better understanding of the participants' concerns and offer win-win solutions. This web site will tell you more about the Board and how the appeal process works.

The Environmental Appeals Board is one of the gold sponsors for the ADR Institute of Canada's National Conference entitled "ADR Energy!". The conference will be held in Calgary on November 17, 2006 for mediators, arbitrators, and organizations who use alternative dispute resolution. For more information visit the ADR Institute of Canada website.