The Environmental Appeals Board is governed by Part 4 of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA), Part 9 of the Water Act, and Schedule 5 of the Government Organization Act. The regulations which apply directly to the Board include the Environmental Appeal Board Regulation, Alta. Reg. 114/1993, and the Environmental Protection and Enhancement (Miscellaneous) Regulation, Alta. Reg. 118/1993. For your convenience, direct links are provided below.


Links to the Acts noted below are on the website for the Queen's Printer of Alberta. Copyright of the Alberta Statutes and Regulations belongs to the Province of Alberta. No person may reproduce copies of the legislation for any purpose other than personal use without the consent of the Queen's Printer for Alberta.

Consolidations accessible through these links have no legislative sanction and have been produced solely for the convenience of research. The official Statutes and Regulations must be consulted for the purposes of interpreting and applying the law. These consolidations do not contain maps, charts, and graphs contained in the printed versions.

  • Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.E-12
  • Part 4, Environmental Appeals Board
  • (PDF)
  • Section 2, Purpose of the Act
  • (PDF)

  • Water Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.W-3
  • Part 9, Appeals
  • (PDF)
  • Section 2, Purpose of the Act
  • (PDF)

  • Government Organization Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.G-10
  • Schedule 5, Environmental Matters
  • (PDF)

    Regulations Under the Environmental Protection & Enhancement Act

    Environmental Appeal Board Regulation, Alta. Reg. 114/1993(specifically applies to the Board)

    Environmental Protection and Enhancement (Miscellaneous) Regulation, Alta. Reg. 118/1993 (specifically applies to the Board)

    Activities Designation Regulation, Alta. Reg. 276/2003

    Administrative Penalty Regulation, Alta. Reg. 23/2003

    Approvals and Registrations Procedure Regulation, Alta. Reg. 113/1993

    Beverage Container Recycling Regulation, Alta. Reg. 101/1997

    Conservation and Reclamation Regulation, Alta. Reg. 115/1993

    Conservation Easement Registration Regulation, Alta. Reg. 215/1996

    Designated Material Recycling and Management Regulation, Alta. Reg. 93/2004

    Disclosure of Information Regulation, Alta. Reg. 273/2004

    Electronics Designation Regulation, Alta. Reg. 94/2004

    Emissions Trading Regulation, Alta. Reg. 33/2006

    Environmental Assessment (Mandatory and Exempted Activities) Regulation, Alta. Reg. 11/1993

    Environmental Assessment Regulation, Alta. Reg. 112/1993

    Forest Resources Improvement Regulation, Alta. Reg. 152/1997

    Lubricating Oil Material Environmental Handling Charge Bylaw, Alta. Reg. 228/2002

    Lubricating Oil Material Recycling and Management Bylaw, Alta. Reg. 227/2002

    Lubricating Oil Material Recycling and Management Regulation, Alta. Reg. 82/1997

    Mercury Emissions from Coal-fired Power Plants Regulation, Alta. Reg. 34/2006

    Ozone-depleting Substances and Halocarbons Regulation, Alta. Reg. 181/2000

    Pesticide (Ministerial) Regulation, Alta. Reg. 43/1997

    Pesticide Sales, Handling, Use and Application Regulation, Alta. Reg. 24/1997

    Potable Water Regulation, Alta. Reg. 277/2003

    Release Reporting Regulation, Alta. Reg. 117/1993

    Substance Release Regulation, Alta. Reg. 124/1993

    Tire Designation Regulation, Alta. Reg. 95/2004

    Waste Control Regulation, Alta. Reg. 192/1996

    Wastewater and Storm Drainage (Ministerial) Regulation, Alta. Reg. 120/1993

    Wastewater and Storm Drainage Regulation, Alta. Reg. 119/1993

    Codes of Practice Under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act

    Code of Practice for Asphalt Paving Plants

    Code of Practice for Compost Facilities

    Code of Practice for Compressor and Pumping Stations and Sweet Gas Processing Plants

    Code of Practice for Concrete Producing Plants

    Code of Practice for Energy Recovery

    Code of Practice for Exploration Operations

    Code of Practice for Forage Drying Facilities

    Code of Practice for Foundries

    Code of Practice for Hydrologic Tracing Analysis Studies

    Code of Practice for Land Treatment of Soil Containing Hydrocarbons</p>

    Code of Practice for Landfills

    Code of Practice for Pesticides

    Code of Practice for Pits

    Code of Practice for Sawmill Plants

    Code of Practice for Small Incinerators

    Code of Practice for Tanker Truck Washing Facilities

    Code of Practice for the Release of Hydrostatic Test Water from Hydrostatic Testing of Petroleum Liquid and Gas Pipelines

    Code of Practice for Wastewater Systems Consisting Solely of a Wastewater Collection System

    Code of Practice for Wastewater Systems Using a Wastewater Lagoon

    Code of Practice for Wasteworks Systems Using High Quality Groundwater

    Code of Practice for a Waterworks System Consisting Solely of a Water Distribution System

    Regulations under the Water Act

    South Saskatchewan Basin Water Allocation Regulation, Alta. Reg. 307/1991

    Water (Ministerial) Regulation, Alta. Reg. 205/1998

    Water (Offences and Penalties) Regulation, Alta. Reg. 193/1998

    Oldman River Basin Water Allocation Order, Alta. Reg. 319/2003

    Codes of Practice Under the Water Act

    Code of Practice for Outfall Structures on Water Bodies

    Code of Practice for Pipelines and Telecommunication Lines Crossing a Water Body

    Code of Practice for the Temporary Diversion of Water for Hydrostatic Testing of Pipelines

    Code of Practice for Watercourse Crossings

    Other Relevant Legislation

    Administrative Procedures and Jurisdiction Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.A-3

    Designation of Constitutional Decision Makers Regulation, Alta. Reg. 69/2006

    Authorities Designation Regulation, Alta. Reg. 64/2003

    Alberta Energy and Utilities Board Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.A-17

    Administration Fees Regulation, Alta. Reg. 135/2002

    Alberta Energy and Utilities Board Rules of Practice, Alta. Reg. 101/2001

    Security Management Regulation, Alta. Reg. 249/2004

    Energy Resources Conservation Board Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.E-10

    Alberta Evidence Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.A-18

    Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.F-25

    Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulation, Alta. Reg. 200/1995

    Judicature Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.J-2

    Natural Resources Conservation Board Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.N-3.

    Rules of Practice of the Natural Resources Conservation Board Regulation, Alta. Reg. 77/2005

    Agricultural Operation Practices Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.A-7

    Agricultural Operations, Part 2 Matters Regulation, Alta. Reg. 257/2001

    Board Administrative Procedure Regulation, Alta. Reg. 268/2001

    Standards and Administration Regulation, Alta. Reg. 267/2001

    Public Inquiries Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.P-39

    Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 1992, c. C-37

    Comprehensive Study List Regulations, SOR/94-638

    Exclusion List Regulations, SOR/94-639

    Federal Authorities Regulations, SOR 96-280

    Inclusion List Regulations, SOR/94-637

    Law List Regulations, SOR/94-636

    Related Links

    Alberta Queen's Printer

    Justice Canada

    Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency