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News Release

April 8, 2003

Budget 2003

$5 billion investment reinforces commitment to learning excellence

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Edmonton … Excellence in the province’s learning system continues to be a key priority of the Government of Alberta, as overall investment in education tops $5 billion.

An overall spending increase to ongoing funding of $231 million (4.8 per cent) for kindergarten to grade 12 classrooms, increased funds for special needs students, added dollars for apprenticeship training and increased support for post-secondary access. School boards will also receive an additional $20 million for textbooks and other classroom resources.

“The Alberta government highly values learning and this is reflected by about a quarter of all provincial spending going towards funding education,” says Dr. Lyle Oberg, Minister of Learning. “This increased investment, the second largest budget allocation, will continue to ensure that Alberta has one of the best learning systems in the world.”

Ongoing increase includes:

  • Overall increase of $231 million (includes $219 million more from the Ministry of Learning and $12 million increase in direct education property tax funding to opted out boards).
  • Total ongoing funding increase to K-12 learning of $191 million or 5.5 per cent.
    • Overall increase for public and separate schools of $147 million or 4.9 per cent.
    • Additional increases for other initiatives of $44 million – or 0.6 per cent.
  • Total increase to post-secondary learning of $44 million – or 4.1 per cent.
  • Total department administration spending to decrease by almost $4 million.

Minister Oberg also reaffirmed Alberta Learning’s commitment to continue with $68 million in funding for the Alberta Initiative for School Improvement (AISI). This highly successful program is aimed at finding innovative projects to enhance student learning at the local level.

By 2005-06 spending on the learning system will reach almost $5.4 billion, an increase of $573 million or 11.9 per cent over three years. Government’s investment in learning is further supported primarily by the Ministry of Infrastructure with $450 million for school capital projects and $373 million for post-secondary campuses over the next three years to expand, upgrade and build new educational facilities.


K-12 Learning Spending:

Funding to support the kindergarten to Grade 12 learning system will increase to a total of almost $3.8 billion in 2003-2004.

Some highlights include:

  • Overall increase for public and separate schools of $147 million (fiscal year).

    Of that:
    • Increase of $77 million for a general grant increase – or 2 per cent (including a 3 per cent increase in transportation grants).
    • Increase of $17 million for enrolment increase for students with severe special needs – or 8 per cent.
    • Continued commitment of $20 million as part of a three-year $61 million investment in technology upgrading.
    • $10 million increase for Alberta SuperNet implementation.
    • Increase of $6 million to accommodate small enrolment growth projections of 0.25 per cent.
    • $17 million for teacher salary enhancement funding for the remainder of the school year.

    There are also $44 million in other increases including:

  • $1 million in student health services
  • $29 million for teacher pensions.
  • $14 million in various program increases ($9 million to support students in alternative programs, $5 million for curriculum supports through the Learning Resources Centre).

    In addition, $20 million in one-time funding for textbooks and other classroom resources.

Highlights of Funding to Adult Learning

Funding to support the adult learning system will increase to a total of almost $1.3 billion in 2003-04.

This includes:

  • $22 million increase in base operation grants – or 2 per cent.
  • $12 million to maintain student spaces created for apprentices, and
  • $10 million in new access funding to enhance accessibility in high priority areas

    In addition:

  • In addition, $10 million in one-time performance funding will be provided in 2003-04, to be awarded to institutions meeting key performance indicators including accessibility, quality, learner outcomes and research.

    Student Assistance:

  • Student loan limits are being increased to reflect rising costs. This includes increasing to $2,100 the amount of additional loan assistance available to rural students who must move to attend a post-secondary institution.
  • $108 million is expected to be dispersed through Alberta student loans in 2003-2004. In total, Alberta students will have access to $433 million in provincial and federal financial assistance, including loans, grants, scholarships and bursaries.
  • $32 million provided in 2003-2004 through the Alberta Student Loan Relief Benefit Program for first time, first year students who have a financial need in excess of $5,000 per academic year.

“We are very much looking forward to working with post-secondary institutions, school boards, teachers, students, parents, industry and the community to meet challenges and build on the excellence we have established together,” said Dr. Oberg.

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For media inquiries, please contact:

(Dial 310-000 for toll free access outside Edmonton.)

Dr. Lyle Oberg
Minister of Learning
(780) 427-2025
Mark Cooper
Alberta Learning Communications
cell (780) 718-2370
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