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News Release

April 8, 2003

Budget 2003

Homeless shelters integrated with housing programs

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Edmonton … Responsibility for providing funding for homeless shelters has been transferred from Alberta Human Resources and Employment to Alberta Seniors.

Retroactive to April 1, 2003, the transfer includes approximately $16 million in funding. This transfer involves 15 adult emergency homeless shelters and the Gunn Centre, a provincially-owned and operated facility for single men with substance abuse or mental health disorders.

The Alberta government provides financial assistance to community organizations throughout the province to cover operating expenses as they relate to homeless shelters and support service programs.

“The integration of homeless shelter programs with existing housing programs consolidates a continuum of housing services to support homeless people through a transition to appropriate, safe, secure housing,” said Stan Woloshyn, Minister of Seniors with responsibility for housing.

“In addition to funding, the transfer involves 30 staff positions” said Clint Dunford, Minister of Human Resources and Employment, adding that, “both ministries have been working together to ensure a seamless transition for the shelter providers.”

Alberta Seniors is responsible for providing housing support for lower-income seniors and families, individuals with special needs and the homeless. For more information about housing programs, visit the Alberta Seniors web site at www.seniors.gov.ab.ca.

Backgrounder: Homeless Shelters and Support Programs,
Alberta Seniors / Alberta Human Resources and Employment

Homeless Shelters

Effective April 1, 2003, responsibility for homeless shelter programs and support service programs was transferred from Alberta Human Resources and Employment to Alberta Seniors. As part of this initiative, approximately $16 million in funding is being transferred for 15 shelters and four support programs, as well as Gunn Centre and 30 staff positions. The following list includes facilities and support programs that receive provincial funding.

Support Programs

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For media inquiries, please contact:

(Dial 310-000 for toll free access outside Edmonton.)

Jan Berkowski
Communications Director
Alberta Seniors
(780) 415-9950

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