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News Release

April 8, 2003

Budget 2003

Budget 2003 targets additional assistance to people most in need

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Edmonton … Families with children and people who are not expected to work will receive more money each month through Supports for Independence (SFI), and some people who have left Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) will be eligible for health coverage, as a result of new spending in Budget 2003. “We are striking the right balance between social and fiscal responsibility, while supporting the people who need it most,” said Alberta Human Resources and Employment Minister Clint Dunford.

About 12,000 families with children will receive a two-stage increase in benefits:

  • A $20 per month increase in SFI on June 1, 2003
  • A $15 per month per child increase in August when the federal government increases payments under the National Child Benefit. This year, the provincial government will allow the federal increase to flow through to families.

About 10,000 single people and childless couples who are not expected to work will also see their monthly SFI benefits increase by $20 effective June 1st. Single people and childless couples who are expected to work will not see any increase. Training and employment supports will continue to be available to help people re-enter the workforce.

Some AISH clients who no longer qualify for income support because of increases in their Canada Pension Plan Disability (CPPD) benefits will now be able to access health coverage through the Alberta Adult Health Benefit. “This change recognizes that the health benefits offered through the AISH program are an important part of this government’s support for severely disabled people,” noted Dunford.

About 75 people who lose their AISH benefits each year will now be covered for dental and optical services, prescription drugs, essential diabetic supplies and emergency ambulance services, worth an average of $265 a month.

More information on these changes is available on www.gov.ab.ca/hre.

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(Dial 310-000 for toll free access outside Edmonton.)

Shelby J. MacLeod
Office of the Minister
Alberta Human Resources and Employment
(780) 975-4152

Laurie Collins
Alberta Human Resources and Employment
(780) 427-5585
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