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In this section is information about MIIP, which provides funding to eligible groups to provide Adult EAL instruction in schools, workplaces and communities.

Manitoba Immigrant Integration Program

Program Goal

The purpose of the Manitoba Immigrant Integration Program is to facilitate the economic and social integration of immigrants in Manitoba.

The Manitoba Immigrant Integration Program provides funding* and staff support under two components with the following objectives:

Immigrant Settlement Services:

  • To provide a continuum of direct settlement information and support; and
  • To support services that meet identified needs and establish links between immigrants and the community.

Adult English as a Second Language Services:

  • To provide a continuum of Adult EAL services that meet the needs of immigrants; and
  • To support Adult EAL instruction in schools, workplaces and communities.

Each program includes a delivery assistance component to enhance activities that support settlement and Adult EAL delivery and development.

  • Funding provided by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and Manitoba Labour and Immigration.

Eligible Activities

The following activities will be supported through funding, coordination and/or staff support in partnership with service providers;

Immigrant Settlement Services

  • Assessment, information provision, referral to services
  • Adjustment counselling and support
  • Orientation information: material/delivery
  • Interpretation and translation
  • Labour market preparation/placement support
  • Foreign credentials assessment
  • Settlement/Integration Volunteer programs q Community collaboration and bridging activities
  • Health, wellness and safety
  • Intercultural awareness
  • Delivery assistance: needs assessment, demonstration projects, training and professional development, support to development groups

Adult English as a Second Language Services

  • Language assessment, information and referral to Adult EAL services
  • Information and referral to other services
  • Adult EAL instruction
  • English for specific purposes instruction
  • Community based Adult EAL training
  • Workplace language and communication training
  • Program supports such as childminding, transportation and teacher aides
  • Adult EAL volunteer programs
  • Materials and curriculum development and implementation
  • Delivery assistance: needs assessments, demonstration projects, training and professional development

Who May Apply?

Not-for-profit organizations; specialized settlement and Adult EAL service providers; educational institutions; business, industry and labour; as well as municipal governments or government regulated and funded bodies may apply for funding.

To be eligible, service provider must:

  • demonstrate an effective service delivery model; and/or
  • provide evidence of expertise in specialized settlement or Adult EAL programs; and/or
  • show that project are needed and warranted.

Eligible Costs

Funding will be provided as a contribution towards total costs of a specific activity or service. The level of funding will be determined by a proposed budget that identifies expenses, service providers' contributions and other sources of funding.

Allowable costs include:

  • salaries and wages
  • benefits
  • overhead costs.

Application Process

Applications will be received on a continuing basis. Approval will be based on eligibility guidelines and funds available in the current fiscal year. Applicants will be required to meet with program staff to discuss needs, service priorities and project proposals, and to submit an application and budget form.

Approved service providers will sign a contract called a Contribution Agreement.

Manitoba Immigrant Integration Program
Immigration and Multiculturalism Division

5th floor – 213 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 1N3

Telephone: (204) 945-6300
Fax: (204) 948-2148


Payments will be based on the service provider's cashflow projections and payment schedule. A claim form will be required for each payment. An initial advance can be provided, but will not exceed 25% of the total Contribution Agreement. There will be a 10% hold back of the total agreement until final reports are provided. Final payment will be made upon completion of activities, submission of final reports and a final claim form.


Approved service providers will be required to:

  • comply with the terms and conditions of the Contribution Agreement;
  • demonstrate sound financial and project management;
  • submit complete, timely and accurate reports as stated in the Contribution Agreement; and
  • discuss any changes to the project with the program staff and provide a letter of amendment for any approved changes to the terms of the Contribution Agreement.


Program staff will work with service providers to develop an evaluation process including:

  • service outcomes and deliverables;
  • monitoring options including site observation;
  • feedback from participants; and
  • format and timing of service deliverers' progress and final reports.

Proposal Guidelines

Following is an outline to assist applicants in developing a proposal for the Manitoba Immigrant Integration Program.

  1. Name of Proposed Project/Service: What is the title of your project?
  2. Start and Finish Dates: Indicate day/month/year.
  3. Goals and Objectives: State the main purpose of the project and the settlement and integration needs that it will address. Identify specific goals and objectives for the project that will be the basis for evaluating the accomplishments.
  4. Clients who will be served: Describe who will benefit from the project, including an estimated number of clients/participants, communities, languages, etc.
  5. Services and Activities Description: Outline how the project will be delivered, including activities, key dates, number of staff, and other resources supporting the activities.
  6. Expected Outcomes: What will change as a result of this service/activity? Please identify specific outcomes that you expect to achieve.
  7. Evaluation: Describe your evaluation plan. How will you determine that the expected outcomes/results were achieved?
  8. Position Descriptions: Include position description for the service deliverers. If available, please indicate who they are and why they were chosen.
  9. Budget: Identify the main project expenses, and sources of project revenues, including:
  • salary/wages costs;
  • overhead costs;
  • organization's contribution;
  • sources of other funding; and
  • total amount requested.

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