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Transport Canada > Pacific Region > Air > Civil Aviation Branch

Civil Aviation oversees the safety of Canada's National Civil Air Transportation System. The branch is responsible for aircraft registration, pilot and engineering licensing, aerodrome safety and air carrier certification. Standards are set and enforced for aircraft components and maintenance procedures, as well as for aviation personnel.

In 1996, the Transport Canada Air Navigation System - the component of the Aviation branch providing air traffic control, flight information services, airport advisory services and air navigation aids-was transferred to Nav Canada, a not-for-profit corporation.

In the Pacific Region, the civil aviation divisions are as follows:

  • Aerodromes and Air Navigation - inspects and certifies airports and aerodromes, and responsible for issues involved with airspace utilization and classification, levels of service for Air Navigation Service facilities and services including weather, navigation, radar and communication services
  • Aircraft Certification - ensure that the designs of aeronautical products, repairs and modifications meet the applicable airworthiness standards
  • Aircraft Maintenance and Manufacturing - monitor, inspect and audit all companies and personnel involved in the manufacture, repair and distribution of aircraft and their parts
  • Aviation Enforcement - establish and administer the regulations and standards necessary for the safe conduct of Canadian civil aviation
  • Civil Aviation Medicine - advise Aviation Personnel Licensing on the medical fitness of aviation document holders
  • Commercial and Business Aviation - ensure a satisfactory level of safety is maintained by all regionally-based commercial and business air carriers
  • General Aviation - promote aviation safety by licensing aviation personnel and registering aircraft, in compliance with the Canadian Aviation Regulations
  • Quality Assurance and Review - provides sound quality management and quality assurance framework for Civil Aviation in Canada
  • System Safety - safety evaluation and safety promotion within the civil aviation transportation system in the Pacific Region

For more information, contact:

Civil Aviation
Transport Canada
1010 - 800 Burrard Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 2J8
Mailing Address:
Civil Aviation
Transport Canada
620 - 800 Burrard Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 2J8
Telephone Number: (604) 666-5851
Facsimile Number: (604) 666-1175

Last updated: 2006-09-28 Top of Page Important Notices