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Signature du ministère des Services gouvernementaux. Bandeau illustrant la mission du ministère des Services gouvernemtaux.

Services Québec

Centre de services partagés du Québec

The mission of the department is to develop various means aimed at:

  • simplifying governmental service access;
  • regrouping Management services;
  • developing e-government.

The news

December 5, 2006

Public Consultation on the project of National Strategy for Labour Market Integration and Maintenance of Handicapped Persons

November 9, 2006

Health Guide : a new section in the governmental portal of services on the Internet which provides reliable information about a variety of health-related topics to enable people to better manage their health and that of their loved ones.

March 13, 2006

e-Governement : more secure and accessible services!

Québec's e-government services are getting the public's vote among those using the single identifier clicSEQUR! Since January 2006, more than 7 000 citizens have accessed Revenu Québec's and the Régie des rentes du Québec's online services by securely identifying themselves through clicSEQUR. Soon this single identifier will also allow them to access online services offered by other departments and agencies! You to want to benefit from the clicSEQUR service? Visit Revenu Québec's or the Régie des rentes du Québec's Web sites to enrol. It's free!