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Food > Meat and Poultry Products > Manual of Procedures > Chapter 11  



In most cases the requirements of the importing country are similar to Canadian requirements.

Certain countries, however, have special requirements which are either in addition to or different from Canadian requirements. Such requirements may be in regard to construction, inspection procedures, slaughter techniques, processing and transport of meat products, or in regard to wholesomeness or hygiene. Special requirements are outlined in Section 11.7.

Importing country requirements may change from time to time. This Chapter, therefore, shall be considered only as a guide. Exporters having knowledge of changes in importing country requirements should provide such information to the Food of Animal Origin Division (FAOD). The FAOD, as appropriate or necessary, may follow up with the importing country to verify the information and to enter into negotiations if changes are needed. The Veterinarian(s) in Charge will be informed of the results of the follow-up by direct communication and/or by an amendment to this Manual. Where an exporter has approached a certifying CFIA veterinarian directly regarding changes in conditions the veterinarian should seek advice from a Program Network Export Specialist.

Consignments for countries or products not covered in this Chapter may be certified with the standard CFIA certificate for meat products (CFIA-ACIA 1454). These consignments are at commercial risk. Commercial risk means acceptance by the exporter that the CFIA certificate is given in good faith based on the exporter's written assurances that all due enquiries have been made and that there is no known impediment to entry of the product into the country concerned. Commercial risk does not mean that CFIA will provide certificates at the exporter's request, if the request is contrary to known requirements.

Only meat products prepared in registered establishments may be exported and then only if they are prepared according to the requirements of the importing country, are certified accordingly and the registered establishment is on the list of establishments approved for export to the country in question. When applicable, requests for approval should be submitted using Annex I. Furthermore, in those establishments which are processing meat products intended for export, the meat products must have originated from a source approved by the country of destination. In some cases (see requirements for the country) a transfer certificate may need to be used to demonstrate that the meat used for processing is eligible for a specific market. The certificate in Annex J must be used for such purposes.

No meat product shipment shall be exported unless it has received a final inspection and is found satisfactory.


11.2.1 Legal basis

A) Meat Inspection Act:

" 7. No person shall export a meat product out of Canada unless

(a) it was prepared or stored in a registered establishment that was operated in accordance with this Act and the regulations;

(b) that person provides an inspector with evidence satisfactory to the Minister that the meat product meets the requirements of the country to which it is being exported; and

(c) that person obtains a certificate from an inspector authorizing the export of that meat product."

B) Meat Inspection Regulations:

"121. No operator shall identify as edible any meat product intended for export unless the meat product meets the requirements of the importing country and is packaged and labelled in accordance with section 122.

122.(1) Subject to subsection (2), every operator shall package and label a meat product intended for export in accordance with the requirements of the importing country or, where no such requirements exist, shall package and label the meat product as required by Part III.

(2) Every operator shall ensure that a meat product that is produced for export as an edible meat product and does not meet the requirements of these Regulations for a meat product intended for sale, use or consumption as an edible meat product in Canada is, in addition to being packaged and labelled in accordance with all other requirements of these Regulations, labelled as being for export.

122.1 In any meat inspection certificate used for the purpose of exporting meat products, a statement that the meat products are derived from food animals that received ante-mortem and post-mortem veterinary inspection at the time of slaughter means that the food animals were subjected to ante-mortem examination or ante-mortem inspection and that the meat products were subjected to post-mortem examination or post-mortem inspection, in accordance with these Regulations."

11.2.2 Accountability Framework

(1) Establishment

Under the Meat Inspection Act and Regulations, the operator of the exporting establishment bears full responsibility for ensuring that all applicable requirements of the importing country are met and for providing satisfactory evidence to that effect to CFIA before CFIA can authorize the export and issue the required certificates.

At the Plant Management level, exporters should have knowledge of the requirements of the importing country, making sure their establishments are eligible to export, and have an up-to-date version of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures (hard copy or Website book-marked). They must also have qualified and legally responsible personnel to prepare and sign the attestation required for verification and veterinary signature, be able to supply supporting documents as necessary (i.e., attestation of freezing, Trichina tests, etc.), and confirm eligibility of product for export to the country in question.

(2) Chief Veterinary Officer for Canada

The Head of the Veterinary Service of the exporting country is ultimately accountable for veterinary certification used in international trade. As head of the Veterinary Service, Canada's Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) is also the official representative to the OIE.

The CVO maintains the integrity of Canada's veterinary infrastructure through fostering the development of policies and programs that support and enable inspection and certification services to be carried out in accordance with established principles and international standards.

The Veterinary Service is responsible for establishing official procedures for authorisation of certifying veterinarians, assigning their functions and duties as well as the conditions of appointment, ensuring that the relevant instructions and training are provided to certifying veterinarians, and monitoring the activities of the certifying veterinarians to verify their integrity and impartiality.

(3) Program Divisions

Program Division staff are responsible for designing inspection and certification programs that are compatible with science-based principles and consistent with international standards. They develop regulations and policies as the basis for consistent and uniform delivery of program services across Canada. Technical specialists (export program experts and international negotiators) negotiate bilateral agreements with other countries and provide clarification and interpretation of agreed import conditions and requirements of other countries to exporters and inspection staff through publication in this Manual and issuance of Directives and other memoranda.

Program staff are also responsible for the development and maintenance of export program procedures and activities, and for providing direction and guidance for the performance of required tests, inspections and the issuance of appropriate certification by veterinary inspectors.

With the expansion of trade liberalization, developments in new food technologies, and emerging markets in agricultural commodities, import conditions may not always be in step with the development of current international standards. When import conditions or requirements of a country become inconsistent with acceptable standards, Program Division staff are responsible for renegotiating appropriate import conditions. In some instances, SPS conditions and import conditions of another country may require interpretation in order to facilitate the continued issuance or endorsement of export certificates.

(4) Program Networks

Program Network staff are responsible for providing a close interface between program policy development and the implementation and delivery of programs by Operations personnel. They support the delivery of the export program at the Network level, through the verification of interpretation of requirements to operational inspection staff and the provision of expert advice concerning program standards, liaise with regulated industries and advise exporters of their responsibilities and the requirements necessary to ensure that products destined for export meet the specific import conditions of other countries. In collaboration with the Program Divisions the Networks are also responsible for the audit and verification of programs to ensure consistent and uniform delivery

(5) Operations Coordination

Operations Coordination (OC), in support of the Vice President of Operations, manages national initiatives for the effective, efficient, and consistent delivery of operational activities across the country. A strong link exists between operational activities and the CFIA's mission and mandate. OC is responsible for providing its field staff with the tools, training and resources to carry out operational activities including certification of commodities destined for export.

The primary Operations/Programs interface occurs via the Program Network Directors (PNDs) enabling program and laboratory input into the delivery and evaluation of operational activities. In the context of export certification, PNDs identify and communicate the appropriate requirements for certification. The role of Operations is to ensure that the certification process complies with international standards and is implemented in accordance with program policy.

OC also facilitates Operations input into program design and redesign, identifies and anticipates delivery challenges, and develops a process for continuous improvement. OC is comprised of the National Operations Coordination members (NOC) based in Ottawa and Area Operations Coordination Team (OCT) based in the Areas that provide a field perspective to the OC.

(6) Inspectors

CFIA inspectors play a pivotal role in certifying export shipments. They provide both verification and certification (Annex H, Application for Export Certification/Export Verification Form) which ensures that each export shipment conforms with the verification process established in CFIA's Manual of Procedures and with the requirements of the importing country.

The certification process requires that inspectors have adequate knowledge of the requirements of the importing country and that the information being certified is accurate and verifiable. They must also have an up to date version of the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures and /or book marked Website. Their responsibilities also include: the control of certificates and export markings (e.g. stamps, stickers), verifying the origin of product and the eligibility of product for export, and meeting the needs of the exporting establishment by providing the required documents (e.g. CFIA-ACIA 1454), authorizing the use of export markings and performing export verification in a timely manner.

Once the inspector is satisfied that all of the requirements have been met including appropriate information provided by qualified and legally responsible Plant Management personnel, and is confident that they have adequate knowledge of the requirements of the importing country, the inspector submits this information for the use of the certifying veterinarian.

(7) Official Veterinarians (Veterinary Inspectors or Signing Veterinarians)

The official signing veterinary inspector is responsible for signing and issuing veterinary certificates when the certification requirements have been met, based on satisfactory completion of applicable verification procedures and notes of guidance in this Manual or otherwise provided by the Program Divisions.

They are directly involved in providing guidance or direction to exporters to ensure their obligations are understood and met. Certifying veterinarians must have a clear understanding and knowledge of what is required to be certified. Veterinary inspectors are responsible for: verifying that the inspector has knowledge of the requirements of the importing country; checking export certificates for modifications (NO modifications allowed), clarity and any additional statements required; knowing the procedure for replacement certificates; and liaising with Program Network staff to ensure the appropriate interpretation of a country's import requirements.

Veterinary inspectors who can demonstrate the execution of their duties in accordance with the relevant Manual of Procedures, notes of guidance, interpretation and advice provided by their supervisors and/or Program Network or Division staff are protected from personal liability in the performance of their certification activities. As such, they are deemed to be acting in accordance with internationally and nationally accepted principles of ethical conduct.

(8) Laboratories

The laboratories are responsible for carrying out the testing required by the Program and in accordance with the export conditions negotiated with importing countries.

11.2.3 General

Unless otherwise indicated in the specific requirements for a country (Section 11.7.3), all export shipments of meat products, except those specifically exempted in the Meat Inspection Regulations, shall be accompanied by a "Certificate of Inspection Covering Meat Products" - CFIA-ACIA 1454.

In any case, an export certificate must have been signed and issued before a shipment or consignment has left Canada.

It is the responsibility of the operator to inform the Inspector in Charge of the registered establishment, in advance, of his intention to export. The operator shall further provide all the details required by the Inspector in Charge to complete and issue the appropriate certificate.

Additional certification is required by many countries. Copies of those additional certificates are provided in Section 11.7 under the specific requirements for those countries.

Certificates for export of meat products shall be signed only by an official veterinarian. The veterinarian should retain or be provided with a copy of each fully completed certificate that they have signed (see When an official veterinarian inspector is not personally inspecting the meat products before export then the veterinarian should have written evidence from a CFIA inspector that the shipment meets the requirements of the importing country.

In unusual situations the Inspector-in-Charge or the signing official veterinarian should contact the Director (Program Network) for advice. The Director (Program Network) may in turn contact the Chief, Export Programs of the Food of Animal Origin Division to ensure uniformity across Canada. Each package of the export shipment shall be identified with either an export stamp bearing the certificate number or with an export sticker bearing a serial number. When export stickers are used, the numbers of those stickers shall be listed on the certificate. If for some reason a shipment bearing export stickers or export stamps is not exported, then those export stickers or export stamps must be removed from the packages before they are released for the domestic trade.

No corrections are allowed on export certificates. When errors are identified, the certificate must be voided. Replacement certificates may be issued when conditions established in subsection are met.

Whenever an CFIA-ACIA 1454 is voided and Part 2 has already been sent to the Director of the Food of Animal Origin Division (FAOD), then the Director shall be notified in writing. A copy of the certificate with the notation "Void" stamped across it could serve as notification.

Voided certificates shall be destroyed with the exception of the file copy and the copy sent to the Director of the FAOD. Each aforementioned copy shall be stamped with the notation "Void/annulé". This stamp is to be provided to the signing veterinarian by the operator of the establishment under his/her supervision. It is recommended that red ink and a bold typeface be used. This procedure is to be implemented so that the voided certificates can be adequately processed at Headquarters. Additional information

Transit of a shipment of foreign meat products through Canada, in bond, must be authorized by the Animal Health Division. In such case no Canadian certificate of inspection will be issued.

Imported meat products accepted into Canada are not eligible as is for export to the U.S.A. Only shipments that are considered by USDA as a transhipment, i.e. in bond, and covered by an original certificate from the country of origin showing the name and address of a consignee located in the U.S.A. will be accepted.

In the case of countries other than the United States, imported meat products accepted in Canada, may be re-exported (entire shipment or part of it) to a foreign country. The acceptance of such products by the importing country shall be the responsibility of the consignor. In this case, Form CFIA-ACIA 1454 shall be issued and part 2 of the form shall be forwarded to the Director of the FAOD. In addition, the following statement should be shown on the certificate:

"Products of (country of origin) with original markings, in original containers, accepted into Canada and under continuous official supervision while in Canada."

If required by the importing country, a photostat of the original health certificate from the country of origin may be delivered. Unless the whole imported shipment is re-exported, the original certificate will not be provided.

It should be noted that an imported meat product which is further processed in Canada is considered a Canadian product. Such a product may be certified for export unless specific requirements of the importing country prohibit this.


Operator: Means a person who is licensed to operate a registered establishment
Applicant: Operator of a CFIA registered Canadian establishment.
Application/Verification Form: Prerequisite for each export shipment (see annex H). The application/verification form must be presented by the applicant's establishment to the Official Veterinarian (OV) or inspector in charge (IIC) of the applicant's establishment.

It is composed of three parts:

PART 1: Must be completed by the applicant. It identifies Applicant, destination, site of inspection, etc.

PART 2: Must be completed by the applicant and is the declaration of compliance for the product. The additional endorsement section is facultative, and is provided to facilitate the means of the endorsement by the producing establishment or shipping establishment, when necessary.

PART 3: Must be completed by the inspector of the applicant's establishment. Hereby declaring that the final verification has been performed as provided in these procedures ( and that the shipment is deemed, on that basis, to be eligible for export to the designated country.

Applicant Establishment: The operator of the registered establishment requesting export certification.
Producing Establishment: The last registered establishment processing the meat product. This is the establishment number appearing in the legend on the product immediate packaging.
Shipping Establishment: The registered establishment where the shipment is assembled and verified. This could be a slaughterhouse, processing plant or storage.
Inspector: Means a person appointed or designated as an inspector pursuant to section 12 of the Meat inspection Act.
Official Veterinarian: Means a veterinarian appointed or designated as an inspector pursuant to the section 12 of the Meat inspection Act. Procedures to be followed when verifying a meat export shipment:

(1) Application for export:

(1) a) completion of annex H (CFIA/ACIA 5344)

A blank form is available on Desktop eForms and an interactive copy is available on the CFIA website at A copy of Annex H with superimposed numbers corresponding to the instructions on completing the form is included in this section under Annex H.

(1) b) Completion of Part 2, Declaration of Compliance

Producing element 1 identified in the Declaration of Compliance of the Application/Verification form may be completed by the applicant when the importing country has no requirements over and above the Canadian requirements.

When a product is to be exported from a plant that is not the producing establishment and that the importing country has requirements over and above the Canadian requirements, a statement from the operator of the producing establishment to the effect that the product conforms to the requirements of the importing country must be received, as an additional endorsement (see annex H part 2, element 1). This statement should be corroborated by the inspector in charge (IIC) of the producing establishment in the additional endorsement section of part 2 of the Application/Verification form. (element 1).

In the situation where numerous daily exports originating from the same producing establishment, destined to the same country, being of the same species and exported from the same shipping establishment, an alternative to the continued use of the additional endorsement by the producing establishment would be an endorsement letter issued by the producing establishment to the shipping establishment. In this case, should the shipping establishment (applicant) be willing to accept responsibility for the producing establishment, the shipping establishment (applicant) may do so by certifying the export elements normally related to the producing establishment. A written confirmation of the producing establishment's eligibility to export specific meat products must be received by the shipping plant (applicant) immediately after a modification to the current export status of the producing establishment or immediately after a modification of the applicable requirements of the importing country. This written confirmation should also be corroborated by the inspector in charge (IIC) of the producing establishment.

NOTE: In specific cases when the importing country requires animal health (A.H) declarations for diseases that are not officially reported in Canada, the certifying veterinarian may seek additional information from the Area Export Officer responsible for meat products. For certificates and annexes bearing such A.H. declarations, supporting documents should be issued by the veterinarian responsible for the slaughter establishment of origin. A specific example of a supporting document is Annex J ,Transfer Certificate for Meat Products .

(2) Verifications

(a) Verification of Application/Verification form

Upon receiving the Application/Verification form and before signing it, the inspector will review parts 1 & 2 of the form to ensure it has been completed correctly. Element 1 of Part 2 (Declaration of Compliance) signifies that the establishments are approved to export to the country and that the products to be exported are in compliance with available technical requirements of the country of destination. The inspector receiving the application should inform the applicant that the process may be expedited if the necessary supporting documents accompany the application/verification form. When the applicant is not the same as the producing establishment (reference (1) b)), the inspector is to verify statements related to the application found in the supporting document including a declaration of compliance issued by the producing establishment.

(b) Authorization of application of export markings and completion of export certificate

When the information provided in 2 a) above is found satisfactory, the inspector will assign an export certificate to the shipment, will authorize the use of the export markings (stamp or stickers) or will request that the application form be sent to the shipping plant (if the applicant is not the shipping plant) in order that the shipping elements (2, 3, 4, 5) be verified and corroborated in the additional endorsement section of part 2 of the application form.

An inspector may assign export certificates and permit an operator to stamp boxes during approved hours of inspection when the inspector is not on premises. Before doing so the inspector verifies that:

  • the operator has identified an employee who will be responsible for the stamp and the certificate.
  • the operator has procedures to ensure the stamp will be applied in clear and legible manner (tamper proof manner in the case of stamp-stickers) only to boxes that are in sound condition and which are part of the shipment for which the application was presented.
  • the operator is aware that the stamp must be returned to the inspector at the completion of the stamping of the product.


An inspector may allow an operator to use a self adhesive sticker bearing a computer generated export stamp impression or a self adhesive sticker bearing a manually applied impression of the export stamp. This type of sticker is not to be confused with the reproduction of the export sticker form CFIA/ACIA 4091. The operator must submit a written procedure to the IIC for approval. The following control measures must be included in the written procedures submitted to the inspector and be integrated in export procedures:

  • The operator has identified an employee who will be responsible for the printing of export stamps.
  • Control of the use of off-site printing of computer generated stickers is similar to the control procedures used for export stickers -CFIA / ACIA 4091 - Ref MOP 11 Introduction annex Q;
  • Control of the on-site printing of the computer generated stickers may be through password owned by the inspector, OR through printing software diskette controlled by the inspector (equivalent to controls over the export stamp). The operator is to identify the number of stickers to be produced to obtain authorization from the inspector before printing the stickers.

c) Export stamp

The export stamp will bear the registration number of the shipping establishment. Alternatively, the export stamp could bear the producing establishment number if requested in writing by the operator of the producing establishment.

The operator may change the certificate number on the export stamp only when authorized by an inspector.

d) Visual verification of the shipment:

For establishments that have developed appropriate written export procedures for visual verification, approved by the Inspector and maintained to the satisfaction of the Inspector, the supporting documents from these procedures may be used as sufficient evidence to satisfy the requirement of shipping elements 4 and 5 without the inspector's presence. In the context of approved procedures as described above, verification of the total quantity of meat products indicated on Application/Verification form may be achieved by the verification of these supporting documents instead of physically counting the boxes. Similarly, verification of transport container seal number recorded on the Annex H (both official and company seals) may also be achieved by the verification of supporting documents instead of visual verification of the intact seal on the transport container doors. In the case of an official seal, it is understood that the use of the seal must receive prior authorization from the inspector according to MOP chapter 4, section 4.1.6(2).

When the load has been completely stamped or the stickers have been applied, it will then be presented for inspection in such a way that the verifying inspector and designated shipping plant employee can have adequate access to the products to determine its eligibility for export. Alternatively "continuous loading" in producing establishments where inspection staff is present to monitor preparation of export , can be considered acceptable.

  • Prior to signing the Application/Verification form certifying elements 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Part 2, the verifying inspector and designated shipping plant employee will monitor the following items.
  • The product is in good condition and wholesome (no apparent off condition odour, torn or damp cartons or other evidence of improper handling or storage).
  • The number of boxes/packages matches the number on the application form. This may be achieved by verifying supporting documents.
  • The correct export stamp/stickers has been applied on boxes/packages.
  • The product description on the labels match the product description on the Application/Verification form.
  • The label has all the mandatory information based on available information.
  • Additional export markings required (e.g. marking "for export", marking for pharmaceutical use, etc.)

The plant management will endorse shipping elements 2, 3, 4, 5 of Annex H once the aforementioned items have been verified and found satisfactory. When the shipping plant is not the applicant's plant, the IIC and the plant management of the shipping establishment will endorse shipping elements 2, 3, 4, 5 in the appropriate field of the additional endorsement section of Annex H.

Once the application is completed, it is to be returned to the inspector stationed at the applicant's plant.

Once steps 11.2.4 (2) a, b, c, d above have been successfully completed, the inspector at the applicant's plant will review the compliance of the export documents presented for signature. In this review process, the inspector will verify the concordance of the information presented on the annex H with the information written on the official certificate of inspection covering meat products and respective annexes (see section Approval of application for export certification)

11.2.5 Completion of certificates

The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the information that is entered on export certificates. The applicant is also responsible to ensure that the certificate is fully completed and that all unused spaces are lined out before presenting the certificate for signature. All information entered on a certificate must be in the same typeface style. No alteration (e.g., modification of a statement, addition of a statement not provided for in Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures) may be made to export certificates without authorization of a CFIA Area Export Officer responsible for meat products. Completion of form CFIA 1454

The following details shall be adhered to in the completion of CFIA/ACIA 1454 (See Annex E for copy of CFIA/ACIA 1454 with superimposed numbers, corresponding to those used in this explanation.) When items to be exported are too numerous for the space provided on the form, the Continuation Sheet in Annex E-1 should be used provided it is acceptable to the importing country.

It should be kept in mind that a form should be issued for one consignee only. To incorporate several consignees on the same form CFIA/ACIA 1454 is not acceptable for the importing countries. It is not recommended to include meat products from several establishments on the same form. A derogation to this rule may, however, be acceptable in the case of a specific contract with a country requesting only one certificate. In such case, it is requested that the number of the establishment of origin be indicated at the end of the description of each product from each establishment.


  • 24 boxes pork roast, est. 998
  • 36 boxes beef tails, est. 876
  • 30 pork carcasses, est.998
  • 45 pork carcasses, est. 876
  • 18 pork carcasses, est. 687

This procedure is essential for statistical purposes.

(1) The name and address of the exporter, which may be that of the operator where the animals were slaughtered (4), the operator where the meat products were processed (8) or a broker. In the event (1), (4), and (8) are the same, the information shall be recorded in all 3 spaces.

(2) Where a rubber stamp is used, the number on the stamp used on cartons to be exported shall correspond to the serial number of the certificate of inspection, CFIA/ACIA 1454, accompanying the shipment. The number must be reproduced in space (2). If the certificate number is different than the number stamped on boxes (e.g., replacement certificate) the wording to the effect that the shipping containers bear a different number must be included : e.g., "Boxes stamped with number ___ " (11.3(5))Export sticker numbers (11.3 (6)), when required, should also appear here. If the space is insufficient, they can appear instead in box (18).

(3) The name and address of the consignee. In the event where form CFIA-ACIA 1454 is the unique certificate required or when the additional certification does not need the name and address of the consignee, the phrase "To be determined" can be entered in lieu of the name and address of the consignee. Unused space must be lined out. When the phrase "To be determined" is used, the operator/exporter takes full responsibility to ensure that it is acceptable to the importing country. A letter of responsibility from the applicant to this effect should be kept on file. A certificate bearing the phrase "To be determined" will not be replaced should the shipment be refused due to this phrase being used.

(4) The name and address of the slaughter establishment where the animals were slaughtered. The words "Various eligible establishments" may be used when it is not practical to list slaughter establishments (for processed products) and it is acceptable to the importing country.

(4A) The registration number of the slaughter establishment.

(5) The date or dates of slaughter. When acceptable to the importing country, a range may be used (e.g. May to June 2005).

(6) Insert the word Canada in this space.

(7) Country of destination means name of the importing country.

(8) The name and address of the last processing establishment(s) where the meat products were processed.

(8A) The registration number of this processing establishment.

(9) Process date signifies the date of production as recorded by the operator of the processing establishment and may differ from the slaughter date as recorded by the operator of the slaughter establishments. Enter the information under the dd-mm-yyyy format unless required otherwise by the importing country. When acceptable to the importing country, a range may be used (e.g. May to June 2005).

(10) Write the name of the transport company.

(11) Write the name of the airport, train terminal, sea port, etc.

(12) Write the ship's name, the flight or wagon number, etc.

(13) Write the name of the airport, train terminal, sea port, etc.

(14) Description of the product (as written on the boxes). Number of packages and species of origin must be clearly indicated. Unused space must be lined out.

(15) The net weight must be accurate, in kilograms unless pounds is required by the importing country (specify kg or lb).

(16) Write the container number (if applicable).

(17) Write the seal number (if applicable).

(18) Additional certification required by some countries as stated in the importing countries section of this chapter may be typed in this space. If there is not enough space the additional certification shall be typed on government letterhead paper. If additional certification is provided on government letterhead paper the same O.V. shall sign CFIA/ACIA 1454 and the additional certification.

If one or more annexes to the certificate are used, write it in this section (e.g. "Annex A")

Unused space must be lined out.

(19) City and province.

(20) The date on which the certificate was signed by the official veterinarian and issued. In the spaces for day and month a single digit number shall be prefixed by a "0" in order to fill both spaces.

(21) Signature of official veterinarian. Only CFIA official veterinarians (O.V.) are authorized to sign export certificates for meat products. The name of the signing official veterinarian shall be typed, stamped or written clearly below the signature followed by "veterinarian" or "DVM". The official stamp shall be applied. See also 11.3 (1).

N.B. The information appearing on CFIA/ACIA 1454 is used for data entry. Accuracy and legibility of this information is imperative in order to produce accurate data. Approval of application for export certification

Once steps 11.2.4 (2) a, b, c, d above have been successfully completed, the inspector at the applicant's plant reviews the compliance of the export documents presented for signature. In this review process, the inspector verifies the concordance of the information presented on the annex H with the information written on the official certificate of inspection covering meat products and respective annexes. Then, the inspector completes, signs and dates Part 3 of the Application/Verification form when all aspects of the application are found acceptable.

  • Returns the approved application and unsigned export certificate/annexes to the applicant/operator.
  • Keeps on file a copy of the application and any pertinent supporting documents (example: letters of compliance).

The inspector of the plant preparing the export certificate and the inspector of the plant from where the export load is shipped (in some cases the same) will maintain a log book of all export loads shipped from the establishment regardless whether they issue the certificate or are only verifying the shipment. The following should be noted in this book:

  • Date the export load was verified
  • Certificate number including void certificate
  • Product description
  • Name of importing country
  • Number of boxes/packages
  • Net weight
  • Exporting company name or who the certificate was issued to
  • Name of signing veterinarian
  • Verifying inspector's initials
  • Export sticker numbers. Including voided stickers. Issuance of certificates

Certificates for export of meat products shall only be issued (signed) by an official CFIA veterinarian (O.V.).

If the O.V. has concerns about the information appearing on supporting documents (e.g., annex H) or the certificate, he or she contacts the inspector who approved the application and/or the applicant, to address these concerns. If the concerns are not satisfactorily addressed, the O.V. should document the reasons motivating the concerns (e.g., the documents are incomplete) and contact the Area Export Officer responsible for meat products for instructions.

The O.V. should ensure before signing, that the certificate has been completed fully and correctly, and that no part of it is left blank; since a certificate is signed on the basis of annex H, the O.V. should be in possession of that document before signing.

In cases where the certifying veterinarian is remotely located, he or she will keep a photocopy of the signed certificate, a copy of the Application/Verification form and/or a log book of the same information. The applicant is responsible to return the signed certificate and a copy of annex H to the inspector having assigned the certificate.

Where the Application/Verification form is to be faxed to the signing veterinarian, the inspector at the shipping plant will keep the original copy of the Application/Verification form on file. A signed copy of the export certificate will be sent back to the verifying inspector for his/her files. This will insure there has been no tampering with the Application/Verification form.

The applicant's inspector (the one assigning the certificate) is the person who will keep all documents on file pertaining to this exportation (for traceability) i.e. a copy of the certificate together with the applicable annex H, supporting documents. Replacement export certificates

In the case where a change is required to an export certificate that has not been issued (meaning it has not been signed by a CFIA veterinarian), the export certificate must be voided, returned to the CFIA, and a new export certificate may be completed for the lot destined for export.

Changes shall not be made on the face of issued export certificates. If an applicant wants to make a change to an issued export certificate, he or she must apply for a replacement certificate by fulfilling the conditions outlined in section A monetary fee will be charged for all replacement certificates issued by the CFIA.

Provided the conditions outlined in section are met, the CFIA will allow a replacement certificate for change of country of destination. Export certificates may also be replaced for lots within or outside of Canada.

After reviewing the application for a replacement certificate, the CFIA may request additional documentation if it is determined that the change requested can not be made based on available information. This is particularly significant when a change is requested to a seal number, export stamp/shipping mark number, transport container number, number of cartons, weight and product description. The documentation that may be requested is situation dependent but examples may include a bill of lading, exporter’s ship manifest, a ship schedule from the freight forwarder, processing dates etc.

A letter of explanation may be issued instead of a replacement certificate if the applicant can provide reasonable indication that the letter will be acceptable to the importing country and adequate supporting documentation for the change.

Countries, in some circumstances, may choose not to accept replacement certificates and may notify the CFIA accordingly.

In regards to a change of the country of destination, if a replacement certificate is issued by the CFIA, it will be the responsibility of the applicant to provide the competent authority of the new country of destination with information acceptable to them to prove the continuity of control over the lot and compliance with any other conditions required by the importing country.

When clarification of replacement certificate policy is needed, the applicant should refer to the CFIA inspector or veterinarian located at their respective establishment. If he or she is unavailable, the applicant should contact the Area Veterinary Export Specialist or, if unable to, the Export Specialist at CFIA headquarters. Replacement certificate conditions:

A replacement certificate may be issued provided the following conditions are met:

  1. The applicant has in place procedures relating to the preparation of export documentation. The procedures must aid in maintaining accurate export certificate preparation. Further, the applicant has implemented corrective actions if applicable.

  2. If a change of country of destination is requested, the lot must have complied with the requirements of the new country of destination at the time of processing.

  3. The application CFIA/ACIA 5344 (Annex H) for the replacement certificate, with part 1 and 2a filled out, accompanied with the rationale supporting the request, is presented by the applicant to the CFIA veterinarian who issued the export certificate being replaced or, when not available, to their office or to the respective area office. The Annex H must be certified for any elements that are to be changed. A CFIA inspector must also certify to any changed elements. The "in lieu" box must be marked with an X and the corresponding original certificate number identified.

  4. It must be demonstrated that the original certificate, including annexe(s), have been returned to the CFIA or, are in the possession of a recognized foreign competent authority or, are in the possession of a Canadian Embassy/Consulate. In cases where the time required for the return of the original certificate and annexe(s) is considered too significant by the exporter, the following option will be accepted. A copy of the voided original certificate and annexe(s), with both the printed name and signature of the individual who voided them. Also, a letter from the exporter including a statement indicating that the party in possession of the export certificate and annexe(s) have voided them, and the copies sent to the CFIA are copies of the voided export certificate and annexe(s). The exporter must also guarantee in the letter that the export certificate and annexe(s), with reference to the export certificate number, will arrive back to the CFIA office, where it was issued, in a certain number of days, as specified by the applicant. The indicated return date must however, be less than 30 calendar days.

    The original, returned, export certificate is to be filed with Part 3 (the inspector’s copy) of the replacement certificate.

  5. If the request for a replacement certificate is made once the export certificate has been issued and the lot is no longer at a registered establishment, it must be understood that the CFIA is not in a position to certify the condition of the lot as of the date the replacement certificate is issued and so does not do so. The replacement certificate only certifies the lot’s condition at the time of initial export certification. To this end, a letter written on the applicant’s letterhead, signed by a company representative, must be submitted to the CFIA veterinarian who issued the export certificate being replaced or, when not available, to their office or to the respective area office. The letter must include the rationale supporting the request for a replacement certificate, the date the original certificate was issued, and a reference to the original certificate number. The exporter relies on the replacement certificate at his or her own risk and expense and as such, the applicant must confirm agreement and compliance with the following statement, by including it in the application letter.

    "I hereby agree and acknowledge that, by issuing a replacement certificate, the CFIA does not guarantee or warrant that the importing country will accept the products covered by this application and described on the replacement certificate. I rely on the replacement certificate at my own risk and expense. Furthermore, I have so informed all third parties who may rely on the replacement certificate."

Even if the above conditions are met, an export certificate will not be replaced in cases where:

a.) the applicant requests that one certificate be replaced by two or more certificates.

b.) the applicant requests that two or more certificates be replaced by one certificate. Replacement certificate preparation:

After it is determined that a replacement certificate can be issued, the following statements apply:

  1. With the exception of the date and the change, all other information pertaining to the lot must remain identical to that appearing on the certificate to be replaced. The date appearing on the replacement certificate shall be the date the replacement certificate is signed by the CFIA.

  2. All replacement certificates and corresponding annexes, as applicable, must bear the following statement:

    "This certificate replaces and supersedes certificate Number......issued on ......." (Date)

  3. Where the replacement certificate number is different than the number stamped on the boxes, the wording to the effect that the shipping containers bear a different number must also be included on the replacement certificate and corresponding annexes, as applicable:

    "Boxes stamped with number .............".

  4. If the request for a replacement certificate is made once the export certificate has been issued and the lot is no longer at a registered establishment, it must be understood that the CFIA is issuing the replacement certificate on the basis of the lot’s sanitary state as verified at the time of issuance of the export certificate being replaced. To this end, form CFIA/ACIA 1454 and CFIA/ACIA 4159 replacement certificates must bear the following revised statement in the "Additional Certification" box (Box 18) or at the bottom of the "Product Description" box (Box 14). Consequently, the statement within the third box from the bottom (between Box 16 and Box 18) of the replacement certificate must be crossed out.


If there is insufficient room for both the lot product description and the revised statement on one replacement certificate, a continuation sheet (CFIA 1454 SUP or CFIA 4566) is needed. The continuation sheet must contain the product description information that could not fit on the face of the replacement certificate, along with the above statement. In this case, there will be product description information and the above revised statement on both the export certificate face and the continuation sheet.

In the case of form CFIA/ACIA 4546 (U.S.A.) replacement certificates, the following statement must be typed in the "Remarks" box (Box 14) instead.

"This replacement export certificate certifies the named product’s condition on the date of issuance of certificate No. (insert the # of the certificate being replaced) which this export certificate replaces. The certification statements set out herein do not apply as of the date of this replacement certificate but only as of the date of the original certificate No. (insert the # of the certificate being replaced)." Export Stamp/Shipping Mark Errors

When an error in stamping of export boxes is made, there are several possible outcomes in regards to the export certificate for the lot.

If, for example, export certificate #500000 was filled out and assigned to a lot that had boxes stamped erroneously with export serial control number #500001, and the certificate #500001 has not yet been issued and the lot is still at the establishment, certificate #500000 is to be voided and certificate #500001 may be issued.

If, in the above case, certificate #500001 has been issued with a previous lot, the stamp on the boxes must be physically obliterated and the boxes re-stamped. If the stamp cannot be physically obliterated, the boxes need to be replaced.

The majority of export stamp errors will be identified during import inspection in the country of destination or in transit. To this end, exporters must also be guided by the officials of the importing country for an acceptable manner of correcting the errors. For example, if the export stamp/shipping mark needs to be changed, the importing country may require that it be done under direct supervision of a Canadian official. Procedure for Replacement of Lost Certificates:

The CFIA recognizes that in certain exceptional circumstances, export certificates and annexes may be lost. All effort should be made by the applicant including all parties involved, to recover them.

If efforts fail to recover the certificate and annexe(s), the exporter may apply for a replacement certificate by submitting an application letter, along with a CFIA/ACIA 5344 (Annex H), to the veterinarian who issued the lost certificate or, if not available, to their office or to the respective area office. The letter must include all pertinent details surrounding the investigation and a written declaration to the effect that if the certificate is recovered, it will be returned to the CFIA. All other companies involved in the export of the lot must explain in writing, on company letterhead, the steps they have taken to recover the export certificate, the cause of the problem and the measures that will be taken to prevent reoccurrence as applicable.

In conjunction with the Area Veterinary Export Specialist, the inspector or veterinarian receiving the application will determine based on information presented, if the issuance of a replacement certificate is warranted.

If the application has been accepted by the CFIA, the replacement certificate and corresponding annexe(s) will be issued with the following statement:

"This certificate replaces and supersedes certificate No........... issued on ................ and that was declared lost and cancelled".(date)

If the request for a replacement certificate is made once the export certificate has been issued and the lot is no longer at a registered establishment, condition #5 under "Replacement Certificate Conditions" and statement #4 under "Replacement Certificate Preparation" also apply.

If it is believed that the certificate has been stolen, a copy of the investigation report must be sent to the director of the Food of Animal Origin Division (FAOD), together with the certificate issued and a copy of voided certificate being replaced or the serial number(s) of the certificate to cancel as applicable. Distribution of form CFIA-ACIA 1454

This form consists of 3 parts. The distribution shall follow the instructions recorded along the bottom of each part.

Part 1: To accompany shipment to the billed destination. Intended for the officials of the importing country.

Part 2: To be forwarded, without delay, by the Inspector in Charge of the applicant's establishment to the Director, FAOD, Ottawa.

Part 3: File of the inspector of the applicant's establishment(s).

11.2.6 Remote containerization of meat products destined for export

Occasionally, a shipment may be prepared, stamped and transported to another registered establishment for containerization.

The applicant forwards a copy of the partially completed Application/Verification form to the inspector at the site of the containerization. (Part 1, Part 2 elements, 1, 2, 3)

It will be the responsibility of the applicant to advise the inspector responsible for the registered facility where the containerizing occurs of the planned time of loading, products to be exported and of the container number.

The inspector at the storage facility will verify the loading and contents of the container. Such verification will be relayed by completing the additional endorsement of Annex H and returning it to the applicant. The latter is responsible to forward the form to the signing veterinarian.


Countries importing Canadian meat products require cartons to have an export label affixed or to be stamped. In addition, each shipment must be accompanied by the required certificate.

In order to avoid any abuse or attempt at fraud, strict control must be exercised by the inspectors concerning the use and safekeeping of these items.

The purpose of the following is to provide guidance in exercising control and to ensure that Canada's credibility is maintained vis-à-vis foreign countries.

(1) Issuance of certificates

(a) Edible meat products


The only official forms supplied by the Department are forms CFIA 4546, 4566 and 1442 for the USA, CFIA 1482 and 4367 for Japan, CFIA 4278 for Korea, CFIA 4159 for China, 1480 for E.U., 4583 for Taiwan and form CFIA 1454 for shipments to all countries, except to the USA.

Certificates issued must be duly completed for each shipment and the copy for headquarters (CFIA 1454, Part 2 or CFIA 4546, Part 2) must be mailed weekly to:

Food of Animal Origin Division
Information Centre
Camelot Court, 59 Camelot Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0Y9

(ii) Additional certification:

Some countries (France, Great Britain, South Africa, and so on) require additional certification. This certification must be made on Branch's official letterhead paper. In all cases (except where otherwise specified) form CFIA 1454 must be completed, and the serial number of that document must appear on the additional required certification.

The additional certification should be prepared on a single sheet of paper (back to back in case of a two page certificate). If the certification requires more than one sheet, each sheet must bear an original stamp and the initials of the signing veterinarian.

(iii) Signature:

Only the original (Part 1) of CFIA 1454 must be individually signed and stamped.

Parts 2 and 3 must be stamped only.

Only one copy of the additional certification must bear the original signature and stamp. If more than on copy bear the original signature and stamp, then the word ''COPY'' must be stamped on each additional copy.

The official seal of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (see Annex N) must be applied above the signature.

Ink of a colour other than black must be used for the stamp and the signature.

It should be noted that only official veterinarians of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency are authorized to sign the above-mentioned documents.

(b) Inedible meat products

A certificate set out in Annex D shall be issued unless other certification is required by the importing country. It should be typed on CFIA letterhead. A copy must be forwarded to the Director of the FAOD (address as above).

(2) Application of export stickers (CFIA 4091 )

Export stickers (see annex M) shall only be used on products destined for export to Switzerland and Russia under certain circumstances.

Generally, the affixing of export stickers to cartons of meat products destined for storage before export is not permissible. An exception may be made, however, for well identified lots with known destination and for which export certificates have been duly completed pending imminent final loading.

The stickers shall be placed over the lid and bottom junction, or over an encircling strap of the carton. This procedure is intended to prevent any unauthorized tampering of the product.

The stickers guarantee that the shipment has received a final inspection before export and identifies the shipment to the certification.

NOTE: The European Union (EU) requires that all shipping containers be sealed with the health mark at the time of packaging. The application of the health mark will be allowed only on products that fully meet the applicable requirements (EU requirements or member state requirements if the product does not fall under the EU jurisdiction). Products bearing the health mark will not have to bear in addition an export sticker when exported to the EU (see section 11.7.3(5) EU).

(3) Application of export stamps

Except as mentioned in (2) above all shipping containers of meat products destined for export shall bear the export stamp. The export stamp guarantees that the shipment has received a final inspection before export and identifies the shipment to the certification.

The rubber die of the stamp produces an oval, within which appears the word "Canada" and the number of the establishment. Next to the oval are the abbreviations CERT. NO. CERT. (Certificate Number/Numéro Certificat), and a space for insertion of numbers, (see Annex L).

When shipments are assembled in an approved storage, the inspector in charge may have to obtain an export stamp from the Regional Office. He will have to assure himself that all the numbers and letters necessary for export stamping have been provided with the stamp.

The numbers to be inserted beneath the abbreviations must agree with those comprising the number of the certificate accompanying the shipment.

Therefore, before boxes are stamped, one must verify that the selected number corresponds with the certificate number.

Ordinary ink, preferably black, of the type used to print on paper, cardboard or similar materials, should be used in all cases.

Export stamp impressions must be complete, clear and legible, and be applied in a space reserved for that purpose.

In cases where a replacement certificate has to be issued and the number of the previous certificate has already been stamped on the boxes, the number of the previously issued certificate must appear on the replacement certificate. Moreover, the replacement certificate must bear the following mention that it replaces Certificate no. (repeat the number of the previous certificate):

"This certificate replaces and supersedes certificate No........... issued on ...............................". (date)

(4) Application of seals

Seals shall be affixed by or under the authority of an inspector as provided in section 115 of the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990.

(5) Control and custody of inspection certificates

(a) The inspector in charge of an exporting establishment must ensure that there is at least a three-months' supply of certificates in reserve. These certificates shall be safely stored in a locked cabinet.

(b) Orders for new certificates shall be made in the regular manner on form CFIA 262 and should not exceed one year's requirements. The order forms must be sent to the authorized person at each Regional. This person will ensure that the delivery address corresponds either to the Regional Office or to the address of the Inspector in charge at the registered establishment.

The serial numbers of the certificates and the date of receipt shall be recorded in a special log book by the inspector in charge (see annex P for log book to be kept for export certificates). In the case of certificate on which no serial numbers appear (ex: CFIA 4566), the applicable controls are verification upon reception of the total number of certificates ordered and the total certificates used in correlation with the corresponding CFIA forms. The I/C must send the packing slip (purchase order) to the Regional Office after verification that the certificates received match with the order.

The authorized person at the Regional Office shall also register the serial numbers of the official forms CFIA 4546 (for the USA), CFIA 4159 (for China) and CFIA 1454 (for all countries except USA) in the required log book (see annex P for examples of information to keep). These log books must indicate the packing slip (or purchase order) number, the date they were received, the serial numbers of the certificates and the name and number of the registered establishments for which the orders were placed.

These log books must be kept on file for a minimum of 2 years

(c) When a certificate is used, including those which have been voided, part 2 (CFIA 1454) or part 2 (CFIA 4546) or a photocopy (CFIA 4159) of the certificate shall be sent to the Director of the FAOD.

(d) All export certificates used, issued and voided, (part 3 of CFIA 1454 or part 3 of CFIA 4546, CFIA 4159) must be kept on file by numerical order together with all additional certification (annexe(s), laboratory reports, etc.) required by the importing country. The certificates must be kept on file for a minimum period of two years.

(6) Export stickers

(i) General Information

A. Control of Export Stickers

Strict control shall be exercised over export stickers. A record should be kept of serial numbers of stickers in stock (see annex P). Every time stickers are used, the serial numbers shall be recorded with a reference to the serial number of the corresponding export certificate. As with certificates, stickers should be kept under lock and key. Export stickers shall be affixed under the control of an inspector (see annex Q).

B. Specifications for export stickers

Export stickers are an official form (CFIA 4091). Forms Management is responsible to provide each regional office with the applicable specifications for the form. The inspection legend appearing on the export stickers must conform with the dimensions specified in Annex M of the introduction of this Chapter. Each export sticker must bear a serial number. Inspectors in charge will ensure that the serial numbers do not repeat. The serial number together with the establishment registration number, that is part of the inspection legend, make exports stickers unique. Self-adhesive export stickers must be tamper evident. It is the responsibility of the operator of the establishment ordering self adhesive export stickers to provide specifications for the paper and for the glue to be used to produce the export stickers. The inspector in charge of the registered establishment will be responsible for specifying which serial numbers are to be used on the export stickers ordered. The inspector in charge will also be responsible for implementing the controls referred to above.

(ii) Ordering export stickers

A. Part I of the order form provided in Annex O is to be completed by the operator and presented to the inspector in charge.

B. The inspector in charge will review the information and determine if it is complete. The inspector in charge will fill out the section reserved for his use by clearly indicating the serial numbers that must be used on stickers to be printed and will authorize the printing of the stickers by signing the order form. A copy of the form will be kept by the inspector in his files and the original will be sent to the regional office along with a purchase order.

C. An authorized person at the regional office will forward the request and the purchase order to an approved printer (Part III of the Order Form). The printer will have to make commitments to the effect that he will print form CFIA 4091 only when orders are received from the regional office. The printer will also be accountable for sending the stickers only as directed by the authorized person from the regional office.

D. The export stickers will be sent by the printer to the appropriate regional office or at the discretion of the Regional Director General directly to the inspector in charge.

E. The inspector in charge shall verify that the export stickers received match with the order, notify Plant Management that the stickers are now available and amend the inventory accordingly. The I/C must then send the packing slip (purchase order) to the Regional Office

The authorized person at the Regional Office shall register the serial numbers of the export stickers CFIA 4091 in the required log book (see annex P for examples of information to keep). These log books must indicate the number of the purchase order , the date they were received, the serial numbers of the stickers and the name and number of the registered establishments for which the orders were placed. These log books must be kept on file for a minimum of 2 years.

NOTE: All export stickers are to be paid for by the operator according to the printer's instruction.

The stickers, if ordered through the Area Office, must be subjected to the same controls. The EU Health mark is subject to the same controls as the stickers.

(7) Control of export stamps

Like any other official stamp, the export stamp shall remain under the control of the inspector in charge. At the discretion of an inspector, the stamps are to be applied either by himself or by a plant employee, under the supervision of the inspector.

(8) Control of seals

The recommendations made under control of stickers apply (See annex P and Q for log book to be kept for seals).

The seal, if ordered through the Area Office, must be subjected to the same controls.

(9) Orders of export stamps and certificates

Orders for certificates should be forwarded to the Regional office. In the case of export stamps, follow the procedure indicated in section 4.1.6(1)(e) of Chapter 4.

(10) Conclusion

Regardless of the control measures adopted, the inspector in charge must bear in mind that certificates, stickers, seals, and stamps are official items for which the inspector is responsible.


Some countries may have specific requirements. Please verify under the name of the importing country (see 11.7).

For more information on Halal slaughter and certification, please consult the Agriculture and Agri Food Canada website:

There are several organizations that offer Halal certification. Canadian companies interested in obtaining Halal certification should contact one of the certification bodies and make sure it is acceptable to the importing country.


Legal basis

Meat Inspection Regulations
"122.2 No person shall return or have returned to Canada a meat product that was exported from Canada unless the meat product is

(a) authorized for return by an inspector;

(b) delivered to a registered establishment that has the required facilities for a reinspection; and

(c) reinspected by an inspector."

(1) It happens that meat products exported from Canada are returned by the importer, or by the veterinary authorities of the importing country, or even recalled by the exporting firm itself.

The most frequent reasons for return are:

  • change in market conditions;
  • specifications of the client not met;
  • importing country requirements not met.

It is important to note that this section applies to shipments legally exported i.e. that left the country once a duly issued export certificate was obtained as prescribed under subsection 7 c) of the Meat Inspection Act. Applications for returning shipments not exported as prescribed by the Act will be rejected automatically and shipments will be denied entry into Canada. In addition, if received by the CFIA, such applications should be forwarded to Enforcement and Investigation Services for appropriate follow-up with respect to their export from Canada.

The reasons for return will be evaluated by CFIA inspectors and the operator of the producing establishment so that appropriate action could be taken to prevent reoccurrence. The Director of the Food of Animal Origin Division (FAOD) and the appropriate Area Program Network Director (APND) must be provided with the results of the evaluation and appropriate action taken in each case. The purpose of this policy is to improve the effectiveness of our inspection and certification procedures.

The Area Program Network Director is responsible for coordinating the required activities related to the return of meat products. This includes but is not limited to: distribution of the documents to the inspector in charge of the producing establishment when the product is not returned to the producing establishment, tracking/verification of returns to ensure that the applicable procedures are followed, requesting appropriate corrective action when procedures are not followed, reviewing applications received as per applicable procedures, ensuring appropriate follow-up for returned shipments (product inspected as required, investigation is conducted and appropriate corrective measures are taken at the producing establishment, applicable documents completed/assembled and sent to the Director of the FAOD).

(2) Course to be followed to return a shipment

(a) Products returned from the U.S.A.

See 11.7.3 (7) U.S.A.

(b) Products returned from countries other than the U.S.A.

No meat product shall be returned to Canada from a country other than the U.S.A. unless authorized by the Directors of the FAOD and of the Animal Health and Production Division (AHPD).

Consideration to authorize a return will be given only to meat products in their original sealed, clean and undamaged containers bearing the meat inspection legend.

Before returning the meat products, the Applicant must submit completed Annexes B, B-1 (section A) and B2 to the Director of the FAOD through the APND of the Area where the product is intended to be presented for inspection by the CFIA. The decision on the application will be sent to the applicant through the APND office. The APND will forward a copy of the authorization form to the ISC of the port of landing for processing. The applicant is responsible for forwarding a copy of the authorization form to the Customs Broker. The details concerning the application procedures and the distribution of the documentation are outlined in Annex B-3.

(i) Course to be followed at the Import Service Center (ISC) where the product will arrive in Canada.

When the ISC is notified by a Custom’s broker that a returned product of Canadian origin arrived, a check must be made that an authorization for its return to Canada has been given (Annex B-1, B-2 from the applicable Area Office). The request is to be processed as per operating procedures (see Annex J-2 - USA).

(ii) Course to be followed at the port of landing

The shipment is to be detained, as deemed necessary based on instructions received from the APND, and/or directed to the registered establishment indicated on the authorization form (Annex B1).

(iii) Course to be followed at the inspection establishment

The inspector shall make sure that the shipment corresponds with the description on the accompanying certificate of inspection and relevant authorization documents. The original certificate CFIA 1454 should be available. When not available the APND should be contacted for instructions.

Only meat products in their original sealed, clean and undamaged containers bearing the meat inspection legend are considered acceptable.

An inspection of the shipment shall be carried out and when concluded form CFIA 2367 as shown in Annex K of introduction, is to be completed and sent to the APND. The shipment shall be kept under detention until inspection is completed regardless of the reason for the return. The degree of inspection is left to the judgement of the inspector and will depend on the reasons for the return (see 4.9.4.).

The APND will review the documentation, ensure that it contains all the pertinent documents (CFIA 1454, CFIA 2367, Annexes B, B1 and B2, the letter from the operator of the producing establishment indicating corrective action taken and a detailed inspection report (CFIA 2479), as applicable) and will ensure that all necessary measures have been taken and will forward it to the Director of the FAOD, as soon as possible.

(3) Form CFIA 2367 (Annex K)

This form, "Exported Shipments of Canadian Meat Products Returned by the Importing Country," must be fully completed when an export shipment is returned to Canada, regardless of the reason for the return.

If the inspection is conducted in a registered establishment other than the establishment of origin, a copy of the report of inspection should be forwarded to the inspector in charge of the establishment of origin through the area office where the inspection took place if applicable. The latter will allow the inspector in charge and the operator of the producing establishment to take appropriate action.

The collection of information from the completed forms will permit CFIA to compare our findings with that of the foreign country.

For the above consideration, it is important that this report be fully completed.

(4) Other considerations

(a) The inspection shall be carried out as soon as possible.

(b) Meat products returned because of failure to meet the requirements of the importing country or found with defects when inspected in Canada shall not be re-exported unless the product has been reconditioned and subsequently packaged and labelled to the satisfaction of an inspector. Products returned as a result of failure to a laboratory analysis for biological or chemical residue violation should not be re-exported unless specifically authorized by the importing country.

(c) It is important that the above described procedures be followed as closely as possible and that all documents are completed and forwarded with as little delay as possible.

(d) Inspection procedures, see 4.9 and 10.4.

(e) Composition and labelling must be taken into account by the inspector when deciding on wether corrective action is required prior to final disposition.


11.6.1 High quality beef

Under access arrangements negotiated in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), imports of "high quality" Canadian beef are permitted by the United States of America, Switzerland, Japan, Republic of Korea, Taiwan and the EU member States.

The EU (European Union) includes the following countries:

  • Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark (except for the Faeroe Islands and Greenland), Eire (Republic of Ireland), Estonia, Finland, France (including the overseas departments of Guadeloupe, French Guyana, Martinique and Réunion and the Principality of Monaco but excluding the overseas territories), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy (excluding the Vatican or the Republic of San Marino), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal (including Azores and Madeira), Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (including Canary Islands and the Balearic Isles but excluding Ceuta and Melilla), Sweden and the United Kingdom (including the Channel Islands and Isle of Man).

(1) Definitions

There are two definitions to describe "high quality beef".

(a) High quality beef having the following characteristics:

Carcasses or any cuts from cattle not over 30 months of age which have been fed for 100 days or more on a nutritionally balanced, high energy feed concentration containing no less than 70 per cent grain, and at least 20 pounds total feed per day.

It is understood that Canadian beef Grades AA, AAA and Prime (58% to 49% meat yield) automatically meet the definition above. The Canada Choice grade employed as an alternative grade description for Canada AAA graded beef would also satisfy this definition.

(b) Beef quarters, wholesale cuts, boneless primal and subprimal cuts or portioned steaks from carcasses possessing the following characteristics:

(i) Minimum external white fat covering over the ribeye muscle at the 12th rib of 0.4 inch to 0.9 inch.
(ii) Carcass weight of 273 to 386 kg.
(iii) Minimum ribeye area at 12th rib 9 square inches.
(iv) Maximum Age - 30 months. Carcass must have no visible ossification of cartilage buttons over tips of spinous processes associated with the 1st through 11th thoracic vertebrae.
(v) Minimum intermuscular fat intermingled in lean in longissimus (ribeye) muscle at the 12th rib: equivalent to modest fat content of lean beef, 6% minimum fat determined on a wet tissue basis.

N.B. This will not apply to other muscles of a carcass.

(vi) Colour: Lean meat must be a bright, cherry red colour at time of cutting of carcass.
(vii) Fresh chilled carcasses or cuts must be at a temperature (internal of ribeye muscle) of less than 4 C when packed for shipment

(2) Certification

(a) In the case of EU, the Canadian high quality beef must be covered by a "Certificate of Authenticity issued by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (Annex C).

This certificate is in addition to the Certificate of Inspection, form CFIA 1454 and other certification required by the importing country.

The Official Certificate stamp must be applied at the bottom of the certificate of authenticity above the signature of the issuing officers.

Original and copies must be individually signed and stamped.

It is a condition of sale of high quality (non-manufacturing) beef to the E.U., Japan and the United States that the shipment be certified by a grader as having met the quality criteria of the importing country.

The operator of the exporting establishment in Canada accepts the responsibility of establishing, with input from the Area Office as required, procedures which will allow the Canadian Beef Grading Agency grading staff to certify that the product shipped meets the standards required by the export contract.

In light of the presence of the inspection legend and of the specification for high quality beef, the Certificate of Authenticity shall be signed by an Official Veterinarian and by a Grader of the Canadian Beef Grading Agency. The official veterinarian should be the last one to sign the certificate.

In view of the fact that this certificate will be accompanied by the Certificate of Inspection, Form CFIA 1454, the certificate number shall be the number of the Certificate of Inspection.

An original and at least one copy of the Certificate of Authenticity corresponding to the model in Annex B shall be issued. They shall be printed and completed in one of the official languages of the EU, i.e. English, French, German or Italian. Handwritten documents must be printed in block capitals. The original certificate and the copy(ies) shall be presented to the customs authority of the importing State.

For your information, please, note that the Certificate of Authenticity is valid for three months from the date of issue. However, the certificate may not be presented after 31 December of its year of issue.

N.B. In the case of bison meat, EU recognizes Grades A1, A2 and A3 as high quality bovine meat. The certificate of authenticity can therefore be issued with the following statement added to the back: "Bison meat graded A1, A2 and A3 under the standards of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency meets the definition above".

(b) In the case of Switzerland, the EU definition of high quality beef applies. Switzerland, although not an EU country, insists on the same Certificate of Authenticity as EU countries, in addition to the usual certification.

(c) In the case of Japan, in addition to Form CFIA 1454 the certificate shown in Annex A, in the section on Japan (11.7.3), is to be used. Definition No. 1 (b) meets the Japanese requirements for High Quality Beef.

(d) In the case of the Republic of Korea, in addition to Form CFIA 1454, the certificate shown in Annex A, in the section on the Republic of Korea (11.7.3), is to be used. At present, the Republic of Korea recognizes Canada AAA, Canada AA and Canada A Grades of either Canada 1 or Canada 2 yield as meeting their specification for High Quality Beef. The newly introduced Canada Prime grade in 1997 which differs from the Canada AAA beef grade only in the higher required marbling level of at least "slightly abundant" or more would also satisfy the High Quality Beef specifications. Equally the Canada Choice export labelling grade which is employed as an alternate grade description for Canada AAA grade beef would also satisfy this definition.

(e) In the case of the United States of America the following certification in the English language should be shown on the accompanying Inspection Certificate for Fresh Meat and Meat by Products (Form CFIA 1450):

"I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the herein described fresh, chilled or frozen beef, meets the specifications prescribed in regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (7 CFR 2853.106 (a) and (b)".

Meat graded Canada AA and AAA under the standards of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency automatically meets the U.S. specifications. As of August 18, 1997 the Canada Prime and Canada Choice grades of beef would also meet the U.S. specifications.

(f) In the case of Taiwan, in addition to Form CFIA 1454, the certificate shown in Annex A in the section on Taiwan (11.7.3), is to be used. At present, Taiwan recognizes Canada AAA Grades as meeting their specification for High Quality Beef. The Canada Prime and the Canada Choice export grade would also satisfy the High Quality Beef specifications of Taiwan as they are higher or at least equivalent to Canada AAA.

11.6.2 Organs and glands for pharmaceutical purposes

Unless specific requirements are listed for a particular country in 11.7.3, regarding the export of organs and glands for pharmaceutical purposes, the following applies.

Organs and glands derived from food animals which have passed inspection may be exported provided the following conditions are met:

(i) the product has been prepared under hygienic conditions;

(ii) the product has been packed in containers meeting the importing country's labelling requirements. The words "for pharmaceutical purposes" should be shown on the containers;

(iii) it should be noted that export stamps or stickers shall not be applied unless specifically required by the importing country;

(iv) Form CFIA 1454 accompanies the shipment and has the words "for pharmaceutical purposes" typed on it.

11.6.3 Meat products derived from ruminants - restrictions related to BSE General information

Several countries have imposed restrictions on the importation of Canadian meat products derived from ruminants following the report of BSE in Canada.

Available information on restrictions imposed is summarized in Annex R of this section. It is important to note that this information relative to BSE is in addition to the information already available in the section specific to each country which continues to apply (e.g., the EU already has specific requirements relative to BSE).

The information provided in this section represents the best effort to inform interested parties on the current situation. In order to do so annex R includes also foreign markets that have not imposed a ban on the import of Canadian products but that have either restrictions or certification requirements regarding BSE when available. Changes to the information provided could be made by importing countries without prior notice or restrictions unknown to the CFIA may apply. Under the circumstances, it is important to reiterate that exporters are responsible to ensure that the products destined for export meet the applicable requirements of the countries of destination. Specific BSE requirements

Available information on BSE related requirements established by authorities of importing countries is included in the section specific to the country or was distributed to Area Offices.

Beef tongues: When import requirements refer to removal of tonsils, without specifying palatine tonsils, the tongues must be harvested making a cut caudal to (just behind) the vallate papillae (see annex R-1 for details).

Marking requirements: To facilitate the work of all parties involved, an identification mark has been agreed upon to identify products derived from animals aged 30 months or older. The identification mark (see Annex R-2) should appear on the products in the case of unpackaged products or on the main panel of the shipping container in the case of packaged products. The size of the mark should be of at least 5 cm (sides in the case of the triangle and height in the case of the numeral), Operators of establishments where bovine meat products are manufactured are responsible for developing marking procedures, using one of the agreed upon identification marks, to the satisfaction of the CFIA to ensure that all products derived from animals aged 30 months and older are identified as required.

As a control measure at a receiving establishment, written confirmation from the operator of the supplying establishment endorsed by the CFIA inspector to the effect that the marking is conducted in a satisfactory manner should be retained on file and made available on request.

Meat products prepackaged for retail sale on the Canadian market and prepared meat products for sale in Canada do not need to bear the markings described above.

11.6.4 Poultry meat products - restrictions related to avian influenza

Several countries have imposed restrictions on the importation of Canadian poultry meat products following the report of avian influenza in Canada in 2004.

Available information on restrictions imposed is summarized in Annex R-3 of this section. It is important to note that this information is in addition to the information already available in the section specific to each country which continues to apply.

The information provided in this section represents the best effort to inform interested parties on the current situation. Changes to the information provided could be made by importing countries without prior notice or restrictions unknown to the CFIA may apply. Under the circumstances, it is important to reiterate that exporters are responsible to ensure that the products destined for export meet the applicable requirements of the countries of destination.

11.6.5 Annexes

Annex A Certification in relation to Radioactivity
Annex B Application to return Canadian products, authorization, official declaration for exported meat products returned to Canada and flow chart
Annex C Certificate of authenticity - beef and veal
Annex D Official certificate covering inedible fresh meat products destined for animal food
Annex E Certificate of inspection covering meat products - CFIA 1454
Annex E-1               Continuation Sheet to Certificate of inspection covering meat products - CFIA 1454 Sup
Annex E-2 Letter template for change of consignee
Annex F Province Code
Annex G Country of Destination Codes
Annex H Export Application/Verification Form
Annex I Application for Establishment Approval
Annex J Transfer Certificate for Meat Products
Annex K CFIA 2367 - Exported products returned to Canada
Annex L Official stamp for shipping containers
Annex M Official export sticker
Annex N Stamp to be applied on export certificates
Annex O Export Stickers Order Form
Annex P Inventory Form
Annex Q Log Book
Annex R Summary of restrictions imposed by importing countries relative to BSE
Annex R-1 Bovine Tongue and Tonsils
Annex R-2 Identification Mark: Carcass of Cattle Aged 30 Months or Older
Annex R-3 Summary of restrictions imposed on poultry meat by importing countries relative to Avian influenza


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