Communication Reserve


Medical and Dental Care

Medical Care

Emergency on-duty care and required medicals are provided for Reservists employed on a part-time basis or on full-time service of 180 days or less; other medical care is covered under the provincial medical plan. Comprehensive medical care is provided for personnel employed on full-time service of more than 180 days.

Public Service Health Care Plan: Reservists are eligible to join the Public Service Health Care Plan. The plan provides supplementary health benefits (e.g. drug benefits, glasses, some medical practitioner services, and hospital expenses) for eligible dependants of Canadian Forces members and part-time Reservists.

Reserve Dental Care Plan

Reservists serving on a part-time basis or on full-time service of 180 days or less are entitled to restricted military dental care i.e. a member who suffers any injury to the teeth attributable to the performance of duty is entitled to the treatment necessary to restore a state of dental fitness comparable to that which existed prior to the injury, if such injury is not attributable to the member’s own misconduct or imprudence. Reservists on full-time service in excess of 180 days are entitled to comprehensive dental care at Canadian Forces dental units.

Reimbursement of Non-military Dental Services: Following three months of service, members of the Primary Reserve are eligible for benefits under the Reserve Dental Care Plan. Under this plan, a member serving on a part-time basis or on full-time service of 180 days or less is entitled to claim for reimbursement of eligible dental services for him/herself only. Members on full-time service in excess of 180 days may claim for the dental services of his/her eligible dependants. Most services are reimbursed by the plan at 90%. Orthodontics and major restorative and prosthodontic services are reimbursed at 50%. There is a reimbursement limit of $1,250 per calendar year per covered person. Orthodontic services are subject to a separate lifetime limit of $2,500 per person. An annual deductible amount of $25 per covered person to a maximum of $50 for a family is applied.