Communication Reserve


Personnel Support

The Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency (CFPSA) is made up of several components: Personnel Support Programs (PSP), CANEX (Canadian Forces Exchange) and SISIP (Service Income Security Insurance Plan). PSP is responsible for a variety of programs designed to support the military community, including sports and fitness programs, family support programs, and programs to assist deployed forces. CANEX provides consumer shopping facilities on each base/wing/unit and SISIP offers life insurance and financial services to personnel.

The Canadian Forces recognizes the contributions and sacrifices made by families and the difficulties that our members face in balancing commitment to country with family life. Furthermore, dramatic changes in the structure, composition and function of Canadian families are acknowledged. The Canadian Forces is committed to developing and implementing policy and program initiatives that will enable members and their families to effectively respond to the stresses associated with military life and better balance the often-conflicting demands of work and family.


Special rates for home insurance are available for all members of the Canadian Forces through The Personal Home Insurance. Participation in life insurance options through the Service Income Security Insurance Plan is voluntary and subject to evidence of insurability. The death benefit payable, whether on duty or not at the time of death, ranges from $10,000 to $400,000, depending on the amount of coverage purchased.

Short Term Disability

Reservists who are incapable of performing duty due to an injury, disease, or illness attributable to the performance of Reserve service are entitled to compensation (pay and allowances) for disability based on the rate of pay at the time of the injury. Compensation for disability is payable until a competent medical authority has determined that the member is fit and able to resume or obtain civilian employment or resume attendance at an educational institution if a full-time student, or the member is released.

Long Term Disability (LTD)

All reservists receive blanket LTD coverage when they are on duty and authorized and entitled to pay. Premiums for basic coverage are fully funded by TB. Coverage for Reservists on part-time service or full-time service of 180 days or less is based on deemed monthly salary of $2000/month, with additional optional coverage available. Coverage for full-time service over 180 days is based on monthly rate of pay.

Death Gratuity

A non-contributory death gratuity is provided to the spouse or estate of a Reservist who dies while on service, and is an amount equal to twenty months of Regular Force pay at the applicable rank at the basic level. The first $10,000 is tax exempt. A Supplementary Death Benefit equal to that of the Regular Force is provided instead for Reservists in certain circumstances, e.g. on deployment.

Canada Pension Plan / Quebec Pension Plan

The survivors' benefits are payable based on CPP or QPP contributions made from all sources of employment. For most Reservists, this means that benefits will be paid based upon their civilian employment.

Pension Act

The application of the Pension Act is identical for Reservists and Regular Force members. Benefits are payable if death arose out of or was directly connected with the member's military service.

Funeral Expenses

Members of the Reserve Force who die in service or who die as a result of injury, disease, or illness due to the performance of duty, are entitled to the same reimbursement of funeral expenses as are Regular Force members.