Communication Reserve



All members of the Canadian Forces Reserves are paid based on their rank, on a fixed daily rate of pay. This means that for a full day of work, defined as six hours or more, you receive a full day's pay. If you work less than six hours in a day, you receive half that amount.

As a non-commissioned recruit, you will start out at $77.90 per day plus 9% holiday pay; working full-time over the summer, you would earn approximately $2,500 per month, plus approx. $15.00 per day to cover incidental expenses. For each year of service, your pay will be increased. It takes a minimum of two years to reach the rank of Corporal, which has a basic pay rate of $113.70 per day.

As a new officer recruit under the most common entry plan, you will receive $79.04 per day plus 9% holiday pay. Upon completion of basic and occupation training, you will be promoted to Lieutenant and will receive $103.78 per day. It takes three years to reach the rank of Captain, which has a basic pay rate of $129.70 per day.

During the period of September to June, a member of the Communication Reserve is normally working one half day a week (evenings) one weekend a month. Each unit have a different schedule of activities and the number of days evenings and weekends may vary. Additional employment may also be available during the holiday seasons (December-January) and during the student March break.

Full time employment is also available for selected members. This includes courses, employment as an instructor at different military schools and employment with Regular Force units. Full time employment is paid based on the total number of calendar days of the employment. For example, attending a course from 1 to 31 July would be 31 full days of pay.

Pay Raises

Annual Pay raises, called Incentive Pay Category, are automatic and are given on the anniversary of your enrolment date or your last promotion. For most ranks in the Canadian Forces there are four such annual pay raises available.