Canadian Forces Leadership Institute

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Education and
 Career Transition


Leadership and
 the Profession of

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 ChechMark Profession of
    Arms in Canada

 ChechMark Leadership in the CF
 ChechMark Bolivian Initiativves
 ChechMark Leadership on Film

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 Education Needs

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 to COs

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Research Papers
Major Actviites
A Guide to Reading Professionalism and Leadership
Leadership on Film
Bolivian Initiative
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CDA General Information
CDA Formation

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The Canadian Forces Leadership Institute (CFLI) was established in September 2001 as the Centre of Excellence for leadership research and concept development in the CF. The purpose of the CFLI is to disseminate core concepts of leadership and the Profession of Arms to the CF. Its rationale is to stimulate and promote an intellectual base for best practices identification, professional development, articulation of core leadership and professional concepts, and to provide a focus and unity of thought in these domains. The CFLI is charged with conducting lessons learned, identifying emerging concepts and updating the professional body of knowledge through preparation of the Capstone CF Leadership and Profession of Arms Manuals and, equally, serving as a conduit to academic centres and other government agencies. The aim of CFLI is to strengthen the foundations of CF leadership and professionalism, capitalize on the wealth of experience in our Officers and NCMs and articulate enduring military principles by conducting research, review, analysis, development, synthesis and evaluation of leadership and professionalism. Effective 1 April 2002, the Director CFLI reports to the Commander, Canadian Defence Academy.

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